The HprofHeapGraph
class is part of the shark
package and is used to read and analyze Hprof files. It implements the CloseableHeapGraph
interface and provides various methods to access and manipulate the data in the Hprof file.
There are no methods defined in this file.
The HprofHeapGraph
class is the main class that provides access to the data in an Hprof file. It implements the CloseableHeapGraph
interface, which is used to represent a graph of objects in the heap. The class provides methods to query and manipulate the heap graph.
: Returns the size of the identifier in bytes. -
: Returns the graph context. -
: Returns the total number of objects in the heap. -
: Returns the number of classes in the heap. -
: Returns the number of instances in the heap. -
: Returns the number of object arrays in the heap. -
: Returns the number of primitive arrays in the heap. -
: Returns a list of garbage collection roots in the heap. -
: Returns a sequence of all objects in the heap. -
: Returns a sequence of all classes in the heap. -
: Returns a sequence of all instances in the heap. -
: Returns a sequence of all object arrays in the heap. -
: Returns a sequence of all primitive arrays in the heap. -
: Returns the statistics of the LRU cache used by the heap graph. -
findObjectById(objectId: Long)
: Finds an object in the heap by its ID and returns it. -
findObjectByIndex(objectIndex: Int)
: Finds an object in the heap by its index and returns it. -
findObjectByIdOrNull(objectId: Long)
: Finds an object in the heap by its ID and returns it, or returns null if the object is not found. -
findClassByName(className: String)
: Finds a class in the heap by its name and returns it. -
objectExists(objectId: Long)
: Checks if an object with the given ID exists in the heap. -
findHeapDumpIndex(objectId: Long)
: Finds the index of an object in the heap dump. -
findObjectByHeapDumpIndex(heapDumpIndex: Int)
: Finds an object in the heap by its index in the heap dump and returns it. -
: Closes the heap graph and releases any associated resources.
package shark
import java.io.File
import shark.HeapObject.HeapClass
import shark.HeapObject.HeapInstance
import shark.HeapObject.HeapObjectArray
import shark.HeapObject.HeapPrimitiveArray
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.ClassDumpRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.ClassDumpRecord.FieldRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.ClassDumpRecord.StaticFieldRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.InstanceDumpRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.ObjectArrayDumpRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.BooleanArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.ByteArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.CharArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.DoubleArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.FloatArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.IntArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.LongArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.ShortArrayDump
import shark.HprofVersion.ANDROID
import shark.PrimitiveType.BYTE
import shark.PrimitiveType.INT
import shark.internal.FieldValuesReader
import shark.internal.HprofInMemoryIndex
import shark.internal.IndexedObject
import shark.internal.IndexedObject.IndexedClass
import shark.internal.IndexedObject.IndexedInstance
import shark.internal.IndexedObject.IndexedObjectArray
import shark.internal.IndexedObject.IndexedPrimitiveArray
import shark.internal.LruCache
* A [HeapGraph] that reads from an Hprof file indexed by [HprofIndex].
class HprofHeapGraph internal constructor(
private val header: HprofHeader,
private val reader: RandomAccessHprofReader,
private val index: HprofInMemoryIndex
) : CloseableHeapGraph {
override val identifierByteSize: Int get() = header.identifierByteSize
override val context = GraphContext()
override val objectCount: Int
get() = classCount + instanceCount + objectArrayCount + primitiveArrayCount
override val classCount: Int
get() = index.classCount
override val instanceCount: Int
get() = index.instanceCount
override val objectArrayCount: Int
get() = index.objectArrayCount
override val primitiveArrayCount: Int
get() = index.primitiveArrayCount
override val gcRoots: List<GcRoot>
get() = index.gcRoots()
override val objects: Sequence<HeapObject>
get() {
var objectIndex = 0
return index.indexedObjectSequence()
.map {
wrapIndexedObject(objectIndex++, it.second, it.first)
override val classes: Sequence<HeapClass>
get() {
var objectIndex = 0
return index.indexedClassSequence()
.map {
val objectId = it.first
val indexedObject = it.second
HeapClass(this, indexedObject, objectId, objectIndex++)
override val instances: Sequence<HeapInstance>
get() {
var objectIndex = classCount
return index.indexedInstanceSequence()
.map {
val objectId = it.first
val indexedObject = it.second
HeapInstance(this, indexedObject, objectId, objectIndex++)
override val objectArrays: Sequence<HeapObjectArray>
get() {
var objectIndex = classCount + instanceCount
return index.indexedObjectArraySequence().map {
val objectId = it.first
val indexedObject = it.second
HeapObjectArray(this, indexedObject, objectId, objectIndex++)
override val primitiveArrays: Sequence<HeapPrimitiveArray>
get() {
var objectIndex = classCount + instanceCount + objectArrayCount
return index.indexedPrimitiveArraySequence().map {
val objectId = it.first
val indexedObject = it.second
HeapPrimitiveArray(this, indexedObject, objectId, objectIndex++)
private val objectCache = LruCache<Long, ObjectRecord>(INTERNAL_LRU_CACHE_SIZE)
// java.lang.Object is the most accessed class in Heap, so we want to memoize a reference to it
private val javaLangObjectClass: HeapClass? = findClassByName("java.lang.Object")
internal val objectArrayRecordNonElementSize = 2 * identifierByteSize + 2 * INT.byteSize
internal val primitiveArrayRecordNonElementSize =
identifierByteSize + 2 * INT.byteSize + BYTE.byteSize
* This is only public so that we can publish stats. Accessing this requires casting
* [HeapGraph] to [HprofHeapGraph] so it's really not a public API. May change at any time!
fun lruCacheStats(): String = objectCache.toString()
override fun findObjectById(objectId: Long): HeapObject {
return findObjectByIdOrNull(objectId) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException(
"Object id $objectId not found in heap dump."
override fun findObjectByIndex(objectIndex: Int): HeapObject {
require(objectIndex in 0 until objectCount) {
"$objectIndex should be in range [0, $objectCount["
val (objectId, indexedObject) = index.objectAtIndex(objectIndex)
return wrapIndexedObject(objectIndex, indexedObject, objectId)
override fun findObjectByIdOrNull(objectId: Long): HeapObject? {
if (objectId == javaLangObjectClass?.objectId) return javaLangObjectClass
val (objectIndex, indexedObject) = index.indexedObjectOrNull(objectId) ?: return null
return wrapIndexedObject(objectIndex, indexedObject, objectId)
override fun findClassByName(className: String): HeapClass? {
val heapDumpClassName = if (header.version != ANDROID) {
val indexOfArrayChar = className.indexOf('[')
if (indexOfArrayChar != -1) {
val dimensions = (className.length - indexOfArrayChar) / 2
val componentClassName = className.substring(0, indexOfArrayChar)
"[".repeat(dimensions) + when (componentClassName) {
"char" -> 'C'
"float" -> 'F'
"double" -> 'D'
"byte" -> 'B'
"short" -> 'S'
"int" -> 'I'
"long" -> 'J'
else -> "L$componentClassName;"
} else {
} else {
val classId = index.classId(heapDumpClassName)
return if (classId == null) {
} else {
return findObjectById(classId) as HeapClass
override fun objectExists(objectId: Long): Boolean {
return index.objectIdIsIndexed(objectId)
override fun findHeapDumpIndex(objectId: Long): Int {
val (_, indexedObject) = index.indexedObjectOrNull(objectId)?: throw IllegalArgumentException(
"Object id $objectId not found in heap dump."
val position = indexedObject.position
var countObjectsBefore = 1
.forEach {
if (position > it.second.position) {
return countObjectsBefore
override fun findObjectByHeapDumpIndex(heapDumpIndex: Int): HeapObject {
require(heapDumpIndex in 1..objectCount) {
"$heapDumpIndex should be in range [1, $objectCount]"
val (objectId, _) = index.indexedObjectSequence().toList().sortedBy { it.second.position }[heapDumpIndex]
return findObjectById(objectId)
override fun close() {
internal fun classDumpStaticFields(indexedClass: IndexedClass): List<StaticFieldRecord> {
return index.classFieldsReader.classDumpStaticFields(indexedClass)
internal fun classDumpFields(indexedClass: IndexedClass): List<FieldRecord> {
return index.classFieldsReader.classDumpFields(indexedClass)
internal fun classDumpHasReferenceFields(indexedClass: IndexedClass): Boolean {
return index.classFieldsReader.classDumpHasReferenceFields(indexedClass)
internal fun fieldName(
classId: Long,
fieldRecord: FieldRecord
): String {
return index.fieldName(classId, fieldRecord.nameStringId)
internal fun staticFieldName(
classId: Long,
fieldRecord: StaticFieldRecord
): String {
return index.fieldName(classId, fieldRecord.nameStringId)
internal fun createFieldValuesReader(record: InstanceDumpRecord) =
FieldValuesReader(record, identifierByteSize)
internal fun className(classId: Long): String {
val hprofClassName = index.className(classId)
if (header.version != ANDROID) {
if (hprofClassName.startsWith('[')) {
val arrayCharLastIndex = hprofClassName.lastIndexOf('[')
val brackets = "[]".repeat(arrayCharLastIndex + 1)
return when (val typeChar = hprofClassName[arrayCharLastIndex + 1]) {
'L' -> {
val classNameStart = arrayCharLastIndex + 2
hprofClassName.substring(classNameStart, hprofClassName.length - 1) + brackets
'Z' -> "boolean$brackets"
'C' -> "char$brackets"
'F' -> "float$brackets"
'D' -> "double$brackets"
'B' -> "byte$brackets"
'S' -> "short$brackets"
'I' -> "int$brackets"
'J' -> "long$brackets"
else -> error("Unexpected type char $typeChar")
return hprofClassName
internal fun readObjectArrayDumpRecord(
objectId: Long,
indexedObject: IndexedObjectArray
): ObjectArrayDumpRecord {
return readObjectRecord(objectId, indexedObject) {
internal fun readObjectArrayByteSize(
objectId: Long,
indexedObject: IndexedObjectArray
): Int {
val cachedRecord = objectCache[objectId] as ObjectArrayDumpRecord?
if (cachedRecord != null) {
return cachedRecord.elementIds.size * identifierByteSize
val position = indexedObject.position + identifierByteSize + PrimitiveType.INT.byteSize
val size = PrimitiveType.INT.byteSize.toLong()
val thinRecordSize = reader.readRecord(position, size) {
return thinRecordSize * identifierByteSize
internal fun readPrimitiveArrayDumpRecord(
objectId: Long,
indexedObject: IndexedPrimitiveArray
): PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord {
return readObjectRecord(objectId, indexedObject) {
internal fun readPrimitiveArrayByteSize(
objectId: Long,
indexedObject: IndexedPrimitiveArray
): Int {
val cachedRecord = objectCache[objectId] as PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord?
if (cachedRecord != null) {
return when (cachedRecord) {
is BooleanArrayDump -> cachedRecord.array.size * PrimitiveType.BOOLEAN.byteSize
is CharArrayDump -> cachedRecord.array.size * PrimitiveType.CHAR.byteSize
is FloatArrayDump -> cachedRecord.array.size * PrimitiveType.FLOAT.byteSize
is DoubleArrayDump -> cachedRecord.array.size * PrimitiveType.DOUBLE.byteSize
is ByteArrayDump -> cachedRecord.array.size * PrimitiveType.BYTE.byteSize
is ShortArrayDump -> cachedRecord.array.size * PrimitiveType.SHORT.byteSize
is IntArrayDump -> cachedRecord.array.size * PrimitiveType.INT.byteSize
is LongArrayDump -> cachedRecord.array.size * PrimitiveType.LONG.byteSize
val position = indexedObject.position + identifierByteSize + PrimitiveType.INT.byteSize
val size = reader.readRecord(position, PrimitiveType.INT.byteSize.toLong()) {
return size * indexedObject.primitiveType.byteSize
internal fun readClassDumpRecord(
objectId: Long,
indexedObject: IndexedClass
): ClassDumpRecord {
return readObjectRecord(objectId, indexedObject) {
internal fun readInstanceDumpRecord(
objectId: Long,
indexedObject: IndexedInstance
): InstanceDumpRecord {
return readObjectRecord(objectId, indexedObject) {
private fun <T : ObjectRecord> readObjectRecord(
objectId: Long,
indexedObject: IndexedObject,
readBlock: HprofRecordReader.() -> T
): T {
val objectRecordOrNull = objectCache[objectId]
if (objectRecordOrNull != null) {
return objectRecordOrNull as T
return reader.readRecord(indexedObject.position, indexedObject.recordSize) {
}.apply { objectCache.put(objectId, this) }
private fun wrapIndexedObject(
objectIndex: Int,
indexedObject: IndexedObject,
objectId: Long
): HeapObject {
return when (indexedObject) {
is IndexedClass -> {
HeapClass(this, indexedObject, objectId, objectIndex)
is IndexedInstance -> {
HeapInstance(this, indexedObject, objectId, objectIndex)
is IndexedObjectArray -> {
HeapObjectArray(this, indexedObject, objectId, objectIndex)
is IndexedPrimitiveArray -> HeapPrimitiveArray(this, indexedObject, objectId, objectIndex)
companion object {
* This is not a public API, it's only public so that we can evaluate the effectiveness of
* different cache size in tests in a different module.
* LRU cache size of 3000 is a sweet spot to balance hits vs memory usage.
* This is based on running an instrumented test a bunch of time on a
* Pixel 2 XL API 28. Hit count was ~120K, miss count ~290K
* A facility for opening a [CloseableHeapGraph] from a [File].
* This first parses the file headers with [HprofHeader.parseHeaderOf], then indexes the file content
* with [HprofIndex.indexRecordsOf] and then opens a [CloseableHeapGraph] from the index, which
* you are responsible for closing after using.
fun File.openHeapGraph(
proguardMapping: ProguardMapping? = null,
indexedGcRootTypes: Set<HprofRecordTag> = HprofIndex.defaultIndexedGcRootTags()
): CloseableHeapGraph {
return FileSourceProvider(this).openHeapGraph(proguardMapping, indexedGcRootTypes)
fun DualSourceProvider.openHeapGraph(
proguardMapping: ProguardMapping? = null,
indexedGcRootTypes: Set<HprofRecordTag> = HprofIndex.defaultIndexedGcRootTags()
): CloseableHeapGraph {
// TODO We can probably remove the concept of DualSourceProvider. Opening a heap graph requires
// a random access reader which is built from a random access source + headers.
// Also require headers, and the index.
// So really we're:
// 1) Reader the headers from an okio source
// 2) Reading the whole source streaming to create the index. Wondering if we really need to parse
// the headers, close the file then parse / skip the header part. Can't the parsing + indexing give
// us headers + index?
// 3) Using the index + headers + a random access source on the content to create a closeable
// abstraction.
// Note: should see if Okio has a better abstraction for random access now.
// Also Use FileSystem + Path instead of File as the core way to open a file based heap dump.
val header = openStreamingSource().use { HprofHeader.parseHeaderOf(it) }
val index = HprofIndex.indexRecordsOf(this, header, proguardMapping, indexedGcRootTypes)
return index.openHeapGraph()