

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:21



The Factory interface in the Illuminate\Contracts\Cookie namespace provides the contract for creating, expiring, and forgetting cookies.



Create a new cookie instance.

  • Parameters:

    • $name (string): The name of the cookie.
    • $value (string): The value of the cookie.
    • $minutes (int, optional): The number of minutes until the cookie expires. Defaults to 0.
    • $path (string|null, optional): The path for the cookie. Defaults to null.
    • $domain (string|null, optional): The domain for the cookie. Defaults to null.
    • $secure (bool|null, optional): Indicates if the cookie should only be sent over HTTPS. Defaults to null.
    • $httpOnly (bool, optional): Indicates if the cookie should only be accessible through the HTTP protocol. Defaults to true.
    • $raw (bool, optional): Indicates if the cookie value should be sent without URL encoding. Defaults to false.
    • $sameSite (string|null, optional): The SameSite attribute of the cookie. Defaults to null.
  • Returns: \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Cookie


Create a cookie that lasts "forever" (five years).

  • Parameters:

    • $name (string): The name of the cookie.
    • $value (string): The value of the cookie.
    • $path (string|null, optional): The path for the cookie. Defaults to null.
    • $domain (string|null, optional): The domain for the cookie. Defaults to null.
    • $secure (bool|null, optional): Indicates if the cookie should only be sent over HTTPS. Defaults to null.
    • $httpOnly (bool, optional): Indicates if the cookie should only be accessible through the HTTP protocol. Defaults to true.
    • $raw (bool, optional): Indicates if the cookie value should be sent without URL encoding. Defaults to false.
    • $sameSite (string|null, optional): The SameSite attribute of the cookie. Defaults to null.
  • Returns: \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Cookie


Expire the given cookie.

  • Parameters:

    • $name (string): The name of the cookie.
    • $path (string|null, optional): The path for the cookie. Defaults to null.
    • $domain (string|null, optional): The domain for the cookie. Defaults to null.
  • Returns: \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Cookie


namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cookie;

interface Factory
     * Create a new cookie instance.
     * @param  string  $name
     * @param  string  $value
     * @param  int  $minutes
     * @param  string|null  $path
     * @param  string|null  $domain
     * @param  bool|null  $secure
     * @param  bool  $httpOnly
     * @param  bool  $raw
     * @param  string|null  $sameSite
     * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Cookie
    public function make($name, $value, $minutes = 0, $path = null, $domain = null, $secure = null, $httpOnly = true, $raw = false, $sameSite = null);

     * Create a cookie that lasts "forever" (five years).
     * @param  string  $name
     * @param  string  $value
     * @param  string|null  $path
     * @param  string|null  $domain
     * @param  bool|null  $secure
     * @param  bool  $httpOnly
     * @param  bool  $raw
     * @param  string|null  $sameSite
     * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Cookie
    public function forever($name, $value, $path = null, $domain = null, $secure = null, $httpOnly = true, $raw = false, $sameSite = null);

     * Expire the given cookie.
     * @param  string  $name
     * @param  string|null  $path
     * @param  string|null  $domain
     * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Cookie
    public function forget($name, $path = null, $domain = null);