

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:38



The file AndroidObjectInspectors.kt contains a set of default ObjectInspector implementations that are specifically designed for inspecting Android objects. These inspectors have heuristics based on common AOSP and library classes to determine if an object is potentially leaking or not. The file also includes helper functions to unwrap and inspect different types of Android contexts.


There are no methods defined in this file.


enum class AndroidObjectInspectors

This enum class implements the ObjectInspector interface and provides default inspectors for various Android objects. Each inspector has a specific purpose and set of heuristics to determine if an object is leaking or not. Some of the inspectors provided in this enum class include:

  • VIEW: Inspects android.view.View objects and checks if they are leaking based on their parent hierarchy and attachment status.
  • EDITOR: Inspects android.widget.Editor objects and delegates the inspection to the VIEW inspector for the associated TextView.
  • ACTIVITY: Inspects objects and checks if they are destroyed.
  • SERVICE: Inspects objects and checks if they are held by the ActivityThread.
  • CONTEXT_FIELD: Inspects fields of type android.content.Context in an object and provides information about the context and its lifecycle.
  • CONTEXT_WRAPPER: Inspects android.content.ContextWrapper objects and checks if they wrap an activity with a destroyed state.
  • APPLICATION_PACKAGE_MANAGER: Inspects objects and checks if their outer context is leaking.
  • CONTEXT_IMPL: Inspects objects and checks if their outer context is leaking.
  • DIALOG: Inspects objects and provides information about their attachment and destruction status.
  • ACTIVITY_THREAD: Inspects objects and marks them as not leaking due to being singletons.
  • APPLICATION: Inspects objects and marks them as not leaking due to being singletons.
  • INPUT_METHOD_MANAGER: Inspects android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager objects and marks them as not leaking due to being singletons.
  • FRAGMENT: Inspects objects and checks if their fragment manager is null.
  • SUPPORT_FRAGMENT: Inspects support library objects and checks if their fragment manager is null.
  • ANDROIDX_FRAGMENT: Inspects AndroidX objects and checks if their fragment manager is null.
  • MESSAGE_QUEUE: Inspects android.os.MessageQueue objects and provides information about their quitting status.
  • LOADED_APK: Inspects objects and provides information about the receivers registered in them.
  • MORTAR_PRESENTER: Inspects mortar.Presenter objects and provides information about their view.
  • MORTAR_SCOPE: Inspects mortar.MortarScope objects and checks if their dead flag is set.
  • COORDINATOR: Inspects com.squareup.coordinators.Coordinator objects and provides information about their attached status.
  • MAIN_THREAD: Inspects Thread objects and marks the main thread as not leaking.
  • VIEW_ROOT_IMPL: Inspects android.view.ViewRootImpl objects and checks if their view is null or if their context references a destroyed activity.
  • WINDOW: Inspects android.view.Window objects and checks if they are marked as destroyed.
  • MESSAGE: Inspects android.os.Message objects and provides information about their fields.
  • TOAST: Inspects android.widget.Toast objects and checks if they are showing or done showing.
  • RECOMPOSER: Inspects androidx.compose.runtime.Recomposer objects and provides information about their state.
  • COMPOSITION_IMPL: Inspects androidx.compose.runtime.CompositionImpl objects and checks if they are disposed.
  • ANIMATOR: Inspects android.animation.Animator objects and provides information about their listener list.
  • OBJECT_ANIMATOR: Inspects android.animation.ObjectAnimator objects and provides detailed information about their properties and animation state.
  • LIFECYCLE_REGISTRY: Inspects androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleRegistry objects and checks their state.

companion object AndroidObjectInspectors

This companion object provides additional functions and properties related to the AndroidObjectInspectors enum class. It includes a property appDefaults that returns a list of default ObjectInspector implementations suitable for apps. It also includes a function createLeakingObjectFilters that creates a list of LeakingObjectFilter based on the passed set of AndroidObjectInspectors.

Extension functions and properties

This file includes several extension functions and properties for the HeapInstance class, such as unwrapActivityContext() and unwrapComponentContext(), which are used to recursively unwrap and inspect different types of Android contexts.

 * Copyright (C) 2018 Square, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package shark

import shark.AndroidObjectInspectors.Companion.appDefaults
import shark.AndroidServices.aliveAndroidServiceObjectIds
import shark.FilteringLeakingObjectFinder.LeakingObjectFilter
import shark.HeapObject.HeapInstance
import java.util.EnumSet
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import shark.internal.InternalSharkCollectionsHelper

 * A set of default [ObjectInspector]s that knows about common AOSP and library
 * classes.
 * These are heuristics based on our experience and knowledge of AOSP and various library
 * internals. We only make a decision if we're reasonably sure the state of an object is
 * unlikely to be the result of a programmer mistake.
 * For example, no matter how many mistakes we make in our code, the value of Activity.mDestroy
 * will not be influenced by those mistakes.
 * Most developers should use the entire set of default [ObjectInspector] by calling [appDefaults],
 * unless there's a bug and you temporarily want to remove an inspector.
enum class AndroidObjectInspectors : ObjectInspector {

  VIEW {
    override val leakingObjectFilter = { heapObject: HeapObject ->
      if (heapObject is HeapInstance && heapObject instanceOf "android.view.View") {
        // Leaking if null parent or non view parent.
        val viewParent = heapObject["android.view.View", "mParent"]!!.valueAsInstance
        val isParentlessView = viewParent == null
        val isChildOfViewRootImpl =
          viewParent != null && !(viewParent instanceOf "android.view.View")
        val isRootView = isParentlessView || isChildOfViewRootImpl

        // This filter only cares for root view because we only need one view in a view hierarchy.
        if (isRootView) {
          val mContext = heapObject["android.view.View", "mContext"]!!.value.asObject!!.asInstance!!
          val activityContext = mContext.unwrapActivityContext()
          val mContextIsDestroyedActivity = (activityContext != null &&
            activityContext["", "mDestroyed"]?.value?.asBoolean == true)
          if (mContextIsDestroyedActivity) {
            // Root view with unwrapped mContext a destroyed activity.
          } else {
            val viewDetached =
              heapObject["android.view.View", "mAttachInfo"]!!.value.isNullReference
            if (viewDetached) {
              val mWindowAttachCount =
                heapObject["android.view.View", "mWindowAttachCount"]?.value!!.asInt!!
              if (mWindowAttachCount > 0) {
                when {
                  isChildOfViewRootImpl -> {
                    // Child of ViewRootImpl that was once attached and is now detached.
                    // Unwrapped mContext not a destroyed activity. This could be a dialog root.
                  heapObject.instanceClassName == "" -> {
                    // DecorView with null parent, once attached now detached.
                    // Unwrapped mContext not a destroyed activity. This could be a dialog root.
                    // Unlikely to be a reusable cached view => leak.
                  else -> {
                    // View with null parent, once attached now detached.
                    // Unwrapped mContext not a destroyed activity. This could be a dialog root.
                    // Could be a leak or could be a reusable cached view.
              } else {
                // Root view, detached but was never attached.
                // This could be a cached instance.
            } else {
              // Root view that is attached.
        } else {
          // Not a root view.
      } else {
        // Not a view

    override fun inspect(
      reporter: ObjectReporter
    ) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("android.view.View") { instance ->
        // This skips edge cases like Toast$TN.mNextView holding on to an unattached and unparented
        // next toast view
        var rootParent = instance["android.view.View", "mParent"]!!.valueAsInstance
        var rootView: HeapInstance? = null
        while (rootParent != null && rootParent instanceOf "android.view.View") {
          rootView = rootParent
          rootParent = rootParent["android.view.View", "mParent"]!!.valueAsInstance

        val partOfWindowHierarchy = rootParent != null || (rootView != null &&
          rootView.instanceClassName == "")

        val mWindowAttachCount =
          instance["android.view.View", "mWindowAttachCount"]?.value!!.asInt!!
        val viewDetached = instance["android.view.View", "mAttachInfo"]!!.value.isNullReference
        val mContext = instance["android.view.View", "mContext"]!!.value.asObject!!.asInstance!!

        val activityContext = mContext.unwrapActivityContext()
        if (activityContext != null && activityContext["", "mDestroyed"]?.value?.asBoolean == true) {
          leakingReasons += "View.mContext references a destroyed activity"
        } else {
          if (partOfWindowHierarchy && mWindowAttachCount > 0) {
            if (viewDetached) {
              leakingReasons += "View detached yet still part of window view hierarchy"
            } else {
              if (rootView != null && rootView["android.view.View", "mAttachInfo"]!!.value.isNullReference) {
                leakingReasons += "View attached but root view ${rootView.instanceClassName} detached (attach disorder)"
              } else {
                notLeakingReasons += "View attached"

        labels += if (partOfWindowHierarchy) {
          "View is part of a window view hierarchy"
        } else {
          "View not part of a window view hierarchy"

        labels += if (viewDetached) {
          "View.mAttachInfo is null (view detached)"
        } else {
          "View.mAttachInfo is not null (view attached)"

          ?.let { resIds ->
            val mID = instance["android.view.View", "mID"]!!.value.asInt!!
            val noViewId = -1
            if (mID != noViewId) {
              val resourceName = resIds[mID]
              labels += "View.mID =$resourceName"
        labels += "View.mWindowAttachCount = $mWindowAttachCount"

    override val leakingObjectFilter = { heapObject: HeapObject ->
      heapObject is HeapInstance &&
        heapObject instanceOf "android.widget.Editor" &&
        heapObject["android.widget.Editor", "mTextView"]?.value?.asObject?.let { textView ->
        } ?: false

    override fun inspect(reporter: ObjectReporter) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("android.widget.Editor") { instance ->
        applyFromField(VIEW, instance["android.widget.Editor", "mTextView"])

    override val leakingObjectFilter = { heapObject: HeapObject ->
      heapObject is HeapInstance &&
        heapObject instanceOf "" &&
        heapObject["", "mDestroyed"]?.value?.asBoolean == true

    override fun inspect(
      reporter: ObjectReporter
    ) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("") { instance ->
        // Activity.mDestroyed was introduced in 17.
        // /6d9dcbccec126d9b87ab6587e686e28b87e5a04d
        val field = instance["", "mDestroyed"]

        if (field != null) {
          if (field.value.asBoolean!!) {
            leakingReasons += field describedWithValue "true"
          } else {
            notLeakingReasons += field describedWithValue "false"

    override val leakingObjectFilter = { heapObject: HeapObject ->
      heapObject is HeapInstance &&
        heapObject instanceOf "" &&
        heapObject.objectId !in heapObject.graph.aliveAndroidServiceObjectIds

    override fun inspect(
      reporter: ObjectReporter
    ) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("") { instance ->
        if (instance.objectId in instance.graph.aliveAndroidServiceObjectIds) {
          notLeakingReasons += "Service held by ActivityThread"
        } else {
          leakingReasons += "Service not held by ActivityThread"

    override fun inspect(reporter: ObjectReporter) {
      val instance = reporter.heapObject
      if (instance !is HeapInstance) {
      instance.readFields().forEach { field ->
        val fieldInstance = field.valueAsInstance
        if (fieldInstance != null && fieldInstance instanceOf "android.content.Context") {
            val componentContext = fieldInstance.unwrapComponentContext()
            labels += if (componentContext == null) {
              "${} instance of ${fieldInstance.instanceClassName}"
            } else if (componentContext instanceOf "") {
              val activityDescription =
                "with mDestroyed = " + (componentContext["", "mDestroyed"]?.value?.asBoolean?.toString()
                  ?: "UNKNOWN")
              if (componentContext == fieldInstance) {
                "${} instance of ${fieldInstance.instanceClassName} $activityDescription"
              } else {
                "${} instance of ${fieldInstance.instanceClassName}, " +
                  "wrapping activity ${componentContext.instanceClassName} $activityDescription"
            } else if (componentContext == fieldInstance) {
              // No need to add "instance of Application / Service", devs know their own classes.
              "${} instance of ${fieldInstance.instanceClassName}"
            } else {
              "${} instance of ${fieldInstance.instanceClassName}, wrapping ${componentContext.instanceClassName}"


    override val leakingObjectFilter = { heapObject: HeapObject ->
      heapObject is HeapInstance &&
          ?.get("", "mDestroyed")?.value?.asBoolean == true

    override fun inspect(
      reporter: ObjectReporter
    ) {
      val instance = reporter.heapObject
      if (instance !is HeapInstance) {

      // We're looking for ContextWrapper instances that are not Activity, Application or Service.
      // So we stop whenever we find any of those 4 classes, and then only keep ContextWrapper.
      val matchingClassName = { }
        .firstOrNull {
          when (it) {
            -> true
            else -> false

      if (matchingClassName == "android.content.ContextWrapper") { {
          val componentContext = instance.unwrapComponentContext()
          if (componentContext != null) {
            if (componentContext instanceOf "") {
              val mDestroyed = componentContext["", "mDestroyed"]
              if (mDestroyed != null) {
                if (mDestroyed.value.asBoolean!!) {
                  leakingReasons += "${instance.instanceClassSimpleName} wraps an Activity with Activity.mDestroyed true"
                } else {
                  // We can't assume it's not leaking, because this context might have a shorter lifecycle
                  // than the activity. So we'll just add a label.
                  labels += "${instance.instanceClassSimpleName} wraps an Activity with Activity.mDestroyed false"
            } else if (componentContext instanceOf "") {
              labels += "${instance.instanceClassSimpleName} wraps an Application context"
            } else {
              labels += "${instance.instanceClassSimpleName} wraps a Service context"
          } else {
            labels += "${instance.instanceClassSimpleName} does not wrap a known Android context"

    override val leakingObjectFilter = { heapObject: HeapObject ->
      heapObject is HeapInstance &&
        heapObject instanceOf "" &&
        heapObject["", "mContext"]!!

    override fun inspect(reporter: ObjectReporter) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("") { instance ->
        val outerContext = instance["", "mContext"]!!
          .valueAsInstance!!["", "mOuterContext"]!!
        inspectContextImplOuterContext(outerContext, instance, "ApplicationContextManager.mContext")

    override val leakingObjectFilter = { heapObject: HeapObject ->
      heapObject is HeapInstance &&
        heapObject instanceOf "" &&

    override fun inspect(reporter: ObjectReporter) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("") { instance ->
        val outerContext = instance["", "mOuterContext"]!!
        inspectContextImplOuterContext(outerContext, instance)

    override fun inspect(
      reporter: ObjectReporter
    ) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("") { instance ->
        val mDecor = instance["", "mDecor"]!!
        // Can't infer leaking status: mDecor null means either never shown or dismiss.
        // mDecor non null means the dialog is showing, but sometimes dialogs stay showing
        // after activity destroyed so that's not really a non leak either.
        labels += mDecor describedWithValue if (mDecor.value.isNullReference) {
        } else {
          "not null"

    override fun inspect(reporter: ObjectReporter) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("") {
        notLeakingReasons += "ActivityThread is a singleton"

    override fun inspect(
      reporter: ObjectReporter
    ) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("") {
        notLeakingReasons += "Application is a singleton"

    override fun inspect(
      reporter: ObjectReporter
    ) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager") {
        notLeakingReasons += "InputMethodManager is a singleton"

    override val leakingObjectFilter = { heapObject: HeapObject ->
      heapObject is HeapInstance &&
        heapObject instanceOf "" &&
        heapObject["", "mFragmentManager"]!!.value.isNullReference

    override fun inspect(
      reporter: ObjectReporter
    ) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("") { instance ->
        val fragmentManager = instance["", "mFragmentManager"]!!
        if (fragmentManager.value.isNullReference) {
          leakingReasons += fragmentManager describedWithValue "null"
        } else {
          notLeakingReasons += fragmentManager describedWithValue "not null"
        val mTag = instance["", "mTag"]?.value?.readAsJavaString()
        if (!mTag.isNullOrEmpty()) {
          labels += "Fragment.mTag=$mTag"


    override val leakingObjectFilter = { heapObject: HeapObject ->
      heapObject is HeapInstance &&
        heapObject instanceOf ANDROID_SUPPORT_FRAGMENT_CLASS_NAME &&

    override fun inspect(
      reporter: ObjectReporter
    ) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf(ANDROID_SUPPORT_FRAGMENT_CLASS_NAME) { instance ->
        val fragmentManager =
          instance.getOrThrow(ANDROID_SUPPORT_FRAGMENT_CLASS_NAME, "mFragmentManager")
        if (fragmentManager.value.isNullReference) {
          leakingReasons += fragmentManager describedWithValue "null"
        } else {
          notLeakingReasons += fragmentManager describedWithValue "not null"
        val mTag = instance[ANDROID_SUPPORT_FRAGMENT_CLASS_NAME, "mTag"]?.value?.readAsJavaString()
        if (!mTag.isNullOrEmpty()) {
          labels += "Fragment.mTag=$mTag"

    override val leakingObjectFilter = { heapObject: HeapObject ->
      heapObject is HeapInstance &&
        heapObject instanceOf "" &&
          "", "mFragmentManager"

    override fun inspect(
      reporter: ObjectReporter
    ) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("") { instance ->
        val fragmentManager =
          instance.getOrThrow("", "mFragmentManager")
        if (fragmentManager.value.isNullReference) {
          leakingReasons += fragmentManager describedWithValue "null"
        } else {
          notLeakingReasons += fragmentManager describedWithValue "not null"
        val mTag = instance["", "mTag"]?.value?.readAsJavaString()
        if (!mTag.isNullOrEmpty()) {
          labels += "Fragment.mTag=$mTag"

    override val leakingObjectFilter = { heapObject: HeapObject ->
      heapObject is HeapInstance &&
        heapObject instanceOf "android.os.MessageQueue" &&
        (heapObject["android.os.MessageQueue", "mQuitting"]
          ?: heapObject["android.os.MessageQueue", "mQuiting"]!!).value.asBoolean!!

    override fun inspect(
      reporter: ObjectReporter
    ) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("android.os.MessageQueue") { instance ->
        // mQuiting had a typo and was renamed to mQuitting
        val mQuitting = instance["android.os.MessageQueue", "mQuitting"]
          ?: instance["android.os.MessageQueue", "mQuiting"]!!
        if (mQuitting.value.asBoolean!!) {
          leakingReasons += mQuitting describedWithValue "true"
        } else {
          notLeakingReasons += mQuitting describedWithValue "false"

        val queueHead = instance["android.os.MessageQueue", "mMessages"]!!.valueAsInstance
        if (queueHead != null) {
          val targetHandler = queueHead["android.os.Message", "target"]!!.valueAsInstance
          if (targetHandler != null) {
            val looper = targetHandler["android.os.Handler", "mLooper"]!!.valueAsInstance
            if (looper != null) {
              val thread = looper["android.os.Looper", "mThread"]!!.valueAsInstance!!
              val threadName = thread[Thread::class, "name"]!!.value.readAsJavaString()
              labels += "HandlerThread: \"$threadName\""

    override fun inspect(
      reporter: ObjectReporter
    ) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("") { instance ->
        val receiversMap = instance["", "mReceivers"]!!.valueAsInstance!!
        val receiversArray = receiversMap["android.util.ArrayMap", "mArray"]!!.valueAsObjectArray!!
        val receiverContextList = receiversArray.readElements().toList()

        val allReceivers = (receiverContextList.indices step 2).mapNotNull { index ->
          val context = receiverContextList[index]
          if (context.isNonNullReference) {
            val contextReceiversMap = receiverContextList[index + 1].asObject!!.asInstance!!
            val contextReceivers = contextReceiversMap["android.util.ArrayMap", "mArray"]!!

            val receivers =
              (contextReceivers.indices step 2).mapNotNull { contextReceivers[it].asObject?.asInstance }
            val contextInstance = context.asObject!!.asInstance!!
            val contextString =
            contextString to { "${it.instanceClassSimpleName}@${it.objectId}" }
          } else {

        if (allReceivers.isNotEmpty()) {
          labels += "Receivers"
          allReceivers.forEach { (contextString, receiverStrings) ->
            labels += "..$contextString"
            receiverStrings.forEach { receiverString ->
              labels += "....$receiverString"

    override fun inspect(
      reporter: ObjectReporter
    ) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("mortar.Presenter") { instance ->
        val view = instance.getOrThrow("mortar.Presenter", "view")
        labels += view describedWithValue if (view.value.isNullReference) "null" else "not null"

    override val leakingObjectFilter = { heapObject: HeapObject ->
      heapObject is HeapInstance &&
        heapObject instanceOf "mortar.MortarScope" &&
        heapObject.getOrThrow("mortar.MortarScope", "dead").value.asBoolean!!

    override fun inspect(reporter: ObjectReporter) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("mortar.MortarScope") { instance ->
        val dead = instance.getOrThrow("mortar.MortarScope", "dead").value.asBoolean!!
        val scopeName = instance.getOrThrow("mortar.MortarScope", "name").value.readAsJavaString()
        if (dead) {
          leakingReasons += "mortar.MortarScope.dead is true for scope $scopeName"
        } else {
          notLeakingReasons += "mortar.MortarScope.dead is false for scope $scopeName"

    override fun inspect(
      reporter: ObjectReporter
    ) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("com.squareup.coordinators.Coordinator") { instance ->
        val attached = instance.getOrThrow("com.squareup.coordinators.Coordinator", "attached")
        labels += attached describedWithValue "${attached.value.asBoolean}"

    override fun inspect(
      reporter: ObjectReporter
    ) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf(Thread::class) { instance ->
        val threadName = instance[Thread::class, "name"]!!.value.readAsJavaString()
        if (threadName == "main") {
          notLeakingReasons += "the main thread always runs"

    override val leakingObjectFilter = { heapObject: HeapObject ->
      if (heapObject is HeapInstance &&
        heapObject instanceOf "android.view.ViewRootImpl"
      ) {
        if (heapObject["android.view.ViewRootImpl", "mView"]!!.value.isNullReference) {
        } else {
          val mContextField = heapObject["android.view.ViewRootImpl", "mContext"]
          if (mContextField != null) {
            val mContext = mContextField.valueAsInstance!!
            val activityContext = mContext.unwrapActivityContext()
            (activityContext != null && activityContext["", "mDestroyed"]?.value?.asBoolean == true)
          } else {
      } else {

    override fun inspect(reporter: ObjectReporter) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("android.view.ViewRootImpl") { instance ->
        val mViewField = instance["android.view.ViewRootImpl", "mView"]!!
        if (mViewField.value.isNullReference) {
          leakingReasons += mViewField describedWithValue "null"
        } else {
          // ViewRootImpl.mContext wasn't always here.
          val mContextField = instance["android.view.ViewRootImpl", "mContext"]
          if (mContextField != null) {
            val mContext = mContextField.valueAsInstance!!
            val activityContext = mContext.unwrapActivityContext()
            if (activityContext != null && activityContext["", "mDestroyed"]?.value?.asBoolean == true) {
              leakingReasons += "ViewRootImpl.mContext references a destroyed activity, did you forget to cancel toasts or dismiss dialogs?"
          labels += mViewField describedWithValue "not null"
        val mWindowAttributes =
          instance["android.view.ViewRootImpl", "mWindowAttributes"]!!.valueAsInstance!!
        val mTitleField = mWindowAttributes["android.view.WindowManager\$LayoutParams", "mTitle"]!!
        labels += if (mTitleField.value.isNonNullReference) {
          val mTitle =
          "mWindowAttributes.mTitle = \"$mTitle\""
        } else {
          "mWindowAttributes.mTitle is null"

        val type =
          mWindowAttributes["android.view.WindowManager\$LayoutParams", "type"]!!.value.asInt!!
        // android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_TOAST
        val details = if (type == 2005) {
          " (Toast)"
        } else ""
        labels += "mWindowAttributes.type = $type$details"

    override val leakingObjectFilter = { heapObject: HeapObject ->
      heapObject is HeapInstance &&
        heapObject instanceOf "android.view.Window" &&
        heapObject["android.view.Window", "mDestroyed"]!!.value.asBoolean!!

    override fun inspect(
      reporter: ObjectReporter
    ) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("android.view.Window") { instance ->
        val mDestroyed = instance["android.view.Window", "mDestroyed"]!!

        if (mDestroyed.value.asBoolean!!) {
          leakingReasons += mDestroyed describedWithValue "true"
        } else {
          // A dialog window could be leaking, destroy is only set to false for activity windows.
          labels += mDestroyed describedWithValue "false"

    override fun inspect(reporter: ObjectReporter) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("android.os.Message") { instance ->
        labels += "Message.what = ${instance["android.os.Message", "what"]!!.value.asInt}"

        val heapDumpUptimeMillis = KeyedWeakReferenceFinder.heapDumpUptimeMillis(instance.graph)
        val whenUptimeMillis = instance["android.os.Message", "when"]!!.value.asLong!!

        labels += if (heapDumpUptimeMillis != null) {
          val diffMs = whenUptimeMillis - heapDumpUptimeMillis
          if (diffMs > 0) {
            "Message.when = $whenUptimeMillis ($diffMs ms after heap dump)"
          } else {
            "Message.when = $whenUptimeMillis (${diffMs.absoluteValue} ms before heap dump)"
        } else {
          "Message.when = $whenUptimeMillis"

        labels += "Message.obj = ${instance["android.os.Message", "obj"]!!.value.asObject}"
        labels += "Message.callback = ${instance["android.os.Message", "callback"]!!.value.asObject}"
        labels += " = ${instance["android.os.Message", "target"]!!.value.asObject}"

    override val leakingObjectFilter = { heapObject: HeapObject ->
      if (heapObject is HeapInstance && heapObject instanceOf "android.widget.Toast") {
        val tnInstance =
          heapObject["android.widget.Toast", "mTN"]!!.value.asObject!!.asInstance!!
        (tnInstance["android.widget.Toast\$TN", "mWM"]!!.value.isNonNullReference &&
          tnInstance["android.widget.Toast\$TN", "mView"]!!.value.isNullReference)
      } else false

    override fun inspect(
      reporter: ObjectReporter
    ) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("android.widget.Toast") { instance ->
        val tnInstance =
          instance["android.widget.Toast", "mTN"]!!.value.asObject!!.asInstance!!
        // mWM is set in android.widget.Toast.TN#handleShow and never unset, so this toast was never
        // shown, we don't know if it's leaking.
        if (tnInstance["android.widget.Toast\$TN", "mWM"]!!.value.isNonNullReference) {
          // mView is reset to null in android.widget.Toast.TN#handleHide
          if (tnInstance["android.widget.Toast\$TN", "mView"]!!.value.isNullReference) {
            leakingReasons += "This toast is done showing (Toast.mTN.mWM != null && Toast.mTN.mView == null)"
          } else {
            notLeakingReasons += "This toast is showing (Toast.mTN.mWM != null && Toast.mTN.mView != null)"

    override fun inspect(reporter: ObjectReporter) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("androidx.compose.runtime.Recomposer") { instance ->
        val stateFlow =
          instance["androidx.compose.runtime.Recomposer", "_state"]!!.valueAsInstance!!
        val state = stateFlow["kotlinx.coroutines.flow.StateFlowImpl", "_state"]?.valueAsInstance
        if (state != null) {
          val stateName = state["java.lang.Enum", "name"]!!.valueAsInstance!!.readAsJavaString()!!
          val label = "Recomposer is in state $stateName"
          when (stateName) {
            "ShutDown", "ShuttingDown" -> leakingReasons += label
            "Inactive", "InactivePendingWork" -> labels += label
            "PendingWork", "Idle" -> notLeakingReasons += label

    override fun inspect(reporter: ObjectReporter) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("androidx.compose.runtime.CompositionImpl") { instance ->
        if (instance["androidx.compose.runtime.CompositionImpl", "disposed"]!!.value.asBoolean!!) {
          leakingReasons += "Composition disposed"
        } else {
          notLeakingReasons += "Composition not disposed"

    override fun inspect(reporter: ObjectReporter) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("android.animation.Animator") { instance ->
        val mListeners = instance["android.animation.Animator", "mListeners"]!!.valueAsInstance
        if (mListeners != null) {
          val listenerValues = InternalSharkCollectionsHelper.arrayListValues(mListeners).toList()
          if (listenerValues.isNotEmpty()) {
            listenerValues.forEach { value ->
              labels += "mListeners$value"
          } else {
            labels += "mListeners is empty"
        } else {
          labels += "mListeners = null"

    override fun inspect(reporter: ObjectReporter) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("android.animation.ObjectAnimator") { instance ->
        labels += "mPropertyName = " + (instance["android.animation.ObjectAnimator", "mPropertyName"]!!.valueAsInstance?.readAsJavaString()
          ?: "null")
        val mProperty = instance["android.animation.ObjectAnimator", "mProperty"]!!.valueAsInstance
        if (mProperty == null) {
          labels += "mProperty = null"
        } else {
          labels += "mProperty.mName = " + (mProperty["android.util.Property", "mName"]!!.valueAsInstance?.readAsJavaString()
            ?: "null")
          labels += "mProperty.mType = " + (mProperty["android.util.Property", "mType"]!!.valueAsClass?.name
            ?: "null")
        labels += "mInitialized = " + instance["android.animation.ValueAnimator", "mInitialized"]!!.value.asBoolean!!
        labels += "mStarted = " + instance["android.animation.ValueAnimator", "mStarted"]!!.value.asBoolean!!
        labels += "mRunning = " + instance["android.animation.ValueAnimator", "mRunning"]!!.value.asBoolean!!
        labels += "mAnimationEndRequested = " + instance["android.animation.ValueAnimator", "mAnimationEndRequested"]!!.value.asBoolean!!
        labels += "mDuration = " + instance["android.animation.ValueAnimator", "mDuration"]!!.value.asLong!!
        labels += "mStartDelay = " + instance["android.animation.ValueAnimator", "mStartDelay"]!!.value.asLong!!
        val repeatCount = instance["android.animation.ValueAnimator", "mRepeatCount"]!!.value.asInt!!
        labels += "mRepeatCount = " + if (repeatCount == -1) "INFINITE (-1)" else repeatCount

        val repeatModeConstant = when (val repeatMode =
          instance["android.animation.ValueAnimator", "mRepeatMode"]!!.value.asInt!!) {
          1 -> "RESTART (1)"
          2 -> "REVERSE (2)"
          else -> "Unknown ($repeatMode)"
        labels += "mRepeatMode = $repeatModeConstant"

    override fun inspect(reporter: ObjectReporter) {
      reporter.whenInstanceOf("androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleRegistry") { instance ->
        val state = instance.lifecycleRegistryState
        labels += "mState = $state"
        // If state is DESTROYED, this doesn't mean the LifecycleRegistry itself is leaking.
        // Fragment.mViewLifecycleRegistry becomes DESTROYED when the fragment view is destroyed,
        // but the registry itself is still held in memory by the fragment.
        if (state != "DESTROYED") {
          notLeakingReasons += "mState is not DESTROYED"

    private val HeapInstance.lifecycleRegistryState: String
      get() {
        // LifecycleRegistry was converted to Kotlin
        val stateField = this["androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleRegistry", "state"]
          ?: this["androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleRegistry", "mState"]!!
        val state = stateField.valueAsInstance!!
        return state["java.lang.Enum", "name"]!!.value.readAsJavaString()!!

  internal open val leakingObjectFilter: ((heapObject: HeapObject) -> Boolean)? = null

  companion object {
    /** @see AndroidObjectInspectors */
    val appDefaults: List<ObjectInspector>
      get() = ObjectInspectors.jdkDefaults + values()

     * Returns a list of [LeakingObjectFilter] suitable for apps.
    val appLeakingObjectFilters: List<LeakingObjectFilter> =
      ObjectInspectors.jdkLeakingObjectFilters +

     * Creates a list of [LeakingObjectFilter] based on the passed in [AndroidObjectInspectors].
    fun createLeakingObjectFilters(inspectors: Set<AndroidObjectInspectors>): List<LeakingObjectFilter> =
      inspectors.mapNotNull { it.leakingObjectFilter }
        .map { filter ->
          LeakingObjectFilter { heapObject -> filter(heapObject) }

  // Using a string builder to prevent Jetifier from changing this string to Android X Fragment
  @Suppress("VariableNaming", "PropertyName")

private fun HeapInstance.outerContextIsLeaking() =
  this["", "mOuterContext"]!!
    .run {
      this instanceOf "" &&
        this["", "mDestroyed"]?.value?.asBoolean == true

private fun ObjectReporter.inspectContextImplOuterContext(
  outerContext: HeapInstance,
  contextImpl: HeapInstance,
  prefix: String = "ContextImpl"
) {
  if (outerContext instanceOf "") {
    val mDestroyed = outerContext["", "mDestroyed"]?.value?.asBoolean
    if (mDestroyed != null) {
      if (mDestroyed) {
        leakingReasons += "$prefix.mOuterContext is an instance of" +
          " ${outerContext.instanceClassName} with Activity.mDestroyed true"
      } else {
        notLeakingReasons += "$prefix.mOuterContext is an instance of " +
          "${outerContext.instanceClassName} with Activity.mDestroyed false"
    } else {
      labels += "$prefix.mOuterContext is an instance of ${outerContext.instanceClassName}"
  } else if (outerContext instanceOf "") {
    notLeakingReasons += "$prefix.mOuterContext is an instance of" +
      " ${outerContext.instanceClassName} which extends"
  } else if (outerContext.objectId == contextImpl.objectId) {
    labels += "$prefix.mOuterContext == ContextImpl.this: not tied to any particular lifecycle"
  } else {
    labels += "$prefix.mOuterContext is an instance of ${outerContext.instanceClassName}"

private infix fun HeapField.describedWithValue(valueDescription: String): String {
  return "${declaringClass.simpleName}#$name is $valueDescription"

private fun ObjectReporter.applyFromField(
  inspector: ObjectInspector,
  field: HeapField?
) {
  if (field == null) {
  if (field.value.isNullReference) {
  val heapObject = field.value.asObject!!
  val delegateReporter = ObjectReporter(heapObject)
  val prefix = "${field.declaringClass.simpleName}#${}:"

  labels += { "$prefix $it" }
  leakingReasons += { "$prefix $it" }
  notLeakingReasons += { "$prefix $it" }

 * Recursively unwraps `this` [HeapInstance] as a ContextWrapper until an Activity is found in which case it is
 * returned. Returns null if no activity was found.
internal fun HeapInstance.unwrapActivityContext(): HeapInstance? {
  return unwrapComponentContext().let { context ->
    if (context != null && context instanceOf "") {
    } else {

 * Recursively unwraps `this` [HeapInstance] as a ContextWrapper until an known Android component
 * context is found in which case it is returned. Returns null if no activity was found.
@Suppress("NestedBlockDepth", "ReturnCount")
internal fun HeapInstance.unwrapComponentContext(): HeapInstance? {
  val matchingClassName = { }
    .firstOrNull {
      when (it) {
        -> true
        else -> false
    ?: return null

  if (matchingClassName != "android.content.ContextWrapper") {
    return this

  var context = this
  val visitedInstances = mutableListOf<Long>()
  var keepUnwrapping = true
  while (keepUnwrapping) {
    visitedInstances += context.objectId
    keepUnwrapping = false
    val mBase = context["android.content.ContextWrapper", "mBase"]!!.value

    if (mBase.isNonNullReference) {
      val wrapperContext = context
      context = mBase.asObject!!.asInstance!!

      val contextMatchingClassName = { }
        .firstOrNull {
          when (it) {
            -> true
            else -> false

      var isContextWrapper = contextMatchingClassName == "android.content.ContextWrapper"

      if (contextMatchingClassName == "") {
        return context
      } else {
        if (wrapperContext instanceOf "") {
          // mBase isn't an activity, let's unwrap DecorContext.mPhoneWindow.mContext instead
          val mPhoneWindowField =
            wrapperContext["", "mPhoneWindow"]
          if (mPhoneWindowField != null) {
            val phoneWindow = mPhoneWindowField.valueAsInstance!!
            context = phoneWindow["android.view.Window", "mContext"]!!.valueAsInstance!!
            if (context instanceOf "") {
              return context
            isContextWrapper = context instanceOf "android.content.ContextWrapper"
        if (contextMatchingClassName == "" ||
          contextMatchingClassName == ""
        ) {
          return context
        if (isContextWrapper &&
          // Avoids infinite loops
          context.objectId !in visitedInstances
        ) {
          keepUnwrapping = true
  return null

 * Same as [HeapInstance.readField] but throws if the field doesnt exist
internal fun HeapInstance.getOrThrow(
  declaringClassName: String,
  fieldName: String
): HeapField {
  return this[declaringClassName, fieldName] ?: throw IllegalStateException(
$instanceClassName is expected to have a $declaringClassName.$fieldName field which cannot be found.
This might be due to the app code being obfuscated. If that's the case, then the heap analysis
is unable to proceed without a mapping file to deobfuscate class names.
You can run LeakCanary on obfuscated builds by following the instructions at