

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:23



The provided file, HandleExceptions.php, is a PHP class that handles exceptions and errors for the Laravel framework. It contains methods to bootstrap the application, handle PHP errors and deprecations, handle uncaught exceptions, and handle the PHP shutdown event.



This method is used to bootstrap the application. It sets up error handling, exception handling, and shutdown handling. It also sets the error reporting level and configures display errors based on the application environment.


This method handles PHP errors. It checks if the error is a deprecation and calls the appropriate handler. If the error is not a deprecation and the error reporting level includes the error level, it throws an ErrorException.


This method reports a deprecation error to the "deprecations" logger. It checks if deprecation errors should be ignored and if the logger can be instantiated. It then configures the deprecations logger and logs the error.


This method determines if deprecation errors should be ignored. It checks if the LogManager class exists, if the application has been bootstrapped, and if the application is running unit tests.


This method ensures that the "deprecations" logger is configured. It checks if the deprecations channel is already configured. If not, it configures a null log driver and sets the deprecations channel to the selected driver.


This method ensures that the "null" log driver is configured. It checks if the null log channel is already configured. If not, it configures a monolog handler for the null log channel.


This method handles uncaught exceptions from the application. It reports the exception using the exception handler and renders the exception for the console or as an HTTP response.


This method renders an exception for the console by calling the exception handler's renderForConsole method.


This method renders an exception as an HTTP response by calling the exception handler's render method and sending the response.


This method handles the PHP shutdown event. It checks if the last error is a fatal error and handles it as an exception.


This method creates a new FatalError instance from an error array.


This method is a helper function to forward a method call to another method if an application instance exists.


This method determines if an error level is a deprecation.


This method determines if an error type is fatal.


This method retrieves an instance of the exception handler.


This static method clears the local application instance from memory.


namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap;

use ErrorException;
use Exception;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Debug\ExceptionHandler;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application;
use Illuminate\Log\LogManager;
use Illuminate\Support\Env;
use Monolog\Handler\NullHandler;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput;
use Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\FatalError;
use Throwable;

class HandleExceptions
     * Reserved memory so that errors can be displayed properly on memory exhaustion.
     * @var string|null
    public static $reservedMemory;

     * The application instance.
     * @var \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application
    protected static $app;

     * Bootstrap the given application.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application  $app
     * @return void
    public function bootstrap(Application $app)
        self::$reservedMemory = str_repeat('x', 32768);

        static::$app = $app;





        if (! $app->environment('testing')) {
            ini_set('display_errors', 'Off');

     * Report PHP deprecations, or convert PHP errors to ErrorException instances.
     * @param  int  $level
     * @param  string  $message
     * @param  string  $file
     * @param  int  $line
     * @return void
     * @throws \ErrorException
    public function handleError($level, $message, $file = '', $line = 0)
        if ($this->isDeprecation($level)) {
            $this->handleDeprecationError($message, $file, $line, $level);
        } elseif (error_reporting() & $level) {
            throw new ErrorException($message, 0, $level, $file, $line);

     * Reports a deprecation to the "deprecations" logger.
     * @param  string  $message
     * @param  string  $file
     * @param  int  $line
     * @param  int  $level
     * @return void
    public function handleDeprecationError($message, $file, $line, $level = E_DEPRECATED)
        if ($this->shouldIgnoreDeprecationErrors()) {

        try {
            $logger = static::$app->make(LogManager::class);
        } catch (Exception) {


        $options = static::$app['config']->get('logging.deprecations') ?? [];

        with($logger->channel('deprecations'), function ($log) use ($message, $file, $line, $level, $options) {
            if ($options['trace'] ?? false) {
                $log->warning((string) new ErrorException($message, 0, $level, $file, $line));
            } else {
                $log->warning(sprintf('%s in %s on line %s',
                    $message, $file, $line

     * Determine if deprecation errors should be ignored.
     * @return bool
    protected function shouldIgnoreDeprecationErrors()
        return ! class_exists(LogManager::class)
            || ! static::$app->hasBeenBootstrapped()
            || (static::$app->runningUnitTests() && ! Env::get('LOG_DEPRECATIONS_WHILE_TESTING'));

     * Ensure the "deprecations" logger is configured.
     * @return void
    protected function ensureDeprecationLoggerIsConfigured()
        with(static::$app['config'], function ($config) {
            if ($config->get('logging.channels.deprecations')) {


            if (is_array($options = $config->get('logging.deprecations'))) {
                $driver = $options['channel'] ?? 'null';
            } else {
                $driver = $options ?? 'null';

            $config->set('logging.channels.deprecations', $config->get("logging.channels.{$driver}"));

     * Ensure the "null" log driver is configured.
     * @return void
    protected function ensureNullLogDriverIsConfigured()
        with(static::$app['config'], function ($config) {
            if ($config->get('logging.channels.null')) {

            $config->set('logging.channels.null', [
                'driver' => 'monolog',
                'handler' => NullHandler::class,

     * Handle an uncaught exception from the application.
     * Note: Most exceptions can be handled via the try / catch block in
     * the HTTP and Console kernels. But, fatal error exceptions must
     * be handled differently since they are not normal exceptions.
     * @param  \Throwable  $e
     * @return void
    public function handleException(Throwable $e)
        self::$reservedMemory = null;

        try {
        } catch (Exception) {
            $exceptionHandlerFailed = true;

        if (static::$app->runningInConsole()) {

            if ($exceptionHandlerFailed ?? false) {
        } else {

     * Render an exception to the console.
     * @param  \Throwable  $e
     * @return void
    protected function renderForConsole(Throwable $e)
        $this->getExceptionHandler()->renderForConsole(new ConsoleOutput, $e);

     * Render an exception as an HTTP response and send it.
     * @param  \Throwable  $e
     * @return void
    protected function renderHttpResponse(Throwable $e)
        $this->getExceptionHandler()->render(static::$app['request'], $e)->send();

     * Handle the PHP shutdown event.
     * @return void
    public function handleShutdown()
        self::$reservedMemory = null;

        if (! is_null($error = error_get_last()) && $this->isFatal($error['type'])) {
            $this->handleException($this->fatalErrorFromPhpError($error, 0));

     * Create a new fatal error instance from an error array.
     * @param  array  $error
     * @param  int|null  $traceOffset
     * @return \Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\FatalError
    protected function fatalErrorFromPhpError(array $error, $traceOffset = null)
        return new FatalError($error['message'], 0, $error, $traceOffset);

     * Forward a method call to the given method if an application instance exists.
     * @return callable
    protected function forwardsTo($method)
        return fn (...$arguments) => static::$app
            ? $this->{$method}(...$arguments)
            : false;

     * Determine if the error level is a deprecation.
     * @param  int  $level
     * @return bool
    protected function isDeprecation($level)
        return in_array($level, [E_DEPRECATED, E_USER_DEPRECATED]);

     * Determine if the error type is fatal.
     * @param  int  $type
     * @return bool
    protected function isFatal($type)
        return in_array($type, [E_COMPILE_ERROR, E_CORE_ERROR, E_ERROR, E_PARSE]);

     * Get an instance of the exception handler.
     * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Debug\ExceptionHandler
    protected function getExceptionHandler()
        return static::$app->make(ExceptionHandler::class);

     * Clear the local application instance from memory.
     * @return void
    public static function forgetApp()
        static::$app = null;