

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:39



This file is a test file for the shark module in the project. It contains test methods related to analyzing and freezing retained memory in a Hprof heap dump.



Initializes a temporary folder for test purposes.


Test method that analyzes and freezes retained memory when indexing a specific heap dump file (leak_asynctask_o.hprof).


Test method that analyzes and freezes retained memory when indexing another specific heap dump file (leak_asynctask_m.hprof).


Test method that analyzes and freezes retained memory during different analysis steps of the heap dump file leak_asynctask_o.hprof.


Helper method that indexes records of a given Hprof file.


Helper method that dumps the heap and retains a specific instance.


Helper method that dumps the heap in a separate thread.


Helper method that runs a given task in a separate thread.


Infix function that returns the next step and retained memory after a given step.


Helper method that calculates the retained heap for a given heap dump file.


Extension function to create a BytesAssert object for asserting retained heap sizes.


Extension function to create a BytesAssert object for asserting retained heap sizes along with a description.



This class contains the test methods for analyzing and freezing retained memory. It also contains helper methods for manipulating and accessing the heap dump files.


This class is a custom assertion class that extends AbstractIntegerAssert. It is used for asserting retained heap sizes.


This class represents a count of bytes.


This class represents a count of bytes along with an error percentage.


This class represents a margin used in the calculation of error percentages.


This class represents an error percentage.

package shark

import java.util.EnumSet
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS
import kotlin.concurrent.thread
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractIntegerAssert
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Rule
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder
import shark.AndroidReferenceMatchers.Companion.buildKnownReferences
import shark.AndroidReferenceMatchers.FINALIZER_WATCHDOG_DAEMON
import shark.AndroidReferenceMatchers.REFERENCES
import shark.GcRoot.ThreadObject
import shark.HprofHeapGraph.Companion.openHeapGraph
import shark.OnAnalysisProgressListener.Step.COMPUTING_NATIVE_RETAINED_SIZE
import shark.OnAnalysisProgressListener.Step.COMPUTING_RETAINED_SIZE
import shark.OnAnalysisProgressListener.Step.EXTRACTING_METADATA
import shark.OnAnalysisProgressListener.Step.FINDING_DOMINATORS
import shark.OnAnalysisProgressListener.Step.FINDING_PATHS_TO_RETAINED_OBJECTS
import shark.OnAnalysisProgressListener.Step.FINDING_RETAINED_OBJECTS
import shark.OnAnalysisProgressListener.Step.INSPECTING_OBJECTS
import shark.OnAnalysisProgressListener.Step.PARSING_HEAP_DUMP

private const val ANALYSIS_THREAD = "analysis"

class HprofRetainedHeapPerfTest {

  var tmpFolder = TemporaryFolder()

  lateinit var folder: File

  fun setUp() {
    folder = tmpFolder.newFolder()

  @Test fun `freeze retained memory when indexing leak_asynctask_o`() {
    val hprofFile = "leak_asynctask_o.hprof".classpathFile()

    val (baselineHeap, heapWithIndex) = runInThread(ANALYSIS_THREAD) {
      val baselineHeap = dumpHeap("baseline")
      val hprofIndex = indexRecordsOf(hprofFile)
      val heapWithIndex = dumpHeapRetaining(hprofIndex)
      baselineHeap to heapWithIndex

    val (analysisRetained, _) = heapWithIndex.retainedHeap(ANALYSIS_THREAD)

    val retained = analysisRetained - baselineHeap.retainedHeap(ANALYSIS_THREAD).first

    assertThat(retained).isEqualTo(4.5 MB +-5 % margin)

  @Test fun `freeze retained memory when indexing leak_asynctask_m`() {
    val hprofFile = "leak_asynctask_m.hprof".classpathFile()

    val (baselineHeap, heapWithIndex) = runInThread(ANALYSIS_THREAD) {
      val baselineHeap = dumpHeap("baseline")
      val hprofIndex = indexRecordsOf(hprofFile)
      val heapWithIndex = dumpHeapRetaining(hprofIndex)
      baselineHeap to heapWithIndex

    val (analysisRetained, _) = heapWithIndex.retainedHeap(ANALYSIS_THREAD)

    val retained = analysisRetained - baselineHeap.retainedHeap(ANALYSIS_THREAD).first

    assertThat(retained).isEqualTo(4.4 MB +-5 % margin)

  @Test fun `freeze retained memory through analysis steps of leak_asynctask_o`() {
    val hprofFile = "leak_asynctask_o.hprof".classpathFile()
    val stepsToHeapDumpFile = mutableMapOf<OnAnalysisProgressListener.Step, File>()
    val heapAnalyzer = HeapAnalyzer { step ->
      stepsToHeapDumpFile[step] = dumpHeap(

    // matchers contain large description strings which depending on the VM maybe be reachable
    // only via matchers (=> thread locals), and otherwise also statically by the enum class that
    // defines them. So we create a reference outside of the working thread to exclude them from
    // the retained count and avoid a varying count.
    val matchers = AndroidReferenceMatchers.appDefaults
    val baselineHeap = runInThread(ANALYSIS_THREAD) {
      val baselineHeap = dumpHeap("baseline")
        heapDumpFile = hprofFile,
        leakingObjectFinder = FilteringLeakingObjectFinder(
        referenceMatchers = matchers,
        objectInspectors = AndroidObjectInspectors.appDefaults,
        metadataExtractor = AndroidMetadataExtractor,
        computeRetainedHeapSize = true
      ).apply {
        check(this is HeapAnalysisSuccess) {
          "Expected success not $this"

    val retainedBeforeAnalysis = baselineHeap.retainedHeap(ANALYSIS_THREAD).first
    val retained = stepsToHeapDumpFile.mapValues {
      val retainedPair = it.value.retainedHeap(ANALYSIS_THREAD, computeDominators = true)
      retainedPair.first - retainedBeforeAnalysis to retainedPair.second

    assertThat(retained after PARSING_HEAP_DUMP).isEqualTo(5.01 MB +-5 % margin)
    assertThat(retained after EXTRACTING_METADATA).isEqualTo(5.06 MB +-5 % margin)
    assertThat(retained after FINDING_RETAINED_OBJECTS).isEqualTo(5.16 MB +-5 % margin)
    assertThat(retained after FINDING_PATHS_TO_RETAINED_OBJECTS).isEqualTo(6.56 MB +-5 % margin)
    assertThat(retained after FINDING_DOMINATORS).isEqualTo(6.56 MB +-5 % margin)
    assertThat(retained after INSPECTING_OBJECTS).isEqualTo(6.57 MB +-5 % margin)
    assertThat(retained after COMPUTING_NATIVE_RETAINED_SIZE).isEqualTo(6.57 MB +-5 % margin)
    assertThat(retained after COMPUTING_RETAINED_SIZE).isEqualTo(5.49 MB +-5 % margin)

  private fun indexRecordsOf(hprofFile: File): HprofIndex {
    return HprofIndex.indexRecordsOf(
      hprofSourceProvider = FileSourceProvider(hprofFile),
      hprofHeader = HprofHeader.parseHeaderOf(hprofFile)

  private fun dumpHeapRetaining(instance: Any): File {
    val heapDumpFile = dumpHeap("retaining-${}")
    // Dumb check to prevent instance from being garbage collected.
    return heapDumpFile

  private fun dumpHeap(name: String): File {
    // Dumps the heap in a separate thread to avoid java locals being added to the count of
    // bytes retained by this thread.
    return runInThread("heap dump") {
      val testHprofFile = File(folder, "$name.hprof")
      if (testHprofFile.exists()) {

  private fun <T : Any> runInThread(
    threadName: String,
    work: () -> T
  ): T {
    lateinit var result: T
    val latch = CountDownLatch(1)
    thread(name = threadName) {
      result = work()
    check(latch.await(30, SECONDS))
    return result

  private infix fun Map<OnAnalysisProgressListener.Step, Pair<Bytes, String>>.after(step: OnAnalysisProgressListener.Step): Pair<Bytes, String> {
    val values = OnAnalysisProgressListener.Step.values()
    for (nextOrdinal in step.ordinal + 1 until values.size) {
      val pair = this[values[nextOrdinal]]
      if (pair != null) {
        val (nextStepRetained, dominatorTree) = pair

        return nextStepRetained to "\n$nextStepRetained retained by analysis thread after step ${} not valid\n" + dominatorTree
    error("No step in $this after $step")

  private fun File.retainedHeap(
    threadName: String,
    computeDominators: Boolean = false
  ): Pair<Bytes, String> {
    val heapAnalyzer = HeapAnalyzer(OnAnalysisProgressListener.NO_OP)

    val (analysis, dominatorTree) = openHeapGraph().use { graph ->
      val analysis = heapAnalyzer.analyze(
        heapDumpFile = this,
        graph = graph,
        referenceMatchers = buildKnownReferences(
        leakingObjectFinder = {
          setOf(graph.gcRoots.first { gcRoot ->
            gcRoot is ThreadObject &&
              graph.objectExists( &&
                .asInstance!!["java.lang.Thread", "name"]!!
                .value.readAsJavaString() == threadName
        computeRetainedHeapSize = true
      check(analysis is HeapAnalysisSuccess) {
        "Expected success not $analysis"

      val dominatorTree = if (computeDominators) {
        val weakAndFinalizerRefs = EnumSet.of(REFERENCES, FINALIZER_WATCHDOG_DAEMON)
        val ignoredRefs = buildKnownReferences(weakAndFinalizerRefs).map { matcher ->
          matcher as IgnoredReferenceMatcher
          graph, ignoredRefs, 200, threadName, true
      } else ""
      analysis to dominatorTree

    return analysis.applicationLeaks.single().leakTraces.single().retainedHeapByteSize!!.bytes to dominatorTree

  class BytesAssert(
    bytes: Bytes,
    description: String
  ) : AbstractIntegerAssert<BytesAssert>(
  ) {

    init {

    fun isEqualTo(expected: BytesWithError): BytesAssert {
      val errorPercentage = expected.error.percentage.absoluteValue
      return isBetween(
        (expected.count * (1 - errorPercentage)).toInt(),
        (expected.count * (1 + errorPercentage)).toInt()

  private fun assertThat(bytes: Bytes) = BytesAssert(bytes, "")

  private fun assertThat(pair: Pair<Bytes, String>) = BytesAssert(pair.first, pair.second)

  data class Bytes(val count: Int)

  operator fun Bytes.minus(other: Bytes) = Bytes(count - other.count)

  private val Int.bytes: Bytes
    get() = Bytes(this)

  class BytesWithError(
    val count: Int,
    val error: ErrorPercentage

  object Margin

  private val margin
    get() = Margin

  class ErrorPercentage(val percentage: Double)

  infix fun Double.MB(error: ErrorPercentage) =
    BytesWithError((this * 1_000_000).toInt(), error)

  operator fun Int.rem(ignored: Margin): ErrorPercentage = ErrorPercentage(this / 100.0)