

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:21



This file is a trait named ConfirmableTrait, located at Illuminate\Console\ConfirmableTrait.php. It provides methods for confirming an action before proceeding.



This method asks for confirmation before proceeding with an action. It takes two optional parameters:

  • $warning: A warning message displayed before asking for confirmation. The default value is "Application In Production".
  • $callback: A closure or boolean value to determine whether confirmation is required. If not provided, a default callback is used to check if the Laravel environment is set to "production". Returns a boolean value indicating whether the action should proceed.


This method returns the default confirmation callback. The callback is a closure that checks if the Laravel environment is set to "production".


namespace Illuminate\Console;

use function Laravel\Prompts\confirm;

trait ConfirmableTrait
     * Confirm before proceeding with the action.
     * This method only asks for confirmation in production.
     * @param  string  $warning
     * @param  \Closure|bool|null  $callback
     * @return bool
    public function confirmToProceed($warning = 'Application In Production', $callback = null)
        $callback = is_null($callback) ? $this->getDefaultConfirmCallback() : $callback;

        $shouldConfirm = value($callback);

        if ($shouldConfirm) {
            if ($this->hasOption('force') && $this->option('force')) {
                return true;


            $confirmed = confirm('Are you sure you want to run this command?', default: false);

            if (! $confirmed) {
                $this->components->warn('Command cancelled.');

                return false;

        return true;

     * Get the default confirmation callback.
     * @return \Closure
    protected function getDefaultConfirmCallback()
        return function () {
            return $this->getLaravel()->environment() === 'production';