

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:25



The BeanstalkdJob.php file is part of the Illuminate Queue Jobs namespace in the Demo Projects project. It contains the BeanstalkdJob class which extends a parent class called Job and implements the JobContract interface. This class represents a job in a Beanstalkd queue and provides methods for interacting with the job.


__construct(Container $container, $pheanstalk, JobIdInterface $job, $connectionName, $queue)

This method is the constructor for the BeanstalkdJob class. It initializes the object with the provided parameters.

release($delay = 0)

This method releases the job back into the queue after a specified delay, which is optional. It calls the release method on the pheanstalk instance.


This method buries the job in the queue. It calls the bury method on the pheanstalk instance.


This method deletes the job from the queue. It calls the delete method on the pheanstalk instance.


This method returns the number of times the job has been attempted. It calls the statsJob method on the pheanstalk instance and retrieves the value of the reserves property from the returned statistics.


This method returns the job identifier. It calls the getId method on the job instance.


This method returns the raw body string for the job. It calls the getData method on the job instance.


This method returns the underlying Pheanstalk instance. It simply returns the $pheanstalk property.


This method returns the underlying Pheanstalk job. It simply returns the $job property.


There are no classes defined in the file.


namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs;

use Illuminate\Container\Container;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Job as JobContract;
use Pheanstalk\Contract\JobIdInterface;
use Pheanstalk\Pheanstalk;

class BeanstalkdJob extends Job implements JobContract
     * The Pheanstalk instance.
     * @var \Pheanstalk\Contract\PheanstalkManagerInterface&\Pheanstalk\Contract\PheanstalkPublisherInterface&\Pheanstalk\Contract\PheanstalkSubscriberInterface
    protected $pheanstalk;

     * The Pheanstalk job instance.
     * @var \Pheanstalk\Job
    protected $job;

     * Create a new job instance.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Container\Container  $container
     * @param  \Pheanstalk\Contract\PheanstalkManagerInterface&\Pheanstalk\Contract\PheanstalkPublisherInterface&\Pheanstalk\Contract\PheanstalkSubscriberInterface  $pheanstalk
     * @param  \Pheanstalk\Contract\JobIdInterface  $job
     * @param  string  $connectionName
     * @param  string  $queue
     * @return void
    public function __construct(Container $container, $pheanstalk, JobIdInterface $job, $connectionName, $queue)
        $this->job = $job;
        $this->queue = $queue;
        $this->container = $container;
        $this->pheanstalk = $pheanstalk;
        $this->connectionName = $connectionName;

     * Release the job back into the queue after (n) seconds.
     * @param  int  $delay
     * @return void
    public function release($delay = 0)

        $priority = Pheanstalk::DEFAULT_PRIORITY;

        $this->pheanstalk->release($this->job, $priority, $delay);

     * Bury the job in the queue.
     * @return void
    public function bury()


     * Delete the job from the queue.
     * @return void
    public function delete()


     * Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
     * @return int
    public function attempts()
        $stats = $this->pheanstalk->statsJob($this->job);

        return (int) $stats->reserves;

     * Get the job identifier.
     * @return int
    public function getJobId()
        return $this->job->getId();

     * Get the raw body string for the job.
     * @return string
    public function getRawBody()
        return $this->job->getData();

     * Get the underlying Pheanstalk instance.
     * @return \Pheanstalk\Contract\PheanstalkManagerInterface&\Pheanstalk\Contract\PheanstalkPublisherInterface&\Pheanstalk\Contract\PheanstalkSubscriberInterface
    public function getPheanstalk()
        return $this->pheanstalk;

     * Get the underlying Pheanstalk job.
     * @return \Pheanstalk\Contract\JobIdInterface
    public function getPheanstalkJob()
        return $this->job;