

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:20



This file, EnsureNoPunctuation.php, is a part of the Demo Projects project. It contains a class named EnsureNoPunctuation in the Illuminate\Console\View\Components\Mutators namespace. The class has a single method called __invoke(), which ensures the given string does not end with punctuation.



This method takes a string as input and ensures that it does not end with punctuation. If the string ends with any of the punctuation marks ".", "?", "!", or ":", it removes the last character and returns the modified string. Otherwise, it returns the original string.


Class EnsureNoPunctuation

This class is responsible for ensuring that a given string does not end with punctuation. It contains a single method called __invoke(), which performs the necessary checks and modifications on the string.


namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components\Mutators;

class EnsureNoPunctuation
     * Ensures the given string does not end with punctuation.
     * @param  string  $string
     * @return string
    public function __invoke($string)
        if (str($string)->endsWith(['.', '?', '!', ':'])) {
            return substr_replace($string, '', -1);

        return $string;