

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:23



This file, RegisterErrorViewPaths.php, is a part of the Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions namespace in the Demo Projects project. It contains a class named RegisterErrorViewPaths with a method called __invoke(). The purpose of this file is to register the error view paths in the application.



This method registers the error view paths in the application. It replaces the namespace errors with a collection of view paths obtained from the config('view.paths') configuration. The method then adds the errors subdirectory to each path in the collection and pushes the __DIR__.'/views' path at the end. Finally, it sets the updated view paths as the replacement namespace for the errors.


Class: RegisterErrorViewPaths

This class registers the error view paths in the application. It contains a single method, __invoke(), which performs the registration process described above.


namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\View;

class RegisterErrorViewPaths
     * Register the error view paths.
     * @return void
    public function __invoke()
        View::replaceNamespace('errors', collect(config('view.paths'))->map(function ($path) {
            return "{$path}/errors";