

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:24



This file contains a RouteGroup class that provides methods for merging route groups into a new array.



This method merges two arrays representing route groups into a new array. It takes three parameters: $new (array), $old (array), and $prependExistingPrefix (boolean). The method removes the domain and controller keys from the $old array if they exist in the $new array. Then, it merges the two arrays and formats the namespace, prefix, and where keys using helper methods. The method returns the merged array.


This method formats the namespace key for the new group attributes. It takes two parameters: $new (array) and $old (array). If the namespace key exists in the $new array, it checks if the namespace key also exists in the $old array. If it does, it appends the $new namespace to the $old namespace. Otherwise, it returns the $new namespace. If the namespace key does not exist in the $new array, it returns the $old namespace or null if it does not exist.


This method formats the prefix key for the new group attributes. It takes three parameters: $new (array), $old (array), and $prependExistingPrefix (boolean). It assigns the value of the $old['prefix'] to the variable $old. If $prependExistingPrefix is true, it appends the $new prefix to the end of the $old prefix after trimming any leading or trailing slashes. Otherwise, it prepends the $new prefix to the start of the $old prefix after trimming any leading or trailing slashes. If the prefix key does not exist in the $new array, it returns the $old prefix.


This method formats the where key for the new group attributes. It takes two parameters: $new (array) and $old (array). It merges the $old['where'] array with the $new['where'] array and returns the merged array.


This method formats the as key for the new group attributes. It takes two parameters: $new (array) and $old (array). If the $old array has an as key, it appends the $new['as'] to the end of the $old['as'] and returns the modified $new array. Otherwise, it returns the $new array.


namespace Illuminate\Routing;

use Illuminate\Support\Arr;

class RouteGroup
     * Merge route groups into a new array.
     * @param  array  $new
     * @param  array  $old
     * @param  bool  $prependExistingPrefix
     * @return array
    public static function merge($new, $old, $prependExistingPrefix = true)
        if (isset($new['domain'])) {

        if (isset($new['controller'])) {

        $new = array_merge(static::formatAs($new, $old), [
            'namespace' => static::formatNamespace($new, $old),
            'prefix' => static::formatPrefix($new, $old, $prependExistingPrefix),
            'where' => static::formatWhere($new, $old),

        return array_merge_recursive(Arr::except(
            $old, ['namespace', 'prefix', 'where', 'as']
        ), $new);

     * Format the namespace for the new group attributes.
     * @param  array  $new
     * @param  array  $old
     * @return string|null
    protected static function formatNamespace($new, $old)
        if (isset($new['namespace'])) {
            return isset($old['namespace']) && ! str_starts_with($new['namespace'], '\\')
                    ? trim($old['namespace'], '\\').'\\'.trim($new['namespace'], '\\')
                    : trim($new['namespace'], '\\');

        return $old['namespace'] ?? null;

     * Format the prefix for the new group attributes.
     * @param  array  $new
     * @param  array  $old
     * @param  bool  $prependExistingPrefix
     * @return string|null
    protected static function formatPrefix($new, $old, $prependExistingPrefix = true)
        $old = $old['prefix'] ?? '';

        if ($prependExistingPrefix) {
            return isset($new['prefix']) ? trim($old, '/').'/'.trim($new['prefix'], '/') : $old;

        return isset($new['prefix']) ? trim($new['prefix'], '/').'/'.trim($old, '/') : $old;

     * Format the "wheres" for the new group attributes.
     * @param  array  $new
     * @param  array  $old
     * @return array
    protected static function formatWhere($new, $old)
        return array_merge(
            $old['where'] ?? [],
            $new['where'] ?? []

     * Format the "as" clause of the new group attributes.
     * @param  array  $new
     * @param  array  $old
     * @return array
    protected static function formatAs($new, $old)
        if (isset($old['as'])) {
            $new['as'] = $old['as'].($new['as'] ?? '');

        return $new;