

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:23



This file defines a class called "RefreshDatabaseState" in the Illuminate\Foundation\Testing namespace. This class has three static properties: $inMemoryConnections, $migrated, and $lazilyRefreshed.



This class is used to manage the state of the database during testing. It has three static properties:

  • $inMemoryConnections: An associative array that stores the current SQLite in-memory database connections. The keys are strings representing the connection names, and the values are PDO objects.
  • $migrated: A boolean indicating if the test database has been migrated.
  • $lazilyRefreshed: A boolean indicating if a lazy refresh hook has been invoked.

namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing;

class RefreshDatabaseState
     * The current SQLite in-memory database connections.
     * @var array<string, \PDO>
    public static $inMemoryConnections = [];

     * Indicates if the test database has been migrated.
     * @var bool
    public static $migrated = false;

     * Indicates if a lazy refresh hook has been invoked.
     * @var bool
    public static $lazilyRefreshed = false;