

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:39



The UnsortedByteEntries class in the file UnsortedByteEntries.kt is a utility class that wraps a byte array of entries. Each entry consists of an id followed by bytes for the value. The class provides methods to append entries, sort the entries by key, and move the sorted entries to a SortedBytesMap.



Appends a new entry to the byte array. The key parameter determines the id of the entry. Returns a MutableByteSubArray that can be used to write bytes for the value.


Sorts the entries in the byte array by key and creates a SortedBytesMap object using the sorted entries. Returns the SortedBytesMap object.



This class wraps a byte array of entries and provides methods for appending entries and creating a sorted map of the entries. It also contains an inner class MutableByteSubArray that provides methods for writing bytes and values to the byte array.

package shark.internal

import shark.internal.aosp.ByteArrayTimSort

 * Wraps a byte array of entries where each entry is an id followed by bytes for the value.
 * `id` is a long if [longIdentifiers] is true and an int otherwise. Each entry has [bytesPerValue]
 * value bytes. Entries are appended into the array via [append]. Once done, the backing array
 * is sorted and turned into a [SortedBytesMap] by calling [moveToSortedMap].
internal class UnsortedByteEntries(
  private val bytesPerValue: Int,
  private val longIdentifiers: Boolean,
  private val initialCapacity: Int = 4,
  private val growthFactor: Double = 2.0
) {

  private val bytesPerEntry = bytesPerValue + if (longIdentifiers) 8 else 4

  private var entries: ByteArray? = null
  private val subArray = MutableByteSubArray()
  private var subArrayIndex = 0

  private var assigned: Int = 0
  private var currentCapacity = 0

  fun append(
    key: Long
  ): MutableByteSubArray {
    if (entries == null) {
      currentCapacity = initialCapacity
      entries = ByteArray(currentCapacity * bytesPerEntry)
    } else {
      if (currentCapacity == assigned) {
        val newCapacity = (currentCapacity * growthFactor).toInt()
        currentCapacity = newCapacity
    subArrayIndex = 0
    return subArray

  fun moveToSortedMap(): SortedBytesMap {
    if (assigned == 0) {
      return SortedBytesMap(longIdentifiers, bytesPerValue, ByteArray(0))
    val entries = entries!!
    // Sort entries by keys, which are ids of 4 or 8 bytes.
    ByteArrayTimSort.sort(entries, 0, assigned, bytesPerEntry) {
        entrySize, o1Array, o1Index, o2Array, o2Index ->
      if (longIdentifiers) {
        readLong(o1Array, o1Index * entrySize)
            readLong(o2Array, o2Index * entrySize)
      } else {
        readInt(o1Array, o1Index * entrySize)
            readInt(o2Array, o2Index * entrySize)
    val sortedEntries = if (entries.size > assigned * bytesPerEntry) {
      entries.copyOf(assigned * bytesPerEntry)
    } else entries
    this.entries = null
    assigned = 0
    return SortedBytesMap(
      longIdentifiers, bytesPerValue, sortedEntries

  private fun readInt(
    array: ByteArray,
    index: Int
  ): Int {
    var pos = index
    return (array[pos++] and 0xff shl 24
      or (array[pos++] and 0xff shl 16)
      or (array[pos++] and 0xff shl 8)
      or (array[pos] and 0xff))

  @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") // Syntactic sugar.
  private inline infix fun Byte.and(other: Long): Long = toLong() and other

  @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") // Syntactic sugar.
  private inline infix fun Byte.and(other: Int): Int = toInt() and other

  private fun readLong(
    array: ByteArray,
    index: Int
  ): Long {
    var pos = index
    return (array[pos++] and 0xffL shl 56
      or (array[pos++] and 0xffL shl 48)
      or (array[pos++] and 0xffL shl 40)
      or (array[pos++] and 0xffL shl 32)
      or (array[pos++] and 0xffL shl 24)
      or (array[pos++] and 0xffL shl 16)
      or (array[pos++] and 0xffL shl 8)
      or (array[pos] and 0xffL))

  private fun growEntries(newCapacity: Int) {
    val newEntries = ByteArray(newCapacity * bytesPerEntry)
    System.arraycopy(entries, 0, newEntries, 0, assigned * bytesPerEntry)
    entries = newEntries

  internal inner class MutableByteSubArray {
    fun writeByte(value: Byte) {
      val index = subArrayIndex
      require(index in 0..bytesPerEntry) {
        "Index $index should be between 0 and $bytesPerEntry"
      val valuesIndex = ((assigned - 1) * bytesPerEntry) + index
      entries!![valuesIndex] = value

    fun writeId(value: Long) {
      if (longIdentifiers) {
      } else {

    fun writeInt(value: Int) {
      val index = subArrayIndex
      subArrayIndex += 4
      require(index >= 0 && index <= bytesPerEntry - 4) {
        "Index $index should be between 0 and ${bytesPerEntry - 4}"
      var pos = ((assigned - 1) * bytesPerEntry) + index
      val values = entries!!
      values[pos++] = (value ushr 24 and 0xff).toByte()
      values[pos++] = (value ushr 16 and 0xff).toByte()
      values[pos++] = (value ushr 8 and 0xff).toByte()
      values[pos] = (value and 0xff).toByte()

    fun writeTruncatedLong(
      value: Long,
      byteCount: Int
    ) {
      val index = subArrayIndex
      subArrayIndex += byteCount
      require(index >= 0 && index <= bytesPerEntry - byteCount) {
        "Index $index should be between 0 and ${bytesPerEntry - byteCount}"
      var pos = ((assigned - 1) * bytesPerEntry) + index
      val values = entries!!

      var shift = (byteCount - 1) * 8
      while (shift >= 8) {
        values[pos++] = (value ushr shift and 0xffL).toByte()
        shift -= 8
      values[pos] = (value and 0xffL).toByte()

    fun writeLong(value: Long) {
      val index = subArrayIndex
      subArrayIndex += 8
      require(index >= 0 && index <= bytesPerEntry - 8) {
        "Index $index should be between 0 and ${bytesPerEntry - 8}"
      var pos = ((assigned - 1) * bytesPerEntry) + index
      val values = entries!!
      values[pos++] = (value ushr 56 and 0xffL).toByte()
      values[pos++] = (value ushr 48 and 0xffL).toByte()
      values[pos++] = (value ushr 40 and 0xffL).toByte()
      values[pos++] = (value ushr 32 and 0xffL).toByte()
      values[pos++] = (value ushr 24 and 0xffL).toByte()
      values[pos++] = (value ushr 16 and 0xffL).toByte()
      values[pos++] = (value ushr 8 and 0xffL).toByte()
      values[pos] = (value and 0xffL).toByte()