This file contains the implementation of the AndroidNativeSizeMapper class, which is responsible for mapping object IDs to native sizes tracked by NativeAllocationRegistry$CleanerThunk
. It provides the mapNativeSizes
method to retrieve a map of object IDs and their corresponding native sizes.
This method returns a map of object IDs to native sizes. It uses the graph
property of the AndroidNativeSizeMapper instance to locate instances of the sun.misc.Cleaner
class and extract the necessary information to calculate the native size. The size is determined by accessing the size
field of the libcore.util.NativeAllocationRegistry
instance referenced by the CleanerThunk
. The calculated native sizes are then stored in a map and returned.
The AndroidNativeSizeMapper class is responsible for mapping object IDs to native sizes. It has a constructor that takes a HeapGraph object and a mapNativeSizes
method to retrieve the mapping.
Companion Object
The companion object of the AndroidNativeSizeMapper class provides a static mapNativeSizes
method that takes a HeapGraph object and returns the mapped native sizes.
package shark
import shark.HeapObject.HeapInstance
class AndroidNativeSizeMapper(private val graph: HeapGraph) {
* Returns a map of Object id to native size as tracked by NativeAllocationRegistry$CleanerThunk
fun mapNativeSizes(): Map<Long, Int> {
return graph.context.getOrPut("AndroidNativeSizeMapper") {
private fun buildNativeSizeMap(): Map<Long, Int> {
val nativeSizes = mutableMapOf<Long, Int>()
// Doc from perflib:
// Native allocations can be identified by looking at instances of
// libcore.util.NativeAllocationRegistry$CleanerThunk. The "owning" Java object is the
// "referent" field of the "sun.misc.Cleaner" instance with a hard reference to the
// CleanerThunk.
// The size is in the 'size' field of the libcore.util.NativeAllocationRegistry instance
// that the CleanerThunk has a pointer to. The native pointer is in the 'nativePtr' field of
// the CleanerThunk. The hprof does not include the native bytes pointed to.
graph.findClassByName("sun.misc.Cleaner")?.let { cleanerClass ->
cleanerClass.directInstances.forEach { cleaner ->
val thunkField = cleaner["sun.misc.Cleaner", "thunk"]
val thunkId = thunkField?.value?.asNonNullObjectId
val referentId =
cleaner["java.lang.ref.Reference", "referent"]?.value?.asNonNullObjectId
if (thunkId != null && referentId != null) {
val thunkRecord = thunkField.value.asObject
if (thunkRecord is HeapInstance && thunkRecord instanceOf "libcore.util.NativeAllocationRegistry\$CleanerThunk") {
val allocationRegistryIdField =
thunkRecord["libcore.util.NativeAllocationRegistry\$CleanerThunk", "this\$0"]
if (allocationRegistryIdField != null && allocationRegistryIdField.value.isNonNullReference) {
val allocationRegistryRecord = allocationRegistryIdField.value.asObject
if (allocationRegistryRecord is HeapInstance && allocationRegistryRecord instanceOf "libcore.util.NativeAllocationRegistry") {
var nativeSize = nativeSizes[referentId] ?: 0
nativeSize += allocationRegistryRecord["libcore.util.NativeAllocationRegistry", "size"]?.value?.asLong?.toInt()
?: 0
nativeSizes[referentId] = nativeSize
return nativeSizes
companion object {
fun mapNativeSizes(heapGraph: HeapGraph): Map<Long, Int> {
return AndroidNativeSizeMapper(heapGraph).mapNativeSizes()