

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:37



The SimpleListAdapter class is an implementation of BaseAdapter that can be used to display a list of items in an Android ListView. It provides a way to bind data to views and inflate the layout for each list item.



The SimpleListAdapter class is a generic class that extends the BaseAdapter class. It is used to create an adapter for a ListView that displays a list of items of type T.

  • It takes three parameters:
    • rowResId: the resource ID of the layout file used for each list item
    • items: a list of items of type T to be displayed in the ListView
    • bindView: a lambda expression that defines how each list item view should be bound to its corresponding data item
  • The getView method is overridden to provide a view for each list item. If a recycled view is available, it is reused, otherwise, a new view is inflated using the provided rowResId. The bindView lambda is then called to bind the view to its data.
  • Other methods from the BaseAdapter class (getItem, getItemId, getCount) are also overridden to provide the necessary functionality for the adapter.
package leakcanary.internal.activity.ui

import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.widget.BaseAdapter
import leakcanary.internal.navigation.inflate

internal class SimpleListAdapter<T>(
  private val rowResId: Int,
  private val items: List<T>,
  private val bindView: SimpleListAdapter<T>.(View, Int) -> Unit
) : BaseAdapter() {
  override fun getView(
    position: Int,
    convertView: View?,
    parent: ViewGroup
  ): View {
    val view = convertView ?: parent.inflate(rowResId)
    bindView(view, position)
    return view

  override fun getItem(position: Int) = items[position]

  override fun getItemId(position: Int) = position.toLong()

  override fun getCount() = items.size