

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:36



This file is a Swift Playground that demonstrates how to use the SwiftyJSON library to handle JSON data in Swift. It provides examples of parsing JSON data, accessing JSON values using subscripts, handling errors, using optional and non-optional getters, setting values in JSON objects, converting JSON to raw objects, checking for the existence of values in JSON, using literal convertibles, merging JSON objects, and representing JSON as a string.



Merges one JSON object into another JSON object. Non-destructively modifies a copy of the original JSON object.



//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
# SwiftyJSON
SwiftyJSON makes it easy to deal with JSON data in Swift.

You must have to build `SwiftyJSON iOS` package for import.
### Basic setting for playground
import SwiftyJSON
import Foundation

var jsonData: Data?

if let file = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "SwiftyJSONTests", ofType: "json") {
	jsonData = try? Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: file))
} else {

let jsonObject = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonData!, options: .allowFragments)

let jsonString = String(data: jsonData!, encoding: .utf8)

## Usage

### Initialization


let json1 = try? JSON(data: jsonData!)
let json2 = JSON(jsonObject)
let dataFromString = jsonString?.data(using: .utf8)
let json3 = try? JSON(data: dataFromString!)

### Subscript
// Example json
let json: JSON = JSON([
	"array": [12.34, 56.78],
	"users": [
			"id": 987654,
			"info": [
				"name": "jack",
				"email": ""
			"feeds": [98833, 23443, 213239, 23232]
			"id": 654321,
			"info": [
				"name": "jeffgukang",
				"email": ""
			"feeds": [12345, 56789, 12423, 12412]

// Getting a double from a JSON Array

// Getting an array of string from a JSON Array
let arrayOfString = json["users"]{$0["info"]["name"]})

// Getting a string from a JSON Dictionary

// Getting a string using a path to the element
let path = ["users", 1, "info", "name"] as [JSONSubscriptType]
var name = json["users", 1, "info", "name"].string

// With a custom way
let keys: [JSONSubscriptType] = ["users", 1, "info", "name"]
name = json[keys].string

// Just the same
name = json["users"][1]["info"]["name"].string

// Alternatively
name = json["users", 1, "info", "name"].string

### Loop
// If json is .Dictionary
for (key, subJson):(String, JSON) in json {
	//Do something you want

/*The first element is always a String, even if the JSON is an Array*/
//If json is .Array
//The `index` is 0..<json.count's string value
for (index, subJson):(String, JSON) in json["array"] {
	//Do something you want
	print("\(index): \(subJson)")

### Error

SwiftyJSON 4.x

SwiftyJSON 4.x introduces an enum type called `SwiftyJSONError`, which includes `unsupportedType`, `indexOutOfBounds`, `elementTooDeep`, `wrongType`, `notExist` and `invalidJSON`, at the same time, `ErrorDomain` are being replaced by `SwiftyJSONError.errorDomain`. Note: Those old error types are deprecated in SwiftyJSON 4.x and will be removed in the future release.

Use a subscript to get/set a value in an Array or Dictionary

If the JSON is:

- an array, the app may crash with "index out-of-bounds."
- a dictionary, it will be assigned nil without a reason.
- not an array or a dictionary, the app may crash with an "unrecognised selector" exception.

This will never happen in SwiftyJSON.

let errorJson = JSON(["name", "age"])
if let name = errorJson[999].string {
	//Do something you want
} else {
	print(errorJson[999].error!) // "Array[999] is out of bounds"

let errorJson2 = JSON(["name": "Jack", "age": 25])
if let name = errorJson2["address"].string {
	//Do something you want
} else {
	print(errorJson2["address"].error!) // "Dictionary["address"] does not exist"

let errorJson3 = JSON(12345)
if let age = errorJson3[0].string {
	//Do something you want
} else {
	print(errorJson3[0])       // "Array[0] failure, It is not an array"
	print(errorJson3[0].error!) // "Array[0] failure, It is not an array"

if let name = json["name"].string {
	//Do something you want
} else {
	print(json["name"])       // "Dictionary[\"name"] failure, It is not an dictionary"
	print(json["name"].error!) // "Dictionary[\"name"] failure, It is not an dictionary"

### Optional getter

// Example json
let jsonOG: JSON = JSON([
	"id": 987654,
	"user": [
		"favourites_count": 8,
		"name": "jack",
		"email": "",
		"is_translator": true

if let id = jsonOG["user"]["favourites_count"].number {
	//Do something you want
} else {
	//Print the error

if let id = jsonOG["user"]["name"].string {
	//Do something you want
} else {
	//Print the error

if let id = jsonOG["user"]["is_translator"].bool {
	//Do something you want
} else {
	//Print the error

### Non-optional getter
Non-optional getter is named xxxValue

// Example json
let jsonNOG: JSON = JSON([
	"id": 987654,
	"name": "jack",
	"list": [
		["number": 1],
		["number": 2],
		["number": 3]
	"user": [
		"favourites_count": 8,
		"email": "",
		"is_translator": true

//If not a Number or nil, return 0
let idNOG: Int = jsonOG["id"].intValue

//If not a String or nil, return ""
let nameNOG: String = jsonNOG["name"].stringValue

//If not an Array or nil, return []
let listNOG: Array = jsonNOG["list"].arrayValue

//If not a Dictionary or nil, return [:]
let userNOG: Dictionary = jsonNOG["user"].dictionaryValue

### Setter

var jsonSetter: JSON = JSON([
	"id": 987654,
	"name": "jack",
	"array": [0, 2, 4, 6, 8],
	"double": 3513.352,
	"dictionary": [
		"name": "Jack",
		"sex": "man"
	"user": [
		"favourites_count": 8,
		"email": "",
		"is_translator": true

jsonSetter["name"] = JSON("new-name")
jsonSetter["array"][0] = JSON(1)

jsonSetter["id"].int = 123456
jsonSetter["double"].double = 123456.789
jsonSetter["name"].string = "Jeff"
jsonSetter.arrayObject = [1, 2, 3, 4]
jsonSetter.dictionaryObject = ["name": "Jeff", "age": 20]

### Raw object

let rawObject: Any = jsonSetter.object

let rawValue: Any = jsonSetter.rawValue

//convert the JSON to raw NSData
do {
	let rawData = try jsonSetter.rawData()
} catch {
	print("Error \(error)")

//convert the JSON to a raw String
if let rawString = jsonSetter.rawString() {
} else {

### Existence

// shows you whether value specified in JSON or not
if jsonSetter["name"].exists() {

### Literal convertibles
For more info about literal convertibles: [Swift literal Convertibles](

// StringLiteralConvertible
let jsonLiteralString: JSON = "I'm a json"

// IntegerLiteralConvertible
let jsonLiteralInt: JSON =  12345

// BooleanLiteralConvertible
let jsonLiteralBool: JSON =  true

// FloatLiteralConvertible
let jsonLiteralFloat: JSON =  2.8765

// DictionaryLiteralConvertible
let jsonLiteralDictionary: JSON =  ["I": "am", "a": "json"]

// ArrayLiteralConvertible
let jsonLiteralArray: JSON =  ["I", "am", "a", "json"]

// With subscript in array
var jsonSubscriptArray: JSON =  [1, 2, 3]
jsonSubscriptArray[0] = 100
jsonSubscriptArray[1] = 200
jsonSubscriptArray[2] = 300
jsonSubscriptArray[999] = 300 // Don't worry, nothing will happen

// With subscript in dictionary
var jsonSubscriptDictionary: JSON = ["name": "Jack", "age": 25]
jsonSubscriptDictionary["name"] = "Mike"
jsonSubscriptDictionary["age"] = "25" // It's OK to set String
jsonSubscriptDictionary["address"] = "L.A" // Add the "address": "L.A." in json

// Array & Dictionary
var jsonArrayDictionary: JSON =  ["name": "Jack", "age": 25, "list": ["a", "b", "c", ["what": "this"]]]
jsonArrayDictionary["list"][3]["what"] = "that"
jsonArrayDictionary["list", 3, "what"] = "that"

let arrayDictionarypath: [JSONSubscriptType] = ["list", 3, "what"]
jsonArrayDictionary[arrayDictionarypath] = "that"

// With other JSON objects
let user: JSON = ["username": "Steve", "password": "supersecurepassword"]
let auth: JSON = [
	"user": user.object, //use user.object instead of just user
	"apikey": "supersecretapitoken"

### Merging

It is possible to merge one JSON into another JSON. Merging a JSON into another JSON adds all non existing values to the original JSON which are only present in the other JSON.

If both JSONs contain a value for the same key, mostly this value gets overwritten in the original JSON, but there are two cases where it provides some special treatment:

- In case of both values being a JSON.Type.array the values form the array found in the other JSON getting appended to the original JSON's array value.
- In case of both values being a JSON.Type.dictionary both JSON-values are getting merged the same way the encapsulating JSON is merged.

In case, where two fields in a JSON have a different types, the value will get always overwritten.

There are two different fashions for merging: merge modifies the original JSON, whereas merged works non-destructively on a copy.
var original: JSON = [
	"first_name": "John",
	"age": 20,
	"skills": ["Coding", "Reading"],
	"address": [
		"street": "Front St",
		"zip": "12345"

let update: JSON = [
	"last_name": "Doe",
	"age": 21,
	"skills": ["Writing"],
	"address": [
		"zip": "12342",
		"city": "New York City"

try original.merge(with: update)
// [
//     "first_name": "John",
//     "last_name": "Doe",
//     "age": 21,
//     "skills": ["Coding", "Reading", "Writing"],
//     "address": [
//         "street": "Front St",
//         "zip": "12342",
//         "city": "New York City"
//     ]
// ]

### String representation
There are two options available:

- use the default Swift one
- use a custom one that will handle optionals well and represent nil as "null":

let stringRepresentationDict = ["1": 2, "2": "two", "3": nil] as [String: Any?]
let stringRepresentionJson: JSON = JSON(stringRepresentationDict)
let representation = stringRepresentionJson.rawString([.castNilToNSNull: true])
// representation is "{\"1\":2,\"2\":\"two\",\"3\":null}", which represents {"1":2,"2":"two","3":null}