

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:39



The file HeapGraph.kt contains the definition of the HeapGraph interface, which provides a way to navigate through the heap graph of objects in the shark package.


There are several methods defined in the HeapGraph interface:

findObjectById(objectId: Long): HeapObject

Returns the HeapObject corresponding to the provided objectId, or throws an IllegalArgumentException if the object cannot be found.

findObjectByIndex(objectIndex: Int): HeapObject

Returns the HeapObject corresponding to the provided objectIndex, or throws an IllegalArgumentException if the index is out of range.

findObjectByIdOrNull(objectId: Long): HeapObject?

Returns the HeapObject corresponding to the provided objectId, or null if the object cannot be found.

findClassByName(className: String): HeapClass?

Returns the HeapClass corresponding to the provided className, or null if the class cannot be found.

objectExists(objectId: Long): Boolean

Returns true if the provided objectId exists in the heap dump, false otherwise.

findHeapDumpIndex(objectId: Long): Int

Returns the 1-based index in the heap dump of the object corresponding to the provided objectId, or throws an IllegalArgumentException if the object cannot be found.

findObjectByHeapDumpIndex(heapDumpIndex: Int): HeapObject

Returns the HeapObject corresponding to the provided heapDumpIndex, or throws an IllegalArgumentException if the index is out of range.


package shark

import shark.HeapObject.HeapClass
import shark.HeapObject.HeapInstance
import shark.HeapObject.HeapObjectArray
import shark.HeapObject.HeapPrimitiveArray

 * Enables navigation through the heap graph of objects.
interface HeapGraph {
  val identifierByteSize: Int

   * In memory store that can be used to store objects this [HeapGraph] instance.
  val context: GraphContext

  val objectCount: Int

  val classCount: Int

  val instanceCount: Int

  val objectArrayCount: Int

  val primitiveArrayCount: Int

   * All GC roots which type matches types known to this heap graph and which point to non null
   * references. You can retrieve the object that a GC Root points to by calling [findObjectById]
   * with [], however you need to first check that [objectExists] returns true because
   * GC roots can point to objects that don't exist in the heap dump.
  val gcRoots: List<GcRoot>

   * Sequence of all objects in the heap dump.
   * This sequence does not trigger any IO reads.
  val objects: Sequence<HeapObject>

   * Sequence of all classes in the heap dump.
   * This sequence does not trigger any IO reads.
  val classes: Sequence<HeapClass>

   * Sequence of all instances in the heap dump.
   * This sequence does not trigger any IO reads.
  val instances: Sequence<HeapInstance>

   * Sequence of all object arrays in the heap dump.
   * This sequence does not trigger any IO reads.
  val objectArrays: Sequence<HeapObjectArray>

   * Sequence of all primitive arrays in the heap dump.
   * This sequence does not trigger any IO reads.
  val primitiveArrays: Sequence<HeapPrimitiveArray>

   * Returns the [HeapObject] corresponding to the provided [objectId], and throws
   * [IllegalArgumentException] otherwise.
  fun findObjectById(objectId: Long): HeapObject

   * Returns the [HeapObject] corresponding to the provided [objectIndex], and throws
   * [IllegalArgumentException] if [objectIndex] is less than 0 or more than [objectCount] - 1.
  fun findObjectByIndex(objectIndex: Int): HeapObject

   * Returns the [HeapObject] corresponding to the provided [objectId] or null if it cannot be
   * found.
  fun findObjectByIdOrNull(objectId: Long): HeapObject?

   * Returns the [HeapClass] corresponding to the provided [className], or null if the
   * class cannot be found.
  fun findClassByName(className: String): HeapClass?

   * Returns true if the provided [objectId] exists in the heap dump.
  fun objectExists(objectId: Long): Boolean

   * Returns the 1-based index in the heap dump of the object corresponding to the provided
   * [objectId], and throws [IllegalArgumentException] otherwise.
   * This is the object index that YourKit provides in its Java profiler.
  fun findHeapDumpIndex(objectId: Long): Int

   * Returns the [HeapObject] corresponding to the provided [heapDumpIndex], and throws
   * [IllegalArgumentException] if [heapDumpIndex] is less than 1 or more than [objectCount].
   * This is the object index that YourKit provides in its Java profiler.
  fun findObjectByHeapDumpIndex(heapDumpIndex: Int): HeapObject