

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:39



This file ReferencePattern.kt contains the definition for a sealed class called ReferencePattern. This class represents different patterns that can be used to match references in a given ReferenceMatcher object. The file also includes data classes that inherit from the ReferencePattern sealed class, each representing a specific pattern for matching references.



This sealed class represents different patterns that can be used to match references in a given ReferenceMatcher object.


This data class represents a pattern for matching local references held in the stack of frames of a given thread, identified by its name.


This data class represents a pattern for matching static field references, identified by the class name and field name.


This data class represents a pattern for matching instance field references, identified by the class name and field name. This pattern also supports matching fields declared in a superclass for subclasses.


This data class represents a pattern for matching native global variables (JNI global GC roots) that reference Java objects. The class name will match against classes, instances, and object arrays with a matching class name.



package shark


 * A pattern that will match references for a given [ReferenceMatcher].
sealed class ReferencePattern : Serializable {

   * Matches local references held in the stack of frames of a given thread, identified by its name.
  data class JavaLocalPattern(
    val threadName: String
  ) : ReferencePattern() {
    override fun toString() = "local variable on thread $threadName"

    companion object {
      private const val serialVersionUID: Long = -8985446122829543654

   * Matches static field references, identified by [className] and [fieldName].
  data class StaticFieldPattern(
    val className: String,
    val fieldName: String
  ) : ReferencePattern() {
    override fun toString() = "static field $className#$fieldName"

    companion object {
      private const val serialVersionUID: Long = 7656908128775899611

   * Matches instances field references, identified by [className] and [fieldName].
   * Note: If [fieldName] is declared in a superclass it will still match for subclasses.
   * This is to support overriding of rules for specific cases. If two [ReferenceMatcher] match for
   * the same [fieldName] but for different [className] in a class hierarchy, then the closest
   * class in the hierarchy wins.
  data class InstanceFieldPattern(
    val className: String,
    val fieldName: String
  ) : ReferencePattern() {
    override fun toString() = "instance field $className#$fieldName"

    companion object {
      private const val serialVersionUID: Long = 6649791455204159802

   * Matches native global variables (also known as jni global gc roots) that reference
   * Java objects. The class name will match against classes, instances and object arrays with
   * a matching class name.
  data class NativeGlobalVariablePattern(val className: String) : ReferencePattern() {
    override fun toString() = "native global variable referencing $className"

    companion object {
      private const val serialVersionUID: Long = -2651328076202244933

  companion object {
    private const val serialVersionUID: Long = -5113635523713591133