This file contains the implementation of the ObjectDominators
class, which provides high-level APIs to compute and render a dominator tree.
Renders the dominator tree based on the provided heap graph. It takes in additional parameters such as ignored references, minimum retained size, thread name, and a flag to print string content.
Recursively prints the tree structure of the dominator tree. It takes in parameters such as the StringBuilder, heap graph, tree map, object ID, minimum size, depth, prefix, and flags to indicate the position of the current node.
Builds an offline dominator tree based on the provided heap graph. It returns a map of object IDs to OfflineDominatorNode
Builds a dominator tree based on the provided heap graph. It takes in ignored references and returns a map of object IDs to DominatorNode
Exposes high-level APIs to compute and render a dominator tree. This class is used internally and its API might change. It contains the methods mentioned above.
package shark
import java.io.Serializable
import shark.GcRoot.ThreadObject
import shark.HeapObject.HeapClass
import shark.HeapObject.HeapInstance
import shark.HeapObject.HeapObjectArray
import shark.HeapObject.HeapPrimitiveArray
import shark.internal.ShallowSizeCalculator
* Exposes high level APIs to compute and render a dominator tree. This class
* needs to be public to be used by other LeakCanary modules but is internal and
* its API might change at any moment.
* Note that the exposed APIs are not optimized for speed, memory or IO.
* Eventually this capability should become part of the Shark public APIs, please
* open an issue if you'd like to use this directly.
class ObjectDominators {
data class DominatorNode(
val shallowSize: Int,
val retainedSize: Int,
val retainedCount: Int,
val dominatedObjectIds: List<Long>
) : Serializable
data class OfflineDominatorNode(
val node: DominatorNode,
val name: String
) : Serializable
fun renderDominatorTree(
graph: HeapGraph,
ignoredRefs: List<IgnoredReferenceMatcher>,
minRetainedSize: Int,
threadName: String? = null,
printStringContent: Boolean = false
): String {
val stringBuilder = StringBuilder()
val dominatorTree = buildDominatorTree(graph, ignoredRefs)
val root = dominatorTree.getValue(ValueHolder.NULL_REFERENCE)
"Total retained: ${root.retainedSize} bytes in ${root.retainedCount} objects. Root dominators: ${root.dominatedObjectIds.size}\n\n"
val rootIds = if (threadName != null) {
setOf(graph.gcRoots.first { gcRoot ->
gcRoot is ThreadObject &&
graph.objectExists(gcRoot.id) &&
.asInstance!!["java.lang.Thread", "name"]!!
.value.readAsJavaString() == threadName
} else {
root.dominatedObjectIds.filter { dominatorTree.getValue(it).retainedSize > minRetainedSize }
.forEach { objectId ->
stringBuilder, graph, dominatorTree, objectId, minRetainedSize, 0, "", true,
return stringBuilder.toString()
private fun printTree(
stringBuilder: StringBuilder,
graph: HeapGraph,
tree: Map<Long, DominatorNode>,
objectId: Long,
minSize: Int,
depth: Int,
prefix: String,
isLast: Boolean,
printStringContent: Boolean
) {
val node = tree.getValue(objectId)
val heapObject = graph.findObjectById(objectId)
val className = when (heapObject) {
is HeapClass -> "class ${heapObject.name}"
is HeapInstance -> heapObject.instanceClassName
is HeapObjectArray -> heapObject.arrayClassName
is HeapPrimitiveArray -> heapObject.arrayClassName
val anchor = if (depth == 0) "" else if (isLast) "╰─" else "├─"
val size = if (node.retainedSize != node.shallowSize) {
"${node.retainedSize} bytes (${node.shallowSize} self)"
} else {
"${node.shallowSize} bytes"
val count = if (node.retainedCount > 1) {
" ${node.retainedCount} objects"
} else {
val stringContent = if (
printStringContent &&
heapObject is HeapInstance &&
heapObject.instanceClassName == "java.lang.String"
) " \"${heapObject.readAsJavaString()}\"" else ""
"$prefix$anchor$className #${heapObject.objectIndex} Retained: $size$count$stringContent\n"
val newPrefix = when {
depth == 0 -> ""
isLast -> {
"$prefix "
else -> {
"$prefix│ "
val largeChildren = node.dominatedObjectIds.filter { tree.getValue(it).retainedSize > minSize }
val lastIndex = node.dominatedObjectIds.lastIndex
largeChildren.forEachIndexed { index, objectId ->
graph, tree, objectId, minSize, depth + 1, newPrefix,
index == lastIndex,
if (largeChildren.size < node.dominatedObjectIds.size) {
fun buildOfflineDominatorTree(
graph: HeapGraph,
ignoredRefs: List<IgnoredReferenceMatcher>
): Map<Long, OfflineDominatorNode> {
return buildDominatorTree(graph, ignoredRefs).mapValues { (objectId, node) ->
val name = if (objectId == ValueHolder.NULL_REFERENCE) {
} else when (val heapObject = graph.findObjectById(objectId)) {
is HeapClass -> "class ${heapObject.name}"
is HeapInstance -> heapObject.instanceClassName
is HeapObjectArray -> heapObject.arrayClassName
is HeapPrimitiveArray -> heapObject.arrayClassName
node, name
fun buildDominatorTree(
graph: HeapGraph,
ignoredRefs: List<IgnoredReferenceMatcher>
): Map<Long, DominatorNode> {
val pathFinder = PrioritizingShortestPathFinder.Factory(
listener = { },
referenceReaderFactory = ActualMatchingReferenceReaderFactory(
referenceMatchers = emptyList()
gcRootProvider = MatchingGcRootProvider(ignoredRefs),
computeRetainedHeapSize = true,
val nativeSizeMapper = AndroidNativeSizeMapper(graph)
val nativeSizes = nativeSizeMapper.mapNativeSizes()
val shallowSizeCalculator = ShallowSizeCalculator(graph)
val result = pathFinder.findShortestPathsFromGcRoots(setOf())
return result.dominatorTree!!.buildFullDominatorTree { objectId ->
val nativeSize = nativeSizes[objectId] ?: 0
val shallowSize = shallowSizeCalculator.computeShallowSize(objectId)
nativeSize + shallowSize