

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:22



This file contains the Json class, which provides methods to encode and decode JSON values. It also allows users to set custom JSON encoders and decoders.



This method encodes the given value into a JSON string. If a custom encoder is set, it uses that encoder; otherwise, it uses the built-in json_encode function.


This method decodes the given JSON string into a PHP value. If a custom decoder is set, it uses that decoder; otherwise, it uses the built-in json_decode function. The second argument determines whether the decoded value should be converted into an associative array.


This method sets a custom JSON encoder to be used by the encode method.


This method sets a custom JSON decoder to be used by the decode method.


namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts;

class Json
     * The custom JSON encoder.
     * @var callable|null
    protected static $encoder;

     * The custom JSON decode.
     * @var callable|null
    protected static $decoder;

     * Encode the given value.
    public static function encode(mixed $value): mixed
        return isset(static::$encoder) ? (static::$encoder)($value) : json_encode($value);

     * Decode the given value.
    public static function decode(mixed $value, ?bool $associative = true): mixed
        return isset(static::$decoder)
                ? (static::$decoder)($value, $associative)
                : json_decode($value, $associative);

     * Encode all values using the given callable.
    public static function encodeUsing(?callable $encoder): void
        static::$encoder = $encoder;

     * Decode all values using the given callable.
    public static function decodeUsing(?callable $decoder): void
        static::$decoder = $decoder;