

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:23



The file InteractsWithConsole.php is a trait that provides methods for interacting with the console in the Laravel framework's testing package. It allows for mocking the console output, defining expected output and question prompts, and running artisan commands.



This method is used to call an artisan command and return the command's output. If console output mocking is disabled, it will call the command using the Laravel application's kernel. If mocking is enabled, it will return a PendingCommand object.


This method is used to disable mocking of the console output. It sets the $mockConsoleOutput property to false and removes the OutputStyle binding from the Laravel application.


namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns;

use Illuminate\Console\OutputStyle;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Console\Kernel;
use Illuminate\Testing\PendingCommand;

trait InteractsWithConsole
     * Indicates if the console output should be mocked.
     * @var bool
    public $mockConsoleOutput = true;

     * All of the expected output lines.
     * @var array
    public $expectedOutput = [];

     * All of the expected text to be present in the output.
     * @var array
    public $expectedOutputSubstrings = [];

     * All of the output lines that aren't expected to be displayed.
     * @var array
    public $unexpectedOutput = [];

     * All of the text that is not expected to be present in the output.
     * @var array
    public $unexpectedOutputSubstrings = [];

     * All of the expected output tables.
     * @var array
    public $expectedTables = [];

     * All of the expected questions.
     * @var array
    public $expectedQuestions = [];

     * All of the expected choice questions.
     * @var array
    public $expectedChoices = [];

     * Call artisan command and return code.
     * @param  string  $command
     * @param  array  $parameters
     * @return \Illuminate\Testing\PendingCommand|int
    public function artisan($command, $parameters = [])
        if (! $this->mockConsoleOutput) {
            return $this->app[Kernel::class]->call($command, $parameters);

        return new PendingCommand($this, $this->app, $command, $parameters);

     * Disable mocking the console output.
     * @return $this
    protected function withoutMockingConsoleOutput()
        $this->mockConsoleOutput = false;


        return $this;