This file contains the ConstantMemoryMetricsDualSourceProvider
class, which is responsible for capturing IO read metrics without using much memory. It implements the DualSourceProvider
interface and overrides its methods. It also defines some properties and a private method for updating random access stats on read.
The ConstantMemoryMetricsDualSourceProvider
class captures IO read metrics without using much memory. It implements the DualSourceProvider
interface and overrides its methods.
There are no additional methods in this file.
package shark
import okio.Buffer
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
* Captures IO read metrics without using much memory.
class ConstantMemoryMetricsDualSourceProvider(
private val realSourceProvider: DualSourceProvider
) : DualSourceProvider {
var randomAccessByteReads = 0L
internal set
var randomAccessReadCount = 0L
internal set
var randomAccessByteTravel = 0L
internal set
private var lastRandomAccessPosition = -1L
private var minPosition = -1L
private var maxPosition = -1L
private fun updateRandomAccessStatsOnRead(
position: Long,
bytesRead: Long
) {
randomAccessByteReads += bytesRead
if (lastRandomAccessPosition != -1L) {
randomAccessByteTravel += (position - lastRandomAccessPosition).absoluteValue
minPosition = minPosition.coerceAtMost(position)
maxPosition = maxPosition.coerceAtLeast(position)
} else {
minPosition = position
maxPosition = position
lastRandomAccessPosition = position
val byteTravelRange
get() = (maxPosition - minPosition)
override fun openStreamingSource() = realSourceProvider.openStreamingSource()
override fun openRandomAccessSource(): RandomAccessSource {
val randomAccessSource = realSourceProvider.openRandomAccessSource()
return object : RandomAccessSource {
override fun read(
sink: Buffer,
position: Long,
byteCount: Long
): Long {
val bytesRead =, position, byteCount)
updateRandomAccessStatsOnRead(position, bytesRead)
return bytesRead
override fun close() = randomAccessSource.close()