The BackStackViewModel.kt
file in the org.leakcanary.screens
package contains the implementation of a view model for managing a back stack of screen destinations. It also provides functionality for navigation and updating the app bar title.
This method is called to navigate back to the previous screen destination in the back stack.
This method is called to navigate to a new screen destination and add it to the back stack.
This method is called to reset the back stack to a specific screen destination.
This inline function is used to filter the screen destinations based on the specified type.
This class holds an instance of the BackStackViewModel
and provides injection of it into other activity-scoped view models.
This module provides dependencies for the back stack navigation, such as the Navigator
and AppBarTitle
This class is a view model that manages a back stack of screen destinations. It implements the Navigator
and AppBarTitle
interfaces to provide navigation and app bar title functionality.
This data class represents the current state of the screen, including the current destination, whether it's possible to navigate back, and the direction of navigation.
package org.leakcanary.screens
import androidx.lifecycle.SavedStateHandle
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel
import dagger.Module
import dagger.Provides
import dagger.hilt.InstallIn
import javax.inject.Inject
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.StateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.asStateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.filterIsInstance
import org.leakcanary.screens.Destination.ClientAppsDestination
* Makes the BackStack state stream injectable in activity scoped view models. This
* is a dumb hack as I couldn't figure out how to inject a view model into a view model.
* This is doubly dumb as we need to ensure the backstack is created before
* BackStackHolder.backStack is accessed.
class BackStackHolder @Inject constructor() {
lateinit var backStackViewModel: BackStackViewModel
class BackStackModule {
@Provides fun provideNavigator(holder: BackStackHolder): Navigator = holder.backStackViewModel
@Provides fun provideAppBarTitle(holder: BackStackHolder): AppBarTitle = holder.backStackViewModel
interface Navigator {
val currentScreenState: StateFlow<CurrentScreenState>
fun goBack()
fun goTo(destination: Destination)
fun resetTo(destination: Destination)
inline fun <reified T : Destination> Navigator.filterDestination(): Flow<T> {
return currentScreenState
.map { it.destination }
interface AppBarTitle {
fun updateAppBarTitle(title: String)
// TODO This currently does not save UI state in the backstack.
class BackStackViewModel @Inject constructor(
private val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle,
stateStream: BackStackHolder
) : ViewModel(), Navigator, AppBarTitle {
private var destinationStack: List<Destination> =
savedStateHandle[BACKSTACK_KEY] ?: arrayListOf(ClientAppsDestination)
set(value) {
field = value
savedStateHandle[BACKSTACK_KEY] = ArrayList(value)
private val _currentScreenState = MutableStateFlow(destinationStack.asState(true))
private val currentScreenTitle: String
get() = _currentScreenState.value.destination.title
private val _appBarTitle = MutableStateFlow(currentScreenTitle)
override val currentScreenState = _currentScreenState.asStateFlow()
val appBarTitle = _appBarTitle.asStateFlow()
init {
stateStream.backStackViewModel = this
override fun goBack() {
check(_currentScreenState.value.canGoBack) {
"Backstack cannot go further back."
navigate(destinationStack.dropLast(1), forward = false)
override fun goTo(destination: Destination) {
navigate(destinationStack + destination, forward = true)
private fun navigate(newDestinationStack: List<Destination>, forward: Boolean) {
destinationStack = newDestinationStack
_currentScreenState.value = newDestinationStack.asState(forward)
_appBarTitle.value = currentScreenTitle
companion object {
private const val BACKSTACK_KEY = "backstack"
override fun resetTo(destination: Destination) {
navigate(listOf(destination), forward = false)
override fun updateAppBarTitle(title: String) {
_appBarTitle.value = title
private fun List<Destination>.asState(forward: Boolean) =
CurrentScreenState(destination = last(), canGoBack = size > 1, forward)
data class CurrentScreenState(
val destination: Destination,
val canGoBack: Boolean,
val forward: Boolean