This file contains the code for rendering a heap dump file in Android. It includes a render
method that takes a heap dump file and other parameters, and returns a bitmap representing the heap dump visualization.
This method takes the following parameters:
(Context): The Android context. -
(File): The heap dump file to render. -
(Int): The width of the source image. -
(Int): The height of the source image. -
(Int): The number of bytes per pixel in the source image.
The method reads the heap dump file using a StreamingHprofReader
and iterates through the records. It assigns colors to different types of records based on their class, and records their positions in the heap dump file. Then, it creates a bitmap with the specified width and height, and uses a canvas to draw each pixel of the bitmap with the corresponding color based on its position in the heap dump file.
The method returns the resulting bitmap.
package leakcanary.internal.activity.screen
import android.content.Context
import android.content.res.Resources
import android.graphics.Bitmap
import android.graphics.Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888
import android.graphics.Canvas
import android.graphics.Color
import android.graphics.Paint
import android.graphics.Paint.Style.FILL
import android.graphics.Paint.Style.STROKE
import android.graphics.Rect
import com.squareup.leakcanary.core.R
import java.io.File
import kotlin.math.ceil
import kotlin.math.max
import leakcanary.internal.navigation.getColorCompat
import shark.HprofRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpEndRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.GcRootRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.HeapDumpInfoRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.ClassDumpRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.InstanceDumpRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.ObjectArrayDumpRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.BooleanArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.ByteArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.CharArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.DoubleArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.FloatArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.IntArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.LongArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.ShortArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.LoadClassRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.StackTraceRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.StringRecord
import shark.StreamingHprofReader
import shark.StreamingRecordReaderAdapter.Companion.asStreamingRecordReader
internal object HeapDumpRenderer {
private class HasDensity(resources: Resources) {
val density = resources.displayMetrics.density
val Int.dp
get() = this * density
val Float.dp
get() = this * density
fun render(
context: Context,
heapDumpFile: File,
sourceWidth: Int,
sourceHeight: Int,
* If [sourceBytesPerPixel] > 0 then [sourceHeight] will be ignored.
sourceBytesPerPixel: Int
): Bitmap = with(HasDensity(context.resources)) {
val recordPositions = mutableListOf<Pair<Int, Long>>()
var currentRecord: HprofRecord? = null
val otherColor = context.getColorCompat(R.color.leak_canary_heap_other)
val stackTraceColor = context.getColorCompat(R.color.leak_canary_heap_stack_trace)
val hprofStringColor = context.getColorCompat(R.color.leak_canary_heap_hprof_string)
val loadClassColor = context.getColorCompat(R.color.leak_canary_heap_load_class)
val classDumpColor = context.getColorCompat(R.color.leak_canary_heap_class_dump)
val instanceColor = context.getColorCompat(R.color.leak_canary_heap_instance)
val objectArrayColor = context.getColorCompat(R.color.leak_canary_heap_object_array)
val booleanArrayColor = context.getColorCompat(R.color.leak_canary_heap_boolean_array)
val charArrayColor = context.getColorCompat(R.color.leak_canary_heap_char_array)
val floatArrayColor = context.getColorCompat(R.color.leak_canary_heap_float_array)
val doubleArrayColor = context.getColorCompat(R.color.leak_canary_heap_double_array)
val byteArrayColor = context.getColorCompat(R.color.leak_canary_heap_byte_array)
val shortArrayColor = context.getColorCompat(R.color.leak_canary_heap_short_array)
val intArrayColor = context.getColorCompat(R.color.leak_canary_heap_int_array)
val longArrayColor = context.getColorCompat(R.color.leak_canary_heap_long_array)
val colors = mapOf(
StringRecord::class to hprofStringColor,
LoadClassRecord::class to loadClassColor,
ClassDumpRecord::class to classDumpColor,
InstanceDumpRecord::class to instanceColor,
ObjectArrayDumpRecord::class to objectArrayColor,
BooleanArrayDump::class to booleanArrayColor,
CharArrayDump::class to charArrayColor,
FloatArrayDump::class to floatArrayColor,
DoubleArrayDump::class to doubleArrayColor,
ByteArrayDump::class to byteArrayColor,
ShortArrayDump::class to shortArrayColor,
IntArrayDump::class to intArrayColor,
LongArrayDump::class to longArrayColor,
StackTraceRecord::class to stackTraceColor,
HeapDumpEndRecord::class to otherColor,
GcRootRecord::class to otherColor
val appHeapColor = context.getColorCompat(R.color.leak_canary_heap_app)
val imageHeapColor = context.getColorCompat(R.color.leak_canary_heap_image)
val zygoteHeapColor = context.getColorCompat(R.color.leak_canary_heap_zygote)
val stringColor = context.getColorCompat(R.color.leak_canary_heap_instance_string)
var lastPosition = 0L
val reader = StreamingHprofReader.readerFor(heapDumpFile).asStreamingRecordReader()
val hprofStringCache = mutableMapOf<Long, String>()
val classNames = mutableMapOf<Long, Long>()
) { position, record ->
lastPosition = position
when (record) {
is StringRecord -> {
hprofStringCache[record.id] = record.string
is LoadClassRecord -> {
classNames[record.id] = record.classNameStringId
else -> {}
val localCurrentRecord = currentRecord
when {
localCurrentRecord is HeapDumpInfoRecord -> {
val colorForHeapInfo =
when (hprofStringCache[localCurrentRecord.heapNameStringId]) {
// The primary heap on which your app allocates memory.
"app" -> appHeapColor
// The system boot image, containing classes that are preloaded during boot time.
// Allocations here are guaranteed to never move or go away.
"image" -> imageHeapColor
// The copy-on-write heap where an app process is forked from in the Android system.
"zygote" -> zygoteHeapColor
// JNI heap: The heap that shows where Java Native Interface (JNI) references are allocated and released.
// default heap: When no heap is specified by the system
else -> otherColor
recordPositions.add(colorForHeapInfo to position)
currentRecord = record
localCurrentRecord is InstanceDumpRecord
&& hprofStringCache[classNames[localCurrentRecord.classId]] == "java.lang.String"
&& (record !is InstanceDumpRecord || hprofStringCache[classNames[record.classId]]
!= "java.lang.String")
-> {
recordPositions.add(stringColor to position)
currentRecord = record
currentRecord == null -> {
recordPositions.add(otherColor to position)
currentRecord = record
currentRecord!!::class != record::class -> {
recordPositions.add(colors.getValue(currentRecord!!::class) to position)
currentRecord = record
val heapLength = lastPosition
var height: Int
val bytesPerPixel: Double
if (sourceBytesPerPixel > 0) {
bytesPerPixel = sourceBytesPerPixel.toDouble()
height = ceil((heapLength / bytesPerPixel) / sourceWidth)
} else {
height = sourceHeight
bytesPerPixel = heapLength * 1.0 / (sourceWidth * height)
val bitmap: Bitmap =
Bitmap.createBitmap(sourceWidth, height, ARGB_8888)
val canvas = Canvas(bitmap)
val legend = mapOf(
"Hprof string" to hprofStringColor,
"Class name" to loadClassColor,
"App heap" to appHeapColor,
"Image heap" to imageHeapColor,
"Zygote heap" to zygoteHeapColor,
"Other heap" to otherColor,
"Class content" to classDumpColor,
"Instance" to instanceColor,
"String" to stringColor,
"Object array" to objectArrayColor,
"Boolean array" to booleanArrayColor,
"Char array" to charArrayColor,
"Float array" to floatArrayColor,
"Double array" to doubleArrayColor,
"Byte array" to byteArrayColor,
"Short array" to shortArrayColor,
"Int array" to intArrayColor,
"Long array" to longArrayColor,
"Stack trace" to stackTraceColor,
"Heap End" to otherColor
val legendTextPaint = Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG)
legendTextPaint.color = Color.WHITE
legendTextPaint.style = FILL
val legendSquareFillPaint = Paint()
legendSquareFillPaint.style = FILL
val legendSquareStrokePaint = Paint()
legendSquareStrokePaint.style = STROKE
legendSquareStrokePaint.strokeWidth = 0.8f.dp
legendSquareStrokePaint.color = Color.BLACK
legendTextPaint.color = Color.BLACK
legendTextPaint.textSize = 16.dp
val metrics = legendTextPaint.fontMetrics
val textHeight = metrics.descent - metrics.ascent
val xBounds = Rect()
legendTextPaint.getTextBounds("x", 0, 1, xBounds)
val squareSize = xBounds.height()
val squarePaddingTop = (textHeight - squareSize) / 2
val squareToTextPadding = 4.dp
val blockToBlockPadding = 8.dp
var maxTextWidth = 0f
for (name in legend.keys) {
maxTextWidth = max(maxTextWidth, legendTextPaint.measureText(name))
val padding = 8.dp
var blockLeft = padding
var blockTop = padding
val legendWidth = sourceWidth - 2 * padding
for ((name, color) in legend) {
if (blockLeft + squareSize + squareToTextPadding + maxTextWidth > legendWidth) {
blockLeft = padding
blockTop += textHeight
legendSquareFillPaint.color = color
blockLeft, blockTop + squarePaddingTop, blockLeft + squareSize,
blockTop + squarePaddingTop + squareSize,
blockLeft, blockTop + squarePaddingTop, blockLeft + squareSize,
blockTop + squarePaddingTop + squareSize,
blockLeft += squareSize + squareToTextPadding
canvas.drawText(name, blockLeft, blockTop - metrics.ascent, legendTextPaint)
blockLeft += maxTextWidth
blockLeft += blockToBlockPadding
val legendHeight = blockTop + textHeight + padding
val source = Rect(0, 0, sourceWidth, legendHeight.toInt())
val destination = Rect(0, (height - legendHeight).toInt(), sourceWidth, height)
canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, source, destination, null)
height -= legendHeight.toInt()
val pixelPaint = Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG.inv())
pixelPaint.style = FILL
var recordIndex = 0
for (y in 0 until height) {
for (x in 0 until sourceWidth) {
val bitmapPosition = y * sourceWidth + x
val heapPosition = (bitmapPosition * bytesPerPixel).toInt()
while (heapPosition > recordPositions[recordIndex].second && recordIndex < recordPositions.lastIndex) {
pixelPaint.color = recordPositions[recordIndex].first
canvas.drawPoint(x.toFloat(), y.toFloat(), pixelPaint)
return bitmap