

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:20



This file is a trait called UsePusherChannelConventions, located in the Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters namespace. It provides two methods: isGuardedChannel and normalizeChannelName.



This method takes a channel name as a parameter and returns true if the channel is protected by authentication. It checks if the channel name starts with either "private-" or "presence-" using the Str::startsWith method from the Illuminate\Support\Str class.


This method takes a channel name as a parameter and removes a specific prefix from the channel name. It iterates through an array of prefixes (['private-encrypted-', 'private-', 'presence-']) and uses the Str::startsWith and Str::replaceFirst methods from the Illuminate\Support\Str class to remove the matching prefix from the channel name. The modified channel name is then returned.


namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters;

use Illuminate\Support\Str;

trait UsePusherChannelConventions
     * Return true if the channel is protected by authentication.
     * @param  string  $channel
     * @return bool
    public function isGuardedChannel($channel)
        return Str::startsWith($channel, ['private-', 'presence-']);

     * Remove prefix from channel name.
     * @param  string  $channel
     * @return string
    public function normalizeChannelName($channel)
        foreach (['private-encrypted-', 'private-', 'presence-'] as $prefix) {
            if (Str::startsWith($channel, $prefix)) {
                return Str::replaceFirst($prefix, '', $channel);

        return $channel;