

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:37



This file defines an interface called EventListener that is used to handle events related to memory leaks. The events include heap dumps, heap analysis progress, and heap analysis results. The interface provides a callback method onEvent to handle these events.



This method is called when an event occurs. It takes an Event object as a parameter, which represents the type of event that occurred.



package leakcanary

import android.content.Intent
import leakcanary.internal.SerializableIntent
import shark.HeapAnalysis
import shark.HeapAnalysisFailure
import shark.HeapAnalysisSuccess
import shark.OnAnalysisProgressListener.Step

fun interface EventListener {

   * Note: [Event] is [Serializable] for convenience but we currently make no guarantee
   * that the Serialization is backward / forward compatible across LeakCanary versions, so plan
   * accordingly. This is convenient for passing events around processes, and shouldn't be used
   * to store them.
  sealed class Event(
     * Unique identifier for a related chain of event. The identifier for the events that run
     * before [HeapDump] gets reset right before [HeapDump] is sent.
    val uniqueId: String
  ) : Serializable {
     * Sent from the "LeakCanary-Heap-Dump" HandlerThread.
    class DumpingHeap(uniqueId: String) : Event(uniqueId)

     * Sent from the "LeakCanary-Heap-Dump" HandlerThread.
    class HeapDump(
      uniqueId: String,
      val file: File,
      val durationMillis: Long,
      val reason: String
    ) : Event(uniqueId)

     * Sent from the "LeakCanary-Heap-Dump" HandlerThread.
    class HeapDumpFailed(
      uniqueId: String,
      val exception: Throwable,
      val willRetryLater: Boolean
    ) : Event(uniqueId)

     * [progressPercent] is a value between [0..1]
     * Sent from the thread performing the analysis.
    class HeapAnalysisProgress(
      uniqueId: String,
      val step: Step,
      val progressPercent: Double
    ) : Event(uniqueId)

     * Sent from the thread performing the analysis.
    sealed class HeapAnalysisDone<T : HeapAnalysis>(
      uniqueId: String,
      val heapAnalysis: T,
      showIntent: Intent
    ) : Event(uniqueId) {

      private val serializableShowIntent = SerializableIntent(showIntent)

      val showIntent: Intent
        get() = serializableShowIntent.intent

      class HeapAnalysisSucceeded(
        uniqueId: String,
        heapAnalysis: HeapAnalysisSuccess,
        val unreadLeakSignatures: Set<String>,
        showIntent: Intent
      ) : HeapAnalysisDone<HeapAnalysisSuccess>(uniqueId, heapAnalysis, showIntent)

      class HeapAnalysisFailed(
        uniqueId: String,
        heapAnalysis: HeapAnalysisFailure,
        showIntent: Intent
      ) : HeapAnalysisDone<HeapAnalysisFailure>(uniqueId, heapAnalysis, showIntent)

   * [onEvent] is always called from the thread the events are emitted from, which is documented
   * for each event. This enables you to potentially block a chain of events, waiting for some
   * pre work to be done.
  fun onEvent(event: Event)