This file is a trait called CompilesSessions
that is used in the Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
namespace. It contains two methods, compileSession
and compileEndsession
, which are responsible for compiling session statements into valid PHP code.
This method takes a string parameter called $expression
and compiles session statements into valid PHP code. It removes any parentheses from the expression, assigns the session value to a variable, and stores the previous value if it exists.
This method takes a string parameter called $expression
and compiles endsession statements into valid PHP code. It unsets the current session value and restores the previous value if it exists.
namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns;
trait CompilesSessions
* Compile the session statements into valid PHP.
* @param string $expression
* @return string
protected function compileSession($expression)
$expression = $this->stripParentheses($expression);
return '<?php $__sessionArgs = ['.$expression.'];
if (session()->has($__sessionArgs[0])) :
if (isset($value)) { $__sessionPrevious[] = $value; }
$value = session()->get($__sessionArgs[0]); ?>';
* Compile the endsession statements into valid PHP.
* @param string $expression
* @return string
protected function compileEndsession($expression)
return '<?php unset($value);
if (isset($__sessionPrevious) && !empty($__sessionPrevious)) { $value = array_pop($__sessionPrevious); }
if (isset($__sessionPrevious) && empty($__sessionPrevious)) { unset($__sessionPrevious); }
unset($__sessionArgs); ?>';