

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:25



The SortedMiddleware class extends the Collection class and provides a way to sort middlewares based on a given priority map.


__construct(array $priorityMap, $middlewares)

Creates a new SortedMiddleware object.

  • Parameters:
    • array $priorityMap: an array containing the priority map for the middlewares.
    • $middlewares: the middlewares to be sorted. It can be an instance of Collection or an array.
  • Returns: void

sortMiddleware(array $priorityMap, array $middlewares)

Sorts the middlewares by the given priority map.

  • Parameters:
    • array $priorityMap: an array containing the priority map for the middlewares.
    • array $middlewares: the middlewares to be sorted.
  • Returns: array

priorityMapIndex(array $priorityMap, string $middleware)

Calculates the priority map index of the middleware.

  • Parameters:
    • array $priorityMap: an array containing the priority map for the middlewares.
    • string $middleware: the middleware to calculate the priority map index for.
  • Returns: int|null

middlewareNames(string $middleware)

Resolves the middleware names to look for in the priority array.

  • Parameters:
    • string $middleware: the middleware from which to resolve the names.
  • Returns: Generator

moveMiddleware(array $middlewares, int $from, int $to)

Splices a middleware into a new position and removes the old entry.

  • Parameters:
    • array $middlewares: the middlewares.
    • int $from: the index of the middleware to move.
    • int $to: the index to move the middleware to.
  • Returns: array



The SortedMiddleware class extends the Collection class and provides a way to sort middlewares based on a given priority map.


namespace Illuminate\Routing;

use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

class SortedMiddleware extends Collection
     * Create a new Sorted Middleware container.
     * @param  array  $priorityMap
     * @param  \Illuminate\Support\Collection|array  $middlewares
     * @return void
    public function __construct(array $priorityMap, $middlewares)
        if ($middlewares instanceof Collection) {
            $middlewares = $middlewares->all();

        $this->items = $this->sortMiddleware($priorityMap, $middlewares);

     * Sort the middlewares by the given priority map.
     * Each call to this method makes one discrete middleware movement if necessary.
     * @param  array  $priorityMap
     * @param  array  $middlewares
     * @return array
    protected function sortMiddleware($priorityMap, $middlewares)
        $lastIndex = 0;

        foreach ($middlewares as $index => $middleware) {
            if (! is_string($middleware)) {

            $priorityIndex = $this->priorityMapIndex($priorityMap, $middleware);

            if (! is_null($priorityIndex)) {
                // This middleware is in the priority map. If we have encountered another middleware
                // that was also in the priority map and was at a lower priority than the current
                // middleware, we will move this middleware to be above the previous encounter.
                if (isset($lastPriorityIndex) && $priorityIndex < $lastPriorityIndex) {
                    return $this->sortMiddleware(
                        $priorityMap, array_values($this->moveMiddleware($middlewares, $index, $lastIndex))

                // This middleware is in the priority map; but, this is the first middleware we have
                // encountered from the map thus far. We'll save its current index plus its index
                // from the priority map so we can compare against them on the next iterations.
                $lastIndex = $index;

                $lastPriorityIndex = $priorityIndex;

        return Router::uniqueMiddleware($middlewares);

     * Calculate the priority map index of the middleware.
     * @param  array  $priorityMap
     * @param  string  $middleware
     * @return int|null
    protected function priorityMapIndex($priorityMap, $middleware)
        foreach ($this->middlewareNames($middleware) as $name) {
            $priorityIndex = array_search($name, $priorityMap);

            if ($priorityIndex !== false) {
                return $priorityIndex;

     * Resolve the middleware names to look for in the priority array.
     * @param  string  $middleware
     * @return \Generator
    protected function middlewareNames($middleware)
        $stripped = head(explode(':', $middleware));

        yield $stripped;

        $interfaces = @class_implements($stripped);

        if ($interfaces !== false) {
            foreach ($interfaces as $interface) {
                yield $interface;

        $parents = @class_parents($stripped);

        if ($parents !== false) {
            foreach ($parents as $parent) {
                yield $parent;

     * Splice a middleware into a new position and remove the old entry.
     * @param  array  $middlewares
     * @param  int  $from
     * @param  int  $to
     * @return array
    protected function moveMiddleware($middlewares, $from, $to)
        array_splice($middlewares, $to, 0, $middlewares[$from]);

        unset($middlewares[$from + 1]);

        return $middlewares;