

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:38



This file contains the implementation of a listener interface for retaining instances in the LeakCanary library. It defines a sealed class RetainInstanceEvent and an interface OnRetainInstanceListener along with a default implementation class DefaultOnRetainInstanceListener.


onEvent(event: RetainInstanceEvent)

Called when there's a change to the retained instances. The event parameter represents the type of event that occurred, which is an instance of the RetainInstanceEvent sealed class.



This class provides a default implementation of the OnRetainInstanceListener interface. It does not perform any action when the onEvent method is called.

package leakcanary.internal

internal sealed class RetainInstanceEvent {
  object NoMoreObjects : RetainInstanceEvent()
  sealed class CountChanged : RetainInstanceEvent() {
    class BelowThreshold(val retainedCount: Int) : RetainInstanceEvent()
    class DumpingDisabled(val reason: String) : RetainInstanceEvent()
    object DumpHappenedRecently : RetainInstanceEvent()

 * Called by LeakCanary when the number of retained instances updates .
internal fun interface OnRetainInstanceListener {

   * Called when there's a change to the Retained Instances. See [RetainInstanceEvent] for
   * possible events.
  fun onEvent(event: RetainInstanceEvent)

internal class DefaultOnRetainInstanceListener : OnRetainInstanceListener {

  override fun onEvent(event: RetainInstanceEvent) {}