

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:39



The IndexedObject.kt file contains a Kotlin sealed class IndexedObject with its subclasses IndexedClass, IndexedInstance, IndexedObjectArray, and IndexedPrimitiveArray. These classes represent different types of indexed objects in the Shark library.



IndexedObject is a sealed class that serves as the base class for different types of indexed objects in the Shark library. It has two abstract properties: position and recordSize.


IndexedClass is a subclass of IndexedObject that represents an indexed class object. It contains additional properties such as superclassId, instanceSize, and fieldsIndex.


IndexedInstance is a subclass of IndexedObject that represents an indexed instance object. It contains the classId property to identify the class of the instance.


IndexedObjectArray is a subclass of IndexedObject that represents an indexed object array. It contains the arrayClassId property to identify the class of the array.


IndexedPrimitiveArray is a subclass of IndexedObject that represents an indexed primitive array. It contains the primitiveType property to identify the type of the elements in the array.

package shark.internal

import shark.PrimitiveType

internal sealed class IndexedObject {
  abstract val position: Long
  abstract val recordSize: Long

  class IndexedClass(
    override val position: Long,
    val superclassId: Long,
    val instanceSize: Int,
    override val recordSize: Long,
    val fieldsIndex: Int
  ) : IndexedObject()

  class IndexedInstance(
    override val position: Long,
    val classId: Long,
    override val recordSize: Long
  ) : IndexedObject()

  class IndexedObjectArray(
    override val position: Long,
    val arrayClassId: Long,
    override val recordSize: Long
  ) : IndexedObject()

  class IndexedPrimitiveArray(
    override val position: Long,
    primitiveType: PrimitiveType,
    override val recordSize: Long
  ) : IndexedObject() {
    private val primitiveTypeOrdinal: Byte = primitiveType.ordinal.toByte()
    val primitiveType: PrimitiveType
      get() = PrimitiveType.values()[primitiveTypeOrdinal.toInt()]