

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:21



The LazyCollection.php file is a part of the Illuminate\Support namespace in the Laravel framework. It contains the implementation of the LazyCollection class, which is an implementation of the Enumerable interface. This class provides lazy evaluation capabilities to collections in Laravel.



Creates a new instance of the LazyCollection class with the given items.


Creates a new collection instance with a range of values from $from to $to.


Get all items in the collection as an array.


Eager load all items into a new lazy collection backed by an array.


Cache values as they're enumerated.


Get the average value of a given key.


Get the median of a given key.


Get the mode of a given key.


Collapse the collection of items into a single array.


Determine if an item exists in the collection.


Determine if an item exists in the collection using strict comparison.


Determine if an item is not contained in the collection.


Cross join the collection with the given iterables.


Count the number of items in the collection by a field or using a callback.


Get the items that are not present in the given items.


Get the items that are not present in the given items, using a callback.


Get the items whose keys and values are not present in the given items.


Get the items whose keys and values are not present in the given items, using a callback.


Get the items whose keys are not present in the given items.


Get the items whose keys are not present in the given items, using a callback.


Retrieve duplicate items.


Retrieve duplicate items using strict comparison.


Get all items except for those with the specified keys.


Run a filter over each of the items.


Get the first item from the collection passing the given truth test.


Get a flattened list of the items in the collection.


Flip the items in the collection.


Get an item by key.


Group an associative array by a field or using a callback.


Key an associative array by a field or using a callback.


Determine if an item exists in the collection by key.


Determine if any of the keys exist in the collection.


Concatenate values of a given key as a string.


Intersect the collection with the given items.


Intersect the collection with the given items, using a callback.


Intersect the collection with the given items by key and value.


Intersect the collection with the given items by key and value, using a callback.


Intersect the collection with the given items by key.


Determine if the collection is empty.


Determine if the collection contains only one item.


Join all items from the collection using a string.


Get the keys of the collection items.


Get the last item from the collection.


Get the values of a given key.


Run a map over each of the items.


Run a dictionary map over the items.


Run an associative map over each of the items.


Merge the collection with the given items.


Recursively merge the collection with the given items.


Create a collection by using this collection for keys and another for its values.


Union the collection with the given items.


Create a new collection consisting of every n-th element.


Get the items with the specified keys.


Push all of the given items onto the collection.


Get one or a specified number of items randomly from the collection.


Replace the collection items with the given items.


Recursively replace the collection items with the given items.


Reverse items order.


Search the collection for a given value and return the corresponding key if successful.


Shuffle the items in the collection.


Create chunks representing a "sliding window" view of the items in the collection.


Skip the first $count items.


Skip items in the collection until the given condition is met.


Skip items in the collection while the given condition is met.


Get a slice of items from the collection.


Split a collection into a certain number of groups.


Split a collection into a certain number of groups, and fill the first groups completely.


Get the first item in the collection, but only if exactly one item exists.


Get the first item in the collection but throw an exception if no matching items exist.


Chunk the collection into chunks of the given size.


Chunk the collection into chunks with a callback.


Sort through each item with a callback.


Sort items in descending order.


Sort the collection using the given callback.


Sort the collection in descending order using the given callback.


Sort the collection keys.


Sort the collection keys in descending order.


Sort the collection keys using a callback.


Take the first or last $limit items.


Take items in the collection until the given condition is met.


Take items in the collection until a given point in time.


Take items in the collection while the given condition is met.


Pass each item in the collection to the given callback, lazily.


Flatten a multi-dimensional associative array with dots.


Convert a flatten "dot" notation array into an expanded array.


Return only unique items from the collection array.


Reset the keys on the underlying array.


Zip the collection together with one or more arrays.


Pad collection to the specified length with a value.


Get the values iterator.


Count the number of items in the collection.



namespace Illuminate\Support;

use ArrayIterator;
use Closure;
use DateTimeInterface;
use Generator;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Support\CanBeEscapedWhenCastToString;
use Illuminate\Support\Traits\EnumeratesValues;
use Illuminate\Support\Traits\Macroable;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use IteratorAggregate;
use stdClass;
use Traversable;

 * @template TKey of array-key
 * @template-covariant TValue
 * @implements \Illuminate\Support\Enumerable<TKey, TValue>
class LazyCollection implements CanBeEscapedWhenCastToString, Enumerable
     * @use \Illuminate\Support\Traits\EnumeratesValues<TKey, TValue>
    use EnumeratesValues, Macroable;

     * The source from which to generate items.
     * @var (Closure(): \Generator<TKey, TValue, mixed, void>)|static|array<TKey, TValue>
    public $source;

     * Create a new lazy collection instance.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable<TKey, TValue>|iterable<TKey, TValue>|(Closure(): \Generator<TKey, TValue, mixed, void>)|self<TKey, TValue>|array<TKey, TValue>|null  $source
     * @return void
    public function __construct($source = null)
        if ($source instanceof Closure || $source instanceof self) {
            $this->source = $source;
        } elseif (is_null($source)) {
            $this->source = static::empty();
        } elseif ($source instanceof Generator) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(
                'Generators should not be passed directly to LazyCollection. Instead, pass a generator function.'
        } else {
            $this->source = $this->getArrayableItems($source);

     * Create a new collection instance if the value isn't one already.
     * @template TMakeKey of array-key
     * @template TMakeValue
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable<TMakeKey, TMakeValue>|iterable<TMakeKey, TMakeValue>|(Closure(): \Generator<TMakeKey, TMakeValue, mixed, void>)|self<TMakeKey, TMakeValue>|array<TMakeKey, TMakeValue>|null  $items
     * @return static<TMakeKey, TMakeValue>
    public static function make($items = [])
        return new static($items);

     * Create a collection with the given range.
     * @param  int  $from
     * @param  int  $to
     * @return static<int, int>
    public static function range($from, $to)
        return new static(function () use ($from, $to) {
            if ($from <= $to) {
                for (; $from <= $to; $from++) {
                    yield $from;
            } else {
                for (; $from >= $to; $from--) {
                    yield $from;

     * Get all items in the enumerable.
     * @return array<TKey, TValue>
    public function all()
        if (is_array($this->source)) {
            return $this->source;

        return iterator_to_array($this->getIterator());

     * Eager load all items into a new lazy collection backed by an array.
     * @return static
    public function eager()
        return new static($this->all());

     * Cache values as they're enumerated.
     * @return static
    public function remember()
        $iterator = $this->getIterator();

        $iteratorIndex = 0;

        $cache = [];

        return new static(function () use ($iterator, &$iteratorIndex, &$cache) {
            for ($index = 0; true; $index++) {
                if (array_key_exists($index, $cache)) {
                    yield $cache[$index][0] => $cache[$index][1];


                if ($iteratorIndex < $index) {


                if (! $iterator->valid()) {

                $cache[$index] = [$iterator->key(), $iterator->current()];

                yield $cache[$index][0] => $cache[$index][1];

     * Get the average value of a given key.
     * @param  (callable(TValue): float|int)|string|null  $callback
     * @return float|int|null
    public function avg($callback = null)
        return $this->collect()->avg($callback);

     * Get the median of a given key.
     * @param  string|array<array-key, string>|null  $key
     * @return float|int|null
    public function median($key = null)
        return $this->collect()->median($key);

     * Get the mode of a given key.
     * @param  string|array<string>|null  $key
     * @return array<int, float|int>|null
    public function mode($key = null)
        return $this->collect()->mode($key);

     * Collapse the collection of items into a single array.
     * @return static<int, mixed>
    public function collapse()
        return new static(function () {
            foreach ($this as $values) {
                if (is_array($values) || $values instanceof Enumerable) {
                    foreach ($values as $value) {
                        yield $value;

     * Determine if an item exists in the enumerable.
     * @param  (callable(TValue, TKey): bool)|TValue|string  $key
     * @param  mixed  $operator
     * @param  mixed  $value
     * @return bool
    public function contains($key, $operator = null, $value = null)
        if (func_num_args() === 1 && $this->useAsCallable($key)) {
            $placeholder = new stdClass;

            /** @var callable $key */
            return $this->first($key, $placeholder) !== $placeholder;

        if (func_num_args() === 1) {
            $needle = $key;

            foreach ($this as $value) {
                if ($value == $needle) {
                    return true;

            return false;

        return $this->contains($this->operatorForWhere(...func_get_args()));

     * Determine if an item exists, using strict comparison.
     * @param  (callable(TValue): bool)|TValue|array-key  $key
     * @param  TValue|null  $value
     * @return bool
    public function containsStrict($key, $value = null)
        if (func_num_args() === 2) {
            return $this->contains(fn ($item) => data_get($item, $key) === $value);

        if ($this->useAsCallable($key)) {
            return ! is_null($this->first($key));

        foreach ($this as $item) {
            if ($item === $key) {
                return true;

        return false;

     * Determine if an item is not contained in the enumerable.
     * @param  mixed  $key
     * @param  mixed  $operator
     * @param  mixed  $value
     * @return bool
    public function doesntContain($key, $operator = null, $value = null)
        return ! $this->contains(...func_get_args());

     * Cross join the given iterables, returning all possible permutations.
     * @template TCrossJoinKey
     * @template TCrossJoinValue
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable<TCrossJoinKey, TCrossJoinValue>|iterable<TCrossJoinKey, TCrossJoinValue>  ...$arrays
     * @return static<int, array<int, TValue|TCrossJoinValue>>
    public function crossJoin(...$arrays)
        return $this->passthru('crossJoin', func_get_args());

     * Count the number of items in the collection by a field or using a callback.
     * @param  (callable(TValue, TKey): array-key)|string|null  $countBy
     * @return static<array-key, int>
    public function countBy($countBy = null)
        $countBy = is_null($countBy)
            ? $this->identity()
            : $this->valueRetriever($countBy);

        return new static(function () use ($countBy) {
            $counts = [];

            foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
                $group = $countBy($value, $key);

                if (empty($counts[$group])) {
                    $counts[$group] = 0;


            yield from $counts;

     * Get the items that are not present in the given items.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable<array-key, TValue>|iterable<array-key, TValue>  $items
     * @return static
    public function diff($items)
        return $this->passthru('diff', func_get_args());

     * Get the items that are not present in the given items, using the callback.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable<array-key, TValue>|iterable<array-key, TValue>  $items
     * @param  callable(TValue, TValue): int  $callback
     * @return static
    public function diffUsing($items, callable $callback)
        return $this->passthru('diffUsing', func_get_args());

     * Get the items whose keys and values are not present in the given items.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable<TKey, TValue>|iterable<TKey, TValue>  $items
     * @return static
    public function diffAssoc($items)
        return $this->passthru('diffAssoc', func_get_args());

     * Get the items whose keys and values are not present in the given items, using the callback.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable<TKey, TValue>|iterable<TKey, TValue>  $items
     * @param  callable(TKey, TKey): int  $callback
     * @return static
    public function diffAssocUsing($items, callable $callback)
        return $this->passthru('diffAssocUsing', func_get_args());

     * Get the items whose keys are not present in the given items.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable<TKey, TValue>|iterable<TKey, TValue>  $items
     * @return static
    public function diffKeys($items)
        return $this->passthru('diffKeys', func_get_args());

     * Get the items whose keys are not present in the given items, using the callback.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable<TKey, TValue>|iterable<TKey, TValue>  $items
     * @param  callable(TKey, TKey): int  $callback
     * @return static
    public function diffKeysUsing($items, callable $callback)
        return $this->passthru('diffKeysUsing', func_get_args());

     * Retrieve duplicate items.
     * @param  (callable(TValue): bool)|string|null  $callback
     * @param  bool  $strict
     * @return static
    public function duplicates($callback = null, $strict = false)
        return $this->passthru('duplicates', func_get_args());

     * Retrieve duplicate items using strict comparison.
     * @param  (callable(TValue): bool)|string|null  $callback
     * @return static
    public function duplicatesStrict($callback = null)
        return $this->passthru('duplicatesStrict', func_get_args());

     * Get all items except for those with the specified keys.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Support\Enumerable<array-key, TKey>|array<array-key, TKey>  $keys
     * @return static
    public function except($keys)
        return $this->passthru('except', func_get_args());

     * Run a filter over each of the items.
     * @param  (callable(TValue, TKey): bool)|null  $callback
     * @return static
    public function filter(callable $callback = null)
        if (is_null($callback)) {
            $callback = fn ($value) => (bool) $value;

        return new static(function () use ($callback) {
            foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
                if ($callback($value, $key)) {
                    yield $key => $value;

     * Get the first item from the enumerable passing the given truth test.
     * @template TFirstDefault
     * @param  (callable(TValue): bool)|null  $callback
     * @param  TFirstDefault|(\Closure(): TFirstDefault)  $default
     * @return TValue|TFirstDefault
    public function first(callable $callback = null, $default = null)
        $iterator = $this->getIterator();

        if (is_null($callback)) {
            if (! $iterator->valid()) {
                return value($default);

            return $iterator->current();

        foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) {
            if ($callback($value, $key)) {
                return $value;

        return value($default);

     * Get a flattened list of the items in the collection.
     * @param  int  $depth
     * @return static<int, mixed>
    public function flatten($depth = INF)
        $instance = new static(function () use ($depth) {
            foreach ($this as $item) {
                if (! is_array($item) && ! $item instanceof Enumerable) {
                    yield $item;
                } elseif ($depth === 1) {
                    yield from $item;
                } else {
                    yield from (new static($item))->flatten($depth - 1);

        return $instance->values();

     * Flip the items in the collection.
     * @return static<TValue, TKey>
    public function flip()
        return new static(function () {
            foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
                yield $value => $key;

     * Get an item by key.
     * @template TGetDefault
     * @param  TKey|null  $key
     * @param  TGetDefault|(\Closure(): TGetDefault)  $default
     * @return TValue|TGetDefault
    public function get($key, $default = null)
        if (is_null($key)) {

        foreach ($this as $outerKey => $outerValue) {
            if ($outerKey == $key) {
                return $outerValue;

        return value($default);

     * Group an associative array by a field or using a callback.
     * @param  (callable(TValue, TKey): array-key)|array|string  $groupBy
     * @param  bool  $preserveKeys
     * @return static<array-key, static<array-key, TValue>>
    public function groupBy($groupBy, $preserveKeys = false)
        return $this->passthru('groupBy', func_get_args());

     * Key an associative array by a field or using a callback.
     * @param  (callable(TValue, TKey): array-key)|array|string  $keyBy
     * @return static<array-key, TValue>
    public function keyBy($keyBy)
        return new static(function () use ($keyBy) {
            $keyBy = $this->valueRetriever($keyBy);

            foreach ($this as $key => $item) {
                $resolvedKey = $keyBy($item, $key);

                if (is_object($resolvedKey)) {
                    $resolvedKey = (string) $resolvedKey;

                yield $resolvedKey => $item;

     * Determine if an item exists in the collection by key.
     * @param  mixed  $key
     * @return bool
    public function has($key)
        $keys = array_flip(is_array($key) ? $key : func_get_args());
        $count = count($keys);

        foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
            if (array_key_exists($key, $keys) && --$count == 0) {
                return true;

        return false;

     * Determine if any of the keys exist in the collection.
     * @param  mixed  $key
     * @return bool
    public function hasAny($key)
        $keys = array_flip(is_array($key) ? $key : func_get_args());

        foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
            if (array_key_exists($key, $keys)) {
                return true;

        return false;

     * Concatenate values of a given key as a string.
     * @param  callable|string  $value
     * @param  string|null  $glue
     * @return string
    public function implode($value, $glue = null)
        return $this->collect()->implode(...func_get_args());

     * Intersect the collection with the given items.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable<TKey, TValue>|iterable<TKey, TValue>  $items
     * @return static
    public function intersect($items)
        return $this->passthru('intersect', func_get_args());

     * Intersect the collection with the given items, using the callback.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable<array-key, TValue>|iterable<array-key, TValue>  $items
     * @param  callable(TValue, TValue): int  $callback
     * @return static
    public function intersectUsing($items, callable $callback)
        return $this->passthru('intersectUsing', func_get_args());

     * Intersect the collection with the given items with additional index check.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable<TKey, TValue>|iterable<TKey, TValue>  $items
     * @return static
    public function intersectAssoc($items)
        return $this->passthru('intersectAssoc', func_get_args());

     * Intersect the collection with the given items with additional index check, using the callback.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable<array-key, TValue>|iterable<array-key, TValue>  $items
     * @param  callable(TValue, TValue): int  $callback
     * @return static
    public function intersectAssocUsing($items, callable $callback)
        return $this->passthru('intersectAssocUsing', func_get_args());

     * Intersect the collection with the given items by key.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable<TKey, TValue>|iterable<TKey, TValue>  $items
     * @return static
    public function intersectByKeys($items)
        return $this->passthru('intersectByKeys', func_get_args());

     * Determine if the items are empty or not.
     * @return bool
    public function isEmpty()
        return ! $this->getIterator()->valid();

     * Determine if the collection contains a single item.
     * @return bool
    public function containsOneItem()
        return $this->take(2)->count() === 1;

     * Join all items from the collection using a string. The final items can use a separate glue string.
     * @param  string  $glue
     * @param  string  $finalGlue
     * @return string
    public function join($glue, $finalGlue = '')
        return $this->collect()->join(...func_get_args());

     * Get the keys of the collection items.
     * @return static<int, TKey>
    public function keys()
        return new static(function () {
            foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
                yield $key;

     * Get the last item from the collection.
     * @template TLastDefault
     * @param  (callable(TValue, TKey): bool)|null  $callback
     * @param  TLastDefault|(\Closure(): TLastDefault)  $default
     * @return TValue|TLastDefault
    public function last(callable $callback = null, $default = null)
        $needle = $placeholder = new stdClass;

        foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
            if (is_null($callback) || $callback($value, $key)) {
                $needle = $value;

        return $needle === $placeholder ? value($default) : $needle;

     * Get the values of a given key.
     * @param  string|array<array-key, string>  $value
     * @param  string|null  $key
     * @return static<int, mixed>
    public function pluck($value, $key = null)
        return new static(function () use ($value, $key) {
            [$value, $key] = $this->explodePluckParameters($value, $key);

            foreach ($this as $item) {
                $itemValue = data_get($item, $value);

                if (is_null($key)) {
                    yield $itemValue;
                } else {
                    $itemKey = data_get($item, $key);

                    if (is_object($itemKey) && method_exists($itemKey, '__toString')) {
                        $itemKey = (string) $itemKey;

                    yield $itemKey => $itemValue;

     * Run a map over each of the items.
     * @template TMapValue
     * @param  callable(TValue, TKey): TMapValue  $callback
     * @return static<TKey, TMapValue>
    public function map(callable $callback)
        return new static(function () use ($callback) {
            foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
                yield $key => $callback($value, $key);

     * Run a dictionary map over the items.
     * The callback should return an associative array with a single key/value pair.
     * @template TMapToDictionaryKey of array-key
     * @template TMapToDictionaryValue
     * @param  callable(TValue, TKey): array<TMapToDictionaryKey, TMapToDictionaryValue>  $callback
     * @return static<TMapToDictionaryKey, array<int, TMapToDictionaryValue>>
    public function mapToDictionary(callable $callback)
        return $this->passthru('mapToDictionary', func_get_args());

     * Run an associative map over each of the items.
     * The callback should return an associative array with a single key/value pair.
     * @template TMapWithKeysKey of array-key
     * @template TMapWithKeysValue
     * @param  callable(TValue, TKey): array<TMapWithKeysKey, TMapWithKeysValue>  $callback
     * @return static<TMapWithKeysKey, TMapWithKeysValue>
    public function mapWithKeys(callable $callback)
        return new static(function () use ($callback) {
            foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
                yield from $callback($value, $key);

     * Merge the collection with the given items.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable<TKey, TValue>|iterable<TKey, TValue>  $items
     * @return static
    public function merge($items)
        return $this->passthru('merge', func_get_args());

     * Recursively merge the collection with the given items.
     * @template TMergeRecursiveValue
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable<TKey, TMergeRecursiveValue>|iterable<TKey, TMergeRecursiveValue>  $items
     * @return static<TKey, TValue|TMergeRecursiveValue>
    public function mergeRecursive($items)
        return $this->passthru('mergeRecursive', func_get_args());

     * Create a collection by using this collection for keys and another for its values.
     * @template TCombineValue
     * @param  \IteratorAggregate<array-key, TCombineValue>|array<array-key, TCombineValue>|(callable(): \Generator<array-key, TCombineValue>)  $values
     * @return static<TValue, TCombineValue>
    public function combine($values)
        return new static(function () use ($values) {
            $values = $this->makeIterator($values);

            $errorMessage = 'Both parameters should have an equal number of elements';

            foreach ($this as $key) {
                if (! $values->valid()) {
                    trigger_error($errorMessage, E_USER_WARNING);


                yield $key => $values->current();


            if ($values->valid()) {
                trigger_error($errorMessage, E_USER_WARNING);

     * Union the collection with the given items.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable<TKey, TValue>|iterable<TKey, TValue>  $items
     * @return static
    public function union($items)
        return $this->passthru('union', func_get_args());

     * Create a new collection consisting of every n-th element.
     * @param  int  $step
     * @param  int  $offset
     * @return static
    public function nth($step, $offset = 0)
        return new static(function () use ($step, $offset) {
            $position = 0;

            foreach ($this->slice($offset) as $item) {
                if ($position % $step === 0) {
                    yield $item;


     * Get the items with the specified keys.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Support\Enumerable<array-key, TKey>|array<array-key, TKey>|string  $keys
     * @return static
    public function only($keys)
        if ($keys instanceof Enumerable) {
            $keys = $keys->all();
        } elseif (! is_null($keys)) {
            $keys = is_array($keys) ? $keys : func_get_args();

        return new static(function () use ($keys) {
            if (is_null($keys)) {
                yield from $this;
            } else {
                $keys = array_flip($keys);

                foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
                    if (array_key_exists($key, $keys)) {
                        yield $key => $value;


                        if (empty($keys)) {

     * Push all of the given items onto the collection.
     * @param  iterable<array-key, TValue>  $source
     * @return static
    public function concat($source)
        return (new static(function () use ($source) {
            yield from $this;
            yield from $source;

     * Get one or a specified number of items randomly from the collection.
     * @param  int|null  $number
     * @return static<int, TValue>|TValue
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
    public function random($number = null)
        $result = $this->collect()->random(...func_get_args());

        return is_null($number) ? $result : new static($result);

     * Replace the collection items with the given items.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable<TKey, TValue>|iterable<TKey, TValue>  $items
     * @return static
    public function replace($items)
        return new static(function () use ($items) {
            $items = $this->getArrayableItems($items);

            foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
                if (array_key_exists($key, $items)) {
                    yield $key => $items[$key];

                } else {
                    yield $key => $value;

            foreach ($items as $key => $value) {
                yield $key => $value;

     * Recursively replace the collection items with the given items.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable<TKey, TValue>|iterable<TKey, TValue>  $items
     * @return static
    public function replaceRecursive($items)
        return $this->passthru('replaceRecursive', func_get_args());

     * Reverse items order.
     * @return static
    public function reverse()
        return $this->passthru('reverse', func_get_args());

     * Search the collection for a given value and return the corresponding key if successful.
     * @param  TValue|(callable(TValue,TKey): bool)  $value
     * @param  bool  $strict
     * @return TKey|false
    public function search($value, $strict = false)
        /** @var (callable(TValue,TKey): bool) $predicate */
        $predicate = $this->useAsCallable($value)
            ? $value
            : function ($item) use ($value, $strict) {
                return $strict ? $item === $value : $item == $value;

        foreach ($this as $key => $item) {
            if ($predicate($item, $key)) {
                return $key;

        return false;

     * Shuffle the items in the collection.
     * @param  int|null  $seed
     * @return static
    public function shuffle($seed = null)
        return $this->passthru('shuffle', func_get_args());

     * Create chunks representing a "sliding window" view of the items in the collection.
     * @param  int  $size
     * @param  int  $step
     * @return static<int, static>
    public function sliding($size = 2, $step = 1)
        return new static(function () use ($size, $step) {
            $iterator = $this->getIterator();

            $chunk = [];

            while ($iterator->valid()) {
                $chunk[$iterator->key()] = $iterator->current();

                if (count($chunk) == $size) {
                    yield (new static($chunk))->tap(function () use (&$chunk, $step) {
                        $chunk = array_slice($chunk, $step, null, true);

                    // If the $step between chunks is bigger than each chunk's $size
                    // we will skip the extra items (which should never be in any
                    // chunk) before we continue to the next chunk in the loop.
                    if ($step > $size) {
                        $skip = $step - $size;

                        for ($i = 0; $i < $skip && $iterator->valid(); $i++) {


     * Skip the first {$count} items.
     * @param  int  $count
     * @return static
    public function skip($count)
        return new static(function () use ($count) {
            $iterator = $this->getIterator();

            while ($iterator->valid() && $count--) {

            while ($iterator->valid()) {
                yield $iterator->key() => $iterator->current();


     * Skip items in the collection until the given condition is met.
     * @param  TValue|callable(TValue,TKey): bool  $value
     * @return static
    public function skipUntil($value)
        $callback = $this->useAsCallable($value) ? $value : $this->equality($value);

        return $this->skipWhile($this->negate($callback));

     * Skip items in the collection while the given condition is met.
     * @param  TValue|callable(TValue,TKey): bool  $value
     * @return static
    public function skipWhile($value)
        $callback = $this->useAsCallable($value) ? $value : $this->equality($value);

        return new static(function () use ($callback) {
            $iterator = $this->getIterator();

            while ($iterator->valid() && $callback($iterator->current(), $iterator->key())) {

            while ($iterator->valid()) {
                yield $iterator->key() => $iterator->current();


     * Get a slice of items from the enumerable.
     * @param  int  $offset
     * @param  int|null  $length
     * @return static
    public function slice($offset, $length = null)
        if ($offset < 0 || $length < 0) {
            return $this->passthru('slice', func_get_args());

        $instance = $this->skip($offset);

        return is_null($length) ? $instance : $instance->take($length);

     * Split a collection into a certain number of groups.
     * @param  int  $numberOfGroups
     * @return static<int, static>
    public function split($numberOfGroups)
        return $this->passthru('split', func_get_args());

     * Get the first item in the collection, but only if exactly one item exists. Otherwise, throw an exception.
     * @param  (callable(TValue, TKey): bool)|string  $key
     * @param  mixed  $operator
     * @param  mixed  $value
     * @return TValue
     * @throws \Illuminate\Support\ItemNotFoundException
     * @throws \Illuminate\Support\MultipleItemsFoundException
    public function sole($key = null, $operator = null, $value = null)
        $filter = func_num_args() > 1
            ? $this->operatorForWhere(...func_get_args())
            : $key;

        return $this
            ->unless($filter == null)

     * Get the first item in the collection but throw an exception if no matching items exist.
     * @param  (callable(TValue, TKey): bool)|string  $key
     * @param  mixed  $operator
     * @param  mixed  $value
     * @return TValue
     * @throws \Illuminate\Support\ItemNotFoundException
    public function firstOrFail($key = null, $operator = null, $value = null)
        $filter = func_num_args() > 1
            ? $this->operatorForWhere(...func_get_args())
            : $key;

        return $this
            ->unless($filter == null)

     * Chunk the collection into chunks of the given size.
     * @param  int  $size
     * @return static<int, static>
    public function chunk($size)
        if ($size <= 0) {
            return static::empty();

        return new static(function () use ($size) {
            $iterator = $this->getIterator();

            while ($iterator->valid()) {
                $chunk = [];

                while (true) {
                    $chunk[$iterator->key()] = $iterator->current();

                    if (count($chunk) < $size) {

                        if (! $iterator->valid()) {
                    } else {

                yield new static($chunk);


     * Split a collection into a certain number of groups, and fill the first groups completely.
     * @param  int  $numberOfGroups
     * @return static<int, static>
    public function splitIn($numberOfGroups)
        return $this->chunk(ceil($this->count() / $numberOfGroups));

     * Chunk the collection into chunks with a callback.
     * @param  callable(TValue, TKey, Collection<TKey, TValue>): bool  $callback
     * @return static<int, static<int, TValue>>
    public function chunkWhile(callable $callback)
        return new static(function () use ($callback) {
            $iterator = $this->getIterator();

            $chunk = new Collection;

            if ($iterator->valid()) {
                $chunk[$iterator->key()] = $iterator->current();


            while ($iterator->valid()) {
                if (! $callback($iterator->current(), $iterator->key(), $chunk)) {
                    yield new static($chunk);

                    $chunk = new Collection;

                $chunk[$iterator->key()] = $iterator->current();


            if ($chunk->isNotEmpty()) {
                yield new static($chunk);

     * Sort through each item with a callback.
     * @param  (callable(TValue, TValue): int)|null|int  $callback
     * @return static
    public function sort($callback = null)
        return $this->passthru('sort', func_get_args());

     * Sort items in descending order.
     * @param  int  $options
     * @return static
    public function sortDesc($options = SORT_REGULAR)
        return $this->passthru('sortDesc', func_get_args());

     * Sort the collection using the given callback.
     * @param  array<array-key, (callable(TValue, TValue): mixed)|(callable(TValue, TKey): mixed)|string|array{string, string}>|(callable(TValue, TKey): mixed)|string  $callback
     * @param  int  $options
     * @param  bool  $descending
     * @return static
    public function sortBy($callback, $options = SORT_REGULAR, $descending = false)
        return $this->passthru('sortBy', func_get_args());

     * Sort the collection in descending order using the given callback.
     * @param  array<array-key, (callable(TValue, TValue): mixed)|(callable(TValue, TKey): mixed)|string|array{string, string}>|(callable(TValue, TKey): mixed)|string  $callback
     * @param  int  $options
     * @return static
    public function sortByDesc($callback, $options = SORT_REGULAR)
        return $this->passthru('sortByDesc', func_get_args());

     * Sort the collection keys.
     * @param  int  $options
     * @param  bool  $descending
     * @return static
    public function sortKeys($options = SORT_REGULAR, $descending = false)
        return $this->passthru('sortKeys', func_get_args());

     * Sort the collection keys in descending order.
     * @param  int  $options
     * @return static
    public function sortKeysDesc($options = SORT_REGULAR)
        return $this->passthru('sortKeysDesc', func_get_args());

     * Sort the collection keys using a callback.
     * @param  callable(TKey, TKey): int  $callback
     * @return static
    public function sortKeysUsing(callable $callback)
        return $this->passthru('sortKeysUsing', func_get_args());

     * Take the first or last {$limit} items.
     * @param  int  $limit
     * @return static
    public function take($limit)
        if ($limit < 0) {
            return new static(function () use ($limit) {
                $limit = abs($limit);
                $ringBuffer = [];
                $position = 0;

                foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
                    $ringBuffer[$position] = [$key, $value];
                    $position = ($position + 1) % $limit;

                for ($i = 0, $end = min($limit, count($ringBuffer)); $i < $end; $i++) {
                    $pointer = ($position + $i) % $limit;
                    yield $ringBuffer[$pointer][0] => $ringBuffer[$pointer][1];

        return new static(function () use ($limit) {
            $iterator = $this->getIterator();

            while ($limit--) {
                if (! $iterator->valid()) {

                yield $iterator->key() => $iterator->current();

                if ($limit) {

     * Take items in the collection until the given condition is met.
     * @param  TValue|callable(TValue,TKey): bool  $value
     * @return static
    public function takeUntil($value)
        /** @var callable(TValue, TKey): bool $callback */
        $callback = $this->useAsCallable($value) ? $value : $this->equality($value);

        return new static(function () use ($callback) {
            foreach ($this as $key => $item) {
                if ($callback($item, $key)) {

                yield $key => $item;

     * Take items in the collection until a given point in time.
     * @param  \DateTimeInterface  $timeout
     * @return static
    public function takeUntilTimeout(DateTimeInterface $timeout)
        $timeout = $timeout->getTimestamp();

        return new static(function () use ($timeout) {
            if ($this->now() >= $timeout) {

            foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
                yield $key => $value;

                if ($this->now() >= $timeout) {

     * Take items in the collection while the given condition is met.
     * @param  TValue|callable(TValue,TKey): bool  $value
     * @return static
    public function takeWhile($value)
        /** @var callable(TValue, TKey): bool $callback */
        $callback = $this->useAsCallable($value) ? $value : $this->equality($value);

        return $this->takeUntil(fn ($item, $key) => ! $callback($item, $key));

     * Pass each item in the collection to the given callback, lazily.
     * @param  callable(TValue, TKey): mixed  $callback
     * @return static
    public function tapEach(callable $callback)
        return new static(function () use ($callback) {
            foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
                $callback($value, $key);

                yield $key => $value;

     * Flatten a multi-dimensional associative array with dots.
     * @return static
    public function dot()
        return $this->passthru('dot', []);

     * Convert a flatten "dot" notation array into an expanded array.
     * @return static
    public function undot()
        return $this->passthru('undot', []);

     * Return only unique items from the collection array.
     * @param  (callable(TValue, TKey): mixed)|string|null  $key
     * @param  bool  $strict
     * @return static
    public function unique($key = null, $strict = false)
        $callback = $this->valueRetriever($key);

        return new static(function () use ($callback, $strict) {
            $exists = [];

            foreach ($this as $key => $item) {
                if (! in_array($id = $callback($item, $key), $exists, $strict)) {
                    yield $key => $item;

                    $exists[] = $id;

     * Reset the keys on the underlying array.
     * @return static<int, TValue>
    public function values()
        return new static(function () {
            foreach ($this as $item) {
                yield $item;

     * Zip the collection together with one or more arrays.
     * e.g. new LazyCollection([1, 2, 3])->zip([4, 5, 6]);
     *      => [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]
     * @template TZipValue
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable<array-key, TZipValue>|iterable<array-key, TZipValue>  ...$items
     * @return static<int, static<int, TValue|TZipValue>>
    public function zip($items)
        $iterables = func_get_args();

        return new static(function () use ($iterables) {
            $iterators = Collection::make($iterables)->map(function ($iterable) {
                return $this->makeIterator($iterable);

            while ($iterators->contains->valid()) {
                yield new static($iterators->map->current());


     * Pad collection to the specified length with a value.
     * @template TPadValue
     * @param  int  $size
     * @param  TPadValue  $value
     * @return static<int, TValue|TPadValue>
    public function pad($size, $value)
        if ($size < 0) {
            return $this->passthru('pad', func_get_args());

        return new static(function () use ($size, $value) {
            $yielded = 0;

            foreach ($this as $index => $item) {
                yield $index => $item;


            while ($yielded++ < $size) {
                yield $value;

     * Get the values iterator.
     * @return \Traversable<TKey, TValue>
    public function getIterator(): Traversable
        return $this->makeIterator($this->source);

     * Count the number of items in the collection.
     * @return int
    public function count(): int
        if (is_array($this->source)) {
            return count($this->source);

        return iterator_count($this->getIterator());

     * Make an iterator from the given source.
     * @template TIteratorKey of array-key
     * @template TIteratorValue
     * @param  \IteratorAggregate<TIteratorKey, TIteratorValue>|array<TIteratorKey, TIteratorValue>|(callable(): \Generator<TIteratorKey, TIteratorValue>)  $source
     * @return \Traversable<TIteratorKey, TIteratorValue>
    protected function makeIterator($source)
        if ($source instanceof IteratorAggregate) {
            return $source->getIterator();

        if (is_array($source)) {
            return new ArrayIterator($source);

        if (is_callable($source)) {
            $maybeTraversable = $source();

            return $maybeTraversable instanceof Traversable
                ? $maybeTraversable
                : new ArrayIterator(Arr::wrap($maybeTraversable));

        return new ArrayIterator((array) $source);

     * Explode the "value" and "key" arguments passed to "pluck".
     * @param  string|string[]  $value
     * @param  string|string[]|null  $key
     * @return array{string[],string[]|null}
    protected function explodePluckParameters($value, $key)
        $value = is_string($value) ? explode('.', $value) : $value;

        $key = is_null($key) || is_array($key) ? $key : explode('.', $key);

        return [$value, $key];

     * Pass this lazy collection through a method on the collection class.
     * @param  string  $method
     * @param  array<mixed>  $params
     * @return static
    protected function passthru($method, array $params)
        return new static(function () use ($method, $params) {
            yield from $this->collect()->$method(...$params);

     * Get the current time.
     * @return int
    protected function now()
        return Carbon::now()->timestamp;