

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:38



The SortedBytesMap class is a read-only map that stores key-value pairs, where the keys are either longs or ints and the values are byte arrays. The map is sorted by the keys in ascending order. The class provides methods for accessing and searching for entries in the map.



This method takes a key as a parameter and returns the value associated with that key in the map. If the key does not exist in the map, it returns null.


This method takes a key as a parameter and returns the index of the entry with that key in the sortedEntries array.


This method takes an index as a parameter and returns the value associated with the key at that index in the map.


This method takes a key as a parameter and returns a boolean indicating whether the map contains an entry with that key.


This method returns a sequence of key-value pairs in the map. Each key-value pair is represented as a LongObjectPair<ByteSubArray> object.


This private method performs a binary search to locate a specific entry in the map by key. It returns the index of the entry if found, otherwise it returns the bitwise complement of the next index.


This method takes an index as a parameter and returns the key at that index in the map.



package shark.internal

import shark.internal.hppc.LongObjectPair

 * A read only map of `id` => `byte array` sorted by id, where `id` is a long if [longIdentifiers]
 * is true and an int otherwise. Each entry has a value byte array of size [bytesPerValue].
 * Instances are created by [UnsortedByteEntries]
 * [get] and [contains] perform a binary search to locate a specific entry by key.
internal class SortedBytesMap(
  private val longIdentifiers: Boolean,
  private val bytesPerValue: Int,
  private val sortedEntries: ByteArray
) {
  private val bytesPerKey = if (longIdentifiers) 8 else 4
  private val bytesPerEntry = bytesPerKey + bytesPerValue

  val size = sortedEntries.size / bytesPerEntry

  operator fun get(key: Long): ByteSubArray? {
    val keyIndex = binarySearch(key)
    if (keyIndex < 0) {
      return null
    return getAtIndex(keyIndex)

  fun indexOf(key: Long): Int {
    return binarySearch(key)

  fun getAtIndex(keyIndex: Int): ByteSubArray {
    val valueIndex = keyIndex * bytesPerEntry + bytesPerKey
    return ByteSubArray(sortedEntries, valueIndex, bytesPerValue, longIdentifiers)

  operator fun contains(key: Long): Boolean {
    val keyIndex = binarySearch(key)
    return keyIndex >= 0

  fun entrySequence(): Sequence<LongObjectPair<ByteSubArray>> {
    return (0 until size).asSequence()
      .map { keyIndex ->
        val valueIndex = keyIndex * bytesPerEntry + bytesPerKey
        keyAt(keyIndex) to ByteSubArray(sortedEntries, valueIndex, bytesPerValue, longIdentifiers)

  private fun binarySearch(
    key: Long
  ): Int {
    val startIndex = 0
    val endIndex = size
    var lo = startIndex
    var hi = endIndex - 1
    while (lo <= hi) {
      val mid = (lo + hi).ushr(1)
      val midVal = keyAt(mid)
      when {
        midVal < key -> lo = mid + 1
        midVal > key -> hi = mid - 1
        else -> return mid
    return lo.inv()

  fun keyAt(index: Int): Long {
    val keyIndex = index * bytesPerEntry
    return if (longIdentifiers) {
    } else {