

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:25



This file, ValidationData.php, is part of the Illuminate\Validation namespace and contains a class called ValidationData. It provides methods for initializing and gathering data for a given attribute, extracting values for wildcard attributes, and extracting data based on dot-notated paths.


initializeAndGatherData($attribute, $masterData)

This method initializes and gathers data for a given attribute. It takes in the attribute name and the master data array as parameters and returns an array.

initializeAttributeOnData($attribute, $masterData)

This protected method is used to gather a copy of the attribute data filled with any missing attributes. It takes in the attribute name and the master data array as parameters and returns an array.

extractValuesForWildcards($masterData, $data, $attribute)

This protected method gets all of the exact attribute values for a given wildcard attribute. It takes in the master data, attribute data, and attribute name as parameters and returns an array.

extractDataFromPath($attribute, $masterData)

This method is used to extract data based on the given dot-notated path. It takes in the attribute name and the master data array as parameters and returns an array.


This method gets the explicit part of the attribute name. It takes in the attribute name as a parameter and returns a string.


No classes


namespace Illuminate\Validation;

use Illuminate\Support\Arr;

class ValidationData
     * Initialize and gather data for the given attribute.
     * @param  string  $attribute
     * @param  array  $masterData
     * @return array
    public static function initializeAndGatherData($attribute, $masterData)
        $data = Arr::dot(static::initializeAttributeOnData($attribute, $masterData));

        return array_merge($data, static::extractValuesForWildcards(
            $masterData, $data, $attribute

     * Gather a copy of the attribute data filled with any missing attributes.
     * @param  string  $attribute
     * @param  array  $masterData
     * @return array
    protected static function initializeAttributeOnData($attribute, $masterData)
        $explicitPath = static::getLeadingExplicitAttributePath($attribute);

        $data = static::extractDataFromPath($explicitPath, $masterData);

        if (! str_contains($attribute, '*') || str_ends_with($attribute, '*')) {
            return $data;

        return data_set($data, $attribute, null, true);

     * Get all of the exact attribute values for a given wildcard attribute.
     * @param  array  $masterData
     * @param  array  $data
     * @param  string  $attribute
     * @return array
    protected static function extractValuesForWildcards($masterData, $data, $attribute)
        $keys = [];

        $pattern = str_replace('\*', '[^\.]+', preg_quote($attribute, '/'));

        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            if ((bool) preg_match('/^'.$pattern.'/', $key, $matches)) {
                $keys[] = $matches[0];

        $keys = array_unique($keys);

        $data = [];

        foreach ($keys as $key) {
            $data[$key] = Arr::get($masterData, $key);

        return $data;

     * Extract data based on the given dot-notated path.
     * Used to extract a sub-section of the data for faster iteration.
     * @param  string  $attribute
     * @param  array  $masterData
     * @return array
    public static function extractDataFromPath($attribute, $masterData)
        $results = [];

        $value = Arr::get($masterData, $attribute, '__missing__');

        if ($value !== '__missing__') {
            Arr::set($results, $attribute, $value);

        return $results;

     * Get the explicit part of the attribute name.
     * E.g. '*.baz' -> ''
     * Allows us to not spin through all of the flattened data for some operations.
     * @param  string  $attribute
     * @return string
    public static function getLeadingExplicitAttributePath($attribute)
        return rtrim(explode('*', $attribute)[0], '.') ?: null;