This file contains the implementation of a class called LongObjectScatterMap
in the shark.internal.hppc
package. It is a Kotlin version of the com.carrotsearch.hppc.LongLongScatterMap
class. It provides methods for storing and accessing key-value pairs, where the keys are Long
values and the values are of a generic type T
This method is used to store a key-value pair in the map. If the key already exists in the map, the previous value is returned. Otherwise, null
is returned.
This method is used to remove a key-value pair from the map. If the key exists in the map, its value is returned. Otherwise, null
is returned.
This method is used to retrieve the value associated with a key from the map. If the key exists in the map, its value is returned. Otherwise, null
is returned.
This method returns a sequence of all key-value pairs in the map. Each pair is represented by an instance of the LongObjectPair
This method checks if a key exists in the map. It returns true
if the key exists, false
This method clears the map by resetting its internal state.
This method ensures that the map has a minimum capacity to hold the specified number of elements.
* Copyright 2010-2013, Carrot Search s.c., Boznicza 11/56, Poznan, Poland
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package shark.internal.hppc
import java.util.Locale
* Code from com.carrotsearch.hppc.LongLongScatterMap copy pasted, inlined and converted to Kotlin.
* See https://github.com/carrotsearch/hppc .
internal class LongObjectScatterMap<T> {
* The array holding keys.
private var keys: LongArray = longArrayOf()
* The array holding values.
private var values: Array<T?> = emptyArray<Any?>() as Array<T?>
* The number of stored keys (assigned key slots), excluding the special
* "empty" key, if any (use [.size] instead).
* @see .size
private var assigned: Int = 0
* Mask for slot scans in [.keys].
private var mask: Int = 0
* Expand (rehash) [.keys] when [.assigned] hits this value.
private var resizeAt: Int = 0
* Special treatment for the "empty slot" key marker.
private var hasEmptyKey: Boolean = false
* The load factor for [.keys].
private var loadFactor: Double = 0.75
val isEmpty: Boolean
get() = size == 0
init {
operator fun set(
key: Long,
value: T
): T? {
val mask = this.mask
if (key == 0L) {
hasEmptyKey = true
val previousValue = values[mask + 1]
values[mask + 1] = value
return previousValue
} else {
val keys = this.keys
var slot = hashKey(key) and mask
var existing = keys[slot]
while (existing != 0L) {
if (existing == key) {
val previousValue = values[slot]
values[slot] = value
return previousValue
slot = slot + 1 and mask
existing = keys[slot]
if (assigned == resizeAt) {
allocateThenInsertThenRehash(slot, key, value)
} else {
keys[slot] = key
values[slot] = value
return null
fun remove(key: Long): T? {
val mask = this.mask
if (key == 0L) {
hasEmptyKey = false
val previousValue = values[mask + 1]
values[mask + 1] = null
return previousValue
} else {
val keys = this.keys
var slot = hashKey(key) and mask
var existing = keys[slot]
while (existing != 0L) {
if (existing == key) {
val previousValue = values[slot]
return previousValue
slot = slot + 1 and mask
existing = keys[slot]
return null
operator fun get(key: Long): T? {
if (key == 0L) {
return if (hasEmptyKey) values[mask + 1] else null
} else {
val keys = this.keys
val mask = this.mask
var slot = hashKey(key) and mask
var existing = keys[slot]
while (existing != 0L) {
if (existing == key) {
return values[slot]
slot = slot + 1 and mask
existing = keys[slot]
return null
fun entrySequence(): Sequence<LongObjectPair<T>> {
val max = mask + 1
var slot = -1
return generateSequence {
if (slot < max) {
var existing: Long
while (slot < max) {
existing = keys[slot]
if (existing != 0L) {
return@generateSequence existing to values[slot]!!
if (slot == max && hasEmptyKey) {
return@generateSequence 0L to values[max]!!
return@generateSequence null
fun containsKey(key: Long): Boolean {
if (key == 0L) {
return hasEmptyKey
} else {
val keys = this.keys
val mask = this.mask
var slot = hashKey(key) and mask
var existing = keys[slot]
while (existing != 0L) {
if (existing == key) {
return true
slot = slot + 1 and mask
existing = keys[slot]
return false
fun release() {
assigned = 0
hasEmptyKey = false
allocateBuffers(HPPC.minBufferSize(4, loadFactor))
val size: Int
get() {
return assigned + if (hasEmptyKey) 1 else 0
fun ensureCapacity(expectedElements: Int) {
if (expectedElements > resizeAt) {
val prevKeys = this.keys
val prevValues = this.values
allocateBuffers(HPPC.minBufferSize(expectedElements, loadFactor))
if (!isEmpty) {
rehash(prevKeys, prevValues)
private fun hashKey(key: Long): Int {
return HPPC.mixPhi(key)
* Rehash from old buffers to new buffers.
private fun rehash(
fromKeys: LongArray,
fromValues: Array<T?>
) {
// Rehash all stored key/value pairs into the new buffers.
val keys = this.keys
val values = this.values
val mask = this.mask
var existing: Long
// Copy the zero element's slot, then rehash everything else.
var from = fromKeys.size - 1
keys[keys.size - 1] = fromKeys[from]
values[values.size - 1] = fromValues[from]
while (--from >= 0) {
existing = fromKeys[from]
if (existing != 0L) {
var slot = hashKey(existing) and mask
while (keys[slot] != 0L) {
slot = slot + 1 and mask
keys[slot] = existing
values[slot] = fromValues[from]
* Allocate new internal buffers. This method attempts to allocate
* and assign internal buffers atomically (either allocations succeed or not).
private fun allocateBuffers(arraySize: Int) {
// Ensure no change is done if we hit an OOM.
val prevKeys = this.keys
val prevValues = this.values
try {
val emptyElementSlot = 1
this.keys = LongArray(arraySize + emptyElementSlot)
this.values = arrayOfNulls<Any?>(arraySize + emptyElementSlot) as Array<T?>
} catch (e: OutOfMemoryError) {
this.keys = prevKeys
this.values = prevValues
throw RuntimeException(
"Not enough memory to allocate buffers for rehashing: %d -> %d",
this.mask + 1,
), e
this.resizeAt = HPPC.expandAtCount(arraySize, loadFactor)
this.mask = arraySize - 1
* This method is invoked when there is a new key/ value pair to be inserted into
* the buffers but there is not enough empty slots to do so.
* New buffers are allocated. If this succeeds, we know we can proceed
* with rehashing so we assign the pending element to the previous buffer
* (possibly violating the invariant of having at least one empty slot)
* and rehash all keys, substituting new buffers at the end.
private fun allocateThenInsertThenRehash(
slot: Int,
pendingKey: Long,
pendingValue: T
) {
// Try to allocate new buffers first. If we OOM, we leave in a consistent state.
val prevKeys = this.keys
val prevValues = this.values
allocateBuffers(HPPC.nextBufferSize(mask + 1, size, loadFactor))
// We have succeeded at allocating new data so insert the pending key/value at
// the free slot in the old arrays before rehashing.
prevKeys[slot] = pendingKey
prevValues[slot] = pendingValue
// Rehash old keys, including the pending key.
rehash(prevKeys, prevValues)
* Shift all the slot-conflicting keys and values allocated to
* (and including) `slot`.
private fun shiftConflictingKeys(gapSlotArg: Int) {
var gapSlot = gapSlotArg
val keys = this.keys
val values = this.values
val mask = this.mask
// Perform shifts of conflicting keys to fill in the gap.
var distance = 0
while (true) {
val slot = gapSlot + ++distance and mask
val existing = keys[slot]
if (existing == 0L) {
val idealSlot = hashKey(existing)
val shift = slot - idealSlot and mask
if (shift >= distance) {
// Entry at this position was originally at or before the gap slot.
// Move the conflict-shifted entry to the gap's position and repeat the procedure
// for any entries to the right of the current position, treating it
// as the new gap.
keys[gapSlot] = existing
values[gapSlot] = values[slot]
gapSlot = slot
distance = 0
// Mark the last found gap slot without a conflict as empty.
keys[gapSlot] = 0L
values[gapSlot] = null