

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:39



The "shark.ReferenceMatcher.kt" file contains the code for defining two classes: LibraryLeakReferenceMatcher and IgnoredReferenceMatcher, and a function named filterFor.



LibraryLeakReferenceMatcher is a class that is used to match references in library code that are known to create leaks and are beyond the control of the user. It has the following properties:

  • pattern: The pattern that the references will be matched against.
  • description (optional): A description that conveys what is known about this library leak.
  • patternApplies (optional): A function that determines whether the identified leak may exist in the provided HeapGraph. Defaults to true, but can be customized if necessary.


IgnoredReferenceMatcher is a class that should be used to match references that cannot ever create leaks. The shortest path finder will never go through matching references. It has the following property:

  • pattern: The pattern that the references will be matched against.



This function is an extension function on Iterable<ReferenceMatcher> and is used to filter a list of reference matchers for those that are applicable to the given HeapGraph. It returns a new list of reference matchers that pass the filter.

package shark

 * Used to pattern match known patterns of references in the heap, either to ignore them
 * ([IgnoredReferenceMatcher]) or to mark them as library leaks ([LibraryLeakReferenceMatcher]).
sealed class ReferenceMatcher {

  /** The pattern that references will be matched against. */
  abstract val pattern: ReferencePattern

 * [LibraryLeakReferenceMatcher] should be used to match references in library code that are
 * known to create leaks and are beyond your control. The shortest path finder will only go
 * through matching references after it has exhausted references that don't match, prioritizing
 * finding an application leak over a known library leak. Library leaks will be reported as
 * [LibraryLeak] instead of [ApplicationLeak].
data class LibraryLeakReferenceMatcher(
  override val pattern: ReferencePattern,
   * A description that conveys what we know about this library leak.
  val description: String = "",
   * Whether the identified leak may exist in the provided [HeapGraph]. Defaults to true. If
   * the heap dump comes from a VM that runs a different version of the library that doesn't
   * have the leak, then this should return false.
  val patternApplies: (HeapGraph) -> Boolean = { true }
) : ReferenceMatcher() {
  override fun toString() = "library leak: $pattern"

 * [IgnoredReferenceMatcher] should be used to match references that cannot ever create leaks. The
 * shortest path finder will never go through matching references.
class IgnoredReferenceMatcher(override val pattern: ReferencePattern) : ReferenceMatcher() {
  override fun toString() = "ignored ref: $pattern"

internal fun Iterable<ReferenceMatcher>.filterFor(graph: HeapGraph): List<ReferenceMatcher> {
  return filter { matcher ->
    (matcher is IgnoredReferenceMatcher ||
      (matcher is LibraryLeakReferenceMatcher && matcher.patternApplies(graph)))