

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:23



The TimeoutExceededException.php file contains the TimeoutExceededException class, which extends the MaxAttemptsExceededException class. It provides a static method forJob that creates a new instance of the exception for a specific job.



The TimeoutExceededException class extends the MaxAttemptsExceededException class and represents an exception that is thrown when a job execution exceeds its timeout. It provides a static method forJob that creates a new instance of the exception for a specific job.

The class has the following method:

  • forJob($job) - This method creates a new instance of the TimeoutExceededException for a given job. It resolves the name of the job and sets it as part of the exception message. It also sets the job instance to the exception instance. The method returns the created exception instance.

namespace Illuminate\Queue;

class TimeoutExceededException extends MaxAttemptsExceededException
     * Create a new instance for the job.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Job  $job
     * @return static
    public static function forJob($job)
        return tap(new static($job->resolveName().' has timed out.'), function ($e) use ($job) {
            $e->job = $job;