

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:38



This file HprofExplorerScreen.kt contains the implementation of the HprofExplorerScreen class, which is responsible for creating and managing the UI screen for exploring a heap dump file. It provides methods for displaying classes, instances, object arrays, and primitive arrays found in the heap dump.



The HprofExplorerScreen class is responsible for creating and managing the UI screen for exploring a heap dump file. It takes a heapDumpFile as a parameter in its constructor. It extends the Screen class from the leakcanary.internal.navigation package.

The HprofExplorerScreen class provides the following methods:

  • createView(container: ViewGroup): Creates and initializes the UI view for the screen. It inflates the layout from the XML file leak_canary_hprof_explorer.xml and sets up listeners for the search button. It also triggers the loading and processing of the heap dump file in the background.
  • showClass(titleView: TextView, listView: ListView, selectedClass: HeapClass): Shows the details of a selected class. It retrieves the class name, instances, and static fields from the heap dump and updates the UI accordingly.
  • showInstance(titleView: TextView, listView: ListView, instance: HeapInstance): Shows the details of a selected instance. It retrieves the fields of the instance from the heap dump and updates the UI accordingly.
  • showObjectArray(titleView: TextView, listView: ListView, instance: HeapObjectArray): Shows the details of a selected object array. It retrieves the elements of the array from the heap dump and updates the UI accordingly.
  • showPrimitiveArray(titleView: TextView, listView: ListView, instance: HeapPrimitiveArray): Shows the details of a selected primitive array. It retrieves the elements of the array from the heap dump and updates the UI accordingly.
  • onHeapValueClicked(titleView: TextView, listView: ListView, heapValue: HeapValue): Handles the click event on a heap value (reference, boolean, char, float, double, byte, short, or int). It determines the type of the heap value and calls the appropriate method to show the details based on the type.
  • fieldsAsString(): List<Pair<HeapField, String>>: Converts a sequence of HeapField objects to a list of pairs, where each pair contains the field object and its string representation.
  • heapValueAsString(): String: Converts a HeapValue object to a string representation based on its type.
package leakcanary.internal.activity.screen

import android.view.View
import android.view.View.OnAttachStateChangeListener
import android.view.View.VISIBLE
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.widget.EditText
import android.widget.ListView
import android.widget.TextView
import android.widget.Toast
import com.squareup.leakcanary.core.R
import leakcanary.internal.activity.db.Io
import leakcanary.internal.activity.db.executeOnIo
import leakcanary.internal.activity.ui.SimpleListAdapter
import leakcanary.internal.navigation.Screen
import leakcanary.internal.navigation.activity
import leakcanary.internal.navigation.inflate
import shark.HeapField
import shark.HeapObject.HeapClass
import shark.HeapObject.HeapInstance
import shark.HeapObject.HeapObjectArray
import shark.HeapObject.HeapPrimitiveArray
import shark.HeapValue
import shark.HprofHeapGraph.Companion.openHeapGraph
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.BooleanArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.ByteArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.CharArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.DoubleArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.FloatArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.IntArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.LongArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.ShortArrayDump
import shark.ValueHolder.BooleanHolder
import shark.ValueHolder.ByteHolder
import shark.ValueHolder.CharHolder
import shark.ValueHolder.DoubleHolder
import shark.ValueHolder.FloatHolder
import shark.ValueHolder.IntHolder
import shark.ValueHolder.LongHolder
import shark.ValueHolder.ReferenceHolder
import shark.ValueHolder.ShortHolder

internal class HprofExplorerScreen(
  private val heapDumpFile: File
) : Screen() {
  override fun createView(container: ViewGroup) =
    container.inflate(R.layout.leak_canary_hprof_explorer).apply {
      container.activity.title = resources.getString(R.string.leak_canary_loading_title)

      var closeable: Closeable? = null

      addOnAttachStateChangeListener(object : OnAttachStateChangeListener {
        override fun onViewAttachedToWindow(view: View) {

        override fun onViewDetachedFromWindow(view: View) {
          Io.execute {

      executeOnIo {
        val graph = heapDumpFile.openHeapGraph()
        closeable = graph
        updateUi {
          container.activity.title =
          val titleView = findViewById<TextView>(
          val searchView = findViewById<View>(
          val listView = findViewById<ListView>(
          titleView.visibility = VISIBLE
          searchView.visibility = VISIBLE
          listView.visibility = VISIBLE
          searchView.setOnClickListener {
            val input = EditText(context)
              .setTitle("Type a fully qualified class name")
              .setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok) { _, _ ->
                executeOnIo {
                  val partialClassName = input.text.toString()
                  val matchingClasses = graph.classes
                    .filter { partialClassName in }

                  if (matchingClasses.isEmpty()) {
                    updateUi {
                        context, "No class matching [$partialClassName]", Toast.LENGTH_LONG
                  } else {
                    updateUi {
                      titleView.text =
                        "${matchingClasses.size} classes matching [$partialClassName]"
                      listView.adapter = SimpleListAdapter(
                        R.layout.leak_canary_simple_row, matchingClasses
                      ) { view, position ->
                        val itemTitleView = view.findViewById<TextView>(
                        itemTitleView.text = matchingClasses[position].name
                      listView.setOnItemClickListener { _, _, position, _ ->
                        val selectedClass = matchingClasses[position]
                        showClass(titleView, listView, selectedClass)
              .setNegativeButton(android.R.string.cancel, null)

  private fun View.showClass(
    titleView: TextView,
    listView: ListView,
    selectedClass: HeapClass
  ) {
    executeOnIo {
      val className =
      val instances = selectedClass.directInstances.toList()
      val staticFields = selectedClass.readStaticFields()
      updateUi {
        titleView.text =
          "Class $className (${instances.size} instances)"
        listView.adapter = SimpleListAdapter(
          R.layout.leak_canary_simple_row, staticFields + instances
        ) { view, position ->
          val itemTitleView =
          if (position < staticFields.size) {
            itemTitleView.text = staticFields[position].second
          } else {
            itemTitleView.text = "@${instances[position - staticFields.size].objectId}"
        listView.setOnItemClickListener { _, _, position, _ ->
          if (position < staticFields.size) {
            val staticField = staticFields[position].first
            onHeapValueClicked(titleView, listView, staticField.value)
          } else {
            val instance = instances[position - staticFields.size]
            showInstance(titleView, listView, instance)

  private fun View.showInstance(
    titleView: TextView,
    listView: ListView,
    instance: HeapInstance
  ) {
    executeOnIo {
      val fields = instance.readFields()
      val className = instance.instanceClassName
      updateUi {
        titleView.text = "Instance @${instance.objectId} of class $className"
        listView.adapter = SimpleListAdapter(
          R.layout.leak_canary_simple_row, fields
        ) { view, position ->
          val itemTitleView =
          itemTitleView.text = fields[position].second
        listView.setOnItemClickListener { _, _, position, _ ->
          val field = fields[position].first
          onHeapValueClicked(titleView, listView, field.value)

  private fun View.showObjectArray(
    titleView: TextView,
    listView: ListView,
    instance: HeapObjectArray
  ) {
    executeOnIo {
      val elements = instance.readElements()
        .mapIndexed { index: Int, element: HeapValue ->
          element to "[$index] = ${element.heapValueAsString()}"
      val arrayClassName = instance.arrayClassName
      val className = arrayClassName.substring(0, arrayClassName.length - 2)
      updateUi {
        titleView.text = "Array $className[${elements.size}]"
        listView.adapter = SimpleListAdapter(
          R.layout.leak_canary_simple_row, elements
        ) { view, position ->
          val itemTitleView =
          itemTitleView.text = elements[position].second
        listView.setOnItemClickListener { _, _, position, _ ->
          val element = elements[position].first
          onHeapValueClicked(titleView, listView, element)

  private fun View.showPrimitiveArray(
    titleView: TextView,
    listView: ListView,
    instance: HeapPrimitiveArray
  ) {
    executeOnIo {
      val (type, values) = when (val record = instance.readRecord()) {
        is BooleanArrayDump -> "boolean" to { it.toString() }
        is CharArrayDump -> "char" to { "'$it'" }
        is FloatArrayDump -> "float" to { it.toString() }
        is DoubleArrayDump -> "double" to { it.toString() }
        is ByteArrayDump -> "byte" to { it.toString() }
        is ShortArrayDump -> "short" to { it.toString() }
        is IntArrayDump -> "int" to { it.toString() }
        is LongArrayDump -> "long" to { it.toString() }
      updateUi {
        titleView.text = "Array $type[${values.size}]"
        listView.adapter = SimpleListAdapter(
          R.layout.leak_canary_simple_row, values
        ) { view, position ->
          val itemTitleView =
          itemTitleView.text = "$type ${values[position]}"
        listView.setOnItemClickListener { _, _, _, _ ->

  private fun View.onHeapValueClicked(
    titleView: TextView,
    listView: ListView,
    heapValue: HeapValue
  ) {
    if (heapValue.isNonNullReference) {
      when (val objectRecord = heapValue.asObject!!) {
        is HeapInstance -> {
          showInstance(titleView, listView, objectRecord)
        is HeapClass -> {
          showClass(titleView, listView, objectRecord)
        is HeapObjectArray -> {
          showObjectArray(titleView, listView, objectRecord)
        is HeapPrimitiveArray -> {
          showPrimitiveArray(titleView, listView, objectRecord)

  private fun Sequence<HeapField>.fieldsAsString(): List<Pair<HeapField, String>> {
    return map { field ->
      field to "${field.declaringClass.simpleName}.${} = ${field.value.heapValueAsString()}"

  private fun HeapValue.heapValueAsString(): String {
    return when (val heapValue = holder) {
      is ReferenceHolder -> {
        if (isNullReference) {
        } else {
          when (val objectRecord = asObject!!) {
            is HeapInstance -> {
              if (objectRecord instanceOf "java.lang.String") {
                "${objectRecord.instanceClassName}@${heapValue.value} \"${objectRecord.readAsJavaString()!!}\""
              } else {
            is HeapClass -> {
              "Class ${}"
            is HeapObjectArray -> {
            is HeapPrimitiveArray -> objectRecord.arrayClassName
      is BooleanHolder -> "boolean ${heapValue.value}"
      is CharHolder -> "char ${heapValue.value}"
      is FloatHolder -> "float ${heapValue.value}"
      is DoubleHolder -> "double ${heapValue.value}"
      is ByteHolder -> "byte ${heapValue.value}"
      is ShortHolder -> "short ${heapValue.value}"
      is IntHolder -> "int ${heapValue.value}"
      is LongHolder -> "long ${heapValue.value}"