

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:39



The RealLeakTracerFactory.kt file is part of the Shark library used for detecting memory leaks in Android applications. The file contains the implementation of the RealLeakTracerFactory class, which is responsible for creating instances of the LeakTracer class. The RealLeakTracerFactory class also defines several nested interfaces and classes used for events, Trie nodes, and representing inspected objects.



The RealLeakTracerFactory class is responsible for creating instances of the LeakTracer class. It takes a ShortestPathFinder.Factory, a list of ObjectInspectors, and an Event.Listener as constructor parameters. The ShortestPathFinder.Factory is used to create the shortest path finder for the heap graph, the list of ObjectInspectors provides inspectors to inspect the objects, and the Event.Listener receives events during the leak detection process.


 * Copyright (C) 2015 Square, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package shark

import shark.HeapObject.HeapClass
import shark.HeapObject.HeapInstance
import shark.HeapObject.HeapObjectArray
import shark.HeapObject.HeapPrimitiveArray
import shark.LeakTrace.GcRootType
import shark.LeakTraceObject.LeakingStatus
import shark.LeakTraceObject.LeakingStatus.LEAKING
import shark.LeakTraceObject.LeakingStatus.NOT_LEAKING
import shark.LeakTraceObject.LeakingStatus.UNKNOWN
import shark.LeakTraceObject.ObjectType.ARRAY
import shark.LeakTraceObject.ObjectType.CLASS
import shark.LeakTraceObject.ObjectType.INSTANCE
import shark.internal.ReferencePathNode
import shark.internal.ReferencePathNode.ChildNode
import shark.internal.ReferencePathNode.RootNode
import shark.internal.ShallowSizeCalculator
import shark.internal.createSHA1Hash
import shark.internal.lastSegment
import java.util.ArrayList
import shark.RealLeakTracerFactory.Event.StartedBuildingLeakTraces
import shark.RealLeakTracerFactory.Event.StartedComputingJavaHeapRetainedSize
import shark.RealLeakTracerFactory.Event.StartedComputingNativeRetainedSize
import shark.RealLeakTracerFactory.Event.StartedInspectingObjects
import shark.RealLeakTracerFactory.TrieNode.LeafNode
import shark.RealLeakTracerFactory.TrieNode.ParentNode
import shark.internal.ReferencePathNode.RootNode.LibraryLeakRootNode

// TODO kdoc
// TODO better name than "real"
// TODO Think about making this easier to build up. Having good defaults, or a builder of sorts.
//  objectInspectors and referenceMatchers can default to empty list and listener be a no-op
class RealLeakTracerFactory constructor(
  private val shortestPathFinderFactory: ShortestPathFinder.Factory,
  private val objectInspectors: List<ObjectInspector>,
  private val listener: Event.Listener
): LeakTracer.Factory {

  // TODO Enum or sealed? class makes it possible to report progress. Enum
  // provides ordering of events.
  sealed interface Event {
    object StartedBuildingLeakTraces : Event
    object StartedInspectingObjects : Event
    object StartedComputingNativeRetainedSize: Event
    object StartedComputingJavaHeapRetainedSize: Event

    fun interface Listener {
      fun onEvent(event: Event)

  override fun createFor(heapGraph: HeapGraph): LeakTracer {
    // TODO Remove the listener and replace that by specific events
    //  Also for each event some notion of progress? Should that be configurable?
    //  We should be able to tell the total number of objects so we'll know when we've
    //  traversed the whole graph.
    //  referenceMatchers are only needed for the NativeGlobalVariablePattern, which is related
    //  to GC roots
    return LeakTracer { objectIds->
      val helpers = FindLeakInput(

  private class FindLeakInput(
    val graph: HeapGraph,
    val shortestPathFinder: ShortestPathFinder,
    val objectInspectors: List<ObjectInspector>,

  private fun FindLeakInput.findLeaks(leakingObjectIds: Set<Long>): LeaksAndUnreachableObjects {
    val pathFindingResults =

    val unreachableObjects = findUnreachableObjects(pathFindingResults, leakingObjectIds)

    val shortestPaths =

    val inspectedObjectsByPath = inspectObjects(shortestPaths)

    val retainedSizes =
      if (pathFindingResults.dominatorTree != null) {
        computeRetainedSizes(inspectedObjectsByPath, pathFindingResults.dominatorTree)
      } else {
    val (applicationLeaks, libraryLeaks) = buildLeakTraces(
      shortestPaths, inspectedObjectsByPath, retainedSizes
    return LeaksAndUnreachableObjects(applicationLeaks, libraryLeaks, unreachableObjects)

  private fun FindLeakInput.findUnreachableObjects(
    pathFindingResults: PathFindingResults,
    leakingObjectIds: Set<Long>
  ): List<LeakTraceObject> {
    val reachableLeakingObjectIds = { it.objectId }.toSet()

    val unreachableLeakingObjectIds = leakingObjectIds - reachableLeakingObjectIds

    val unreachableObjectReporters = { objectId ->
      ObjectReporter(heapObject = graph.findObjectById(objectId))

    objectInspectors.forEach { inspector ->
      unreachableObjectReporters.forEach { reporter ->

    val unreachableInspectedObjects = { reporter ->
      val reason = resolveStatus(reporter, leakingWins = true).let { (status, reason) ->
        when (status) {
          LEAKING -> reason
          UNKNOWN -> "This is a leaking object"
          NOT_LEAKING -> "This is a leaking object. Conflicts with $reason"
        reporter.heapObject, LEAKING, reason, reporter.labels

    return buildLeakTraceObjects(unreachableInspectedObjects, null)

  internal sealed class TrieNode {
    abstract val objectId: Long

    class ParentNode(override val objectId: Long) : TrieNode() {
      val children = mutableMapOf<Long, TrieNode>()
      override fun toString(): String {
        return "ParentNode(objectId=$objectId, children=$children)"

    class LeafNode(
      override val objectId: Long,
      val pathNode: ReferencePathNode
    ) : TrieNode()

  private fun deduplicateShortestPaths(
    inputPathResults: List<ReferencePathNode>
  ): List<ShortestPath> {
    val rootTrieNode = ParentNode(0)

    inputPathResults.forEach { pathNode ->
      // Go through the linked list of nodes and build the reverse list of instances from
      // root to leaking.
      val path = mutableListOf<Long>()
      var leakNode: ReferencePathNode = pathNode
      while (leakNode is ChildNode) {
        path.add(0, leakNode.objectId)
        leakNode = leakNode.parent
      path.add(0, leakNode.objectId)
      updateTrie(pathNode, path, 0, rootTrieNode)

    val outputPathResults = mutableListOf<ReferencePathNode>()
    findResultsInTrie(rootTrieNode, outputPathResults)

    if (outputPathResults.size != inputPathResults.size) {
      SharkLog.d {
        "Found ${inputPathResults.size} paths to retained objects," +
          " down to ${outputPathResults.size} after removing duplicated paths"
    } else {
      SharkLog.d { "Found ${outputPathResults.size} paths to retained objects" }

    return { retainedObjectNode ->
      val shortestChildPath = mutableListOf<ChildNode>()
      var node = retainedObjectNode
      while (node is ChildNode) {
        shortestChildPath.add(0, node)
        node = node.parent
      val rootNode = node as RootNode
      ShortestPath(rootNode, shortestChildPath)

  private fun updateTrie(
    pathNode: ReferencePathNode,
    path: List<Long>,
    pathIndex: Int,
    parentNode: ParentNode
  ) {
    val objectId = path[pathIndex]
    if (pathIndex == path.lastIndex) {
      parentNode.children[objectId] = LeafNode(objectId, pathNode)
    } else {
      val childNode = parentNode.children[objectId] ?: run {
        val newChildNode = ParentNode(objectId)
        parentNode.children[objectId] = newChildNode
      if (childNode is ParentNode) {
        updateTrie(pathNode, path, pathIndex + 1, childNode)

  private fun findResultsInTrie(
    parentNode: ParentNode,
    outputPathResults: MutableList<ReferencePathNode>
  ) {
    parentNode.children.values.forEach { childNode ->
      when (childNode) {
        is ParentNode -> {
          findResultsInTrie(childNode, outputPathResults)
        is LeafNode -> {
          outputPathResults += childNode.pathNode

  internal class ShortestPath(
    val root: RootNode,
    childPath: List<ChildNode>
  ) {

    val childPathWithDetails = { it to it.lazyDetailsResolver.resolve() }

    fun firstLibraryLeakMatcher(): LibraryLeakReferenceMatcher? {
      if (root is LibraryLeakRootNode) {
        return root.matcher
      return { it.second.matchedLibraryLeak }.firstOrNull { it != null }

    fun asNodesWithMatchers(): List<Pair<ReferencePathNode, LibraryLeakReferenceMatcher?>> {
      val rootMatcher = if (root is LibraryLeakRootNode) {
      } else null
      val childPathWithMatchers = { it.first to it.second.matchedLibraryLeak }
      return listOf(root to rootMatcher) + childPathWithMatchers

  private fun FindLeakInput.buildLeakTraces(
    shortestPaths: List<ShortestPath>,
    inspectedObjectsByPath: List<List<InspectedObject>>,
    retainedSizes: Map<Long, Pair<Int, Int>>?
  ): Pair<List<ApplicationLeak>, List<LibraryLeak>> {

    val applicationLeaksMap = mutableMapOf<String, MutableList<LeakTrace>>()
    val libraryLeaksMap =
      mutableMapOf<String, Pair<LibraryLeakReferenceMatcher, MutableList<LeakTrace>>>()

    shortestPaths.forEachIndexed { pathIndex, shortestPath ->
      val inspectedObjects = inspectedObjectsByPath[pathIndex]

      val leakTraceObjects = buildLeakTraceObjects(inspectedObjects, retainedSizes)

      val referencePath = buildReferencePath(shortestPath, leakTraceObjects)

      val leakTrace = LeakTrace(
        gcRootType = GcRootType.fromGcRoot(shortestPath.root.gcRoot),
        referencePath = referencePath,
        leakingObject = leakTraceObjects.last()

      val firstLibraryLeakMatcher = shortestPath.firstLibraryLeakMatcher()
      if (firstLibraryLeakMatcher != null) {
        val signature: String = firstLibraryLeakMatcher.pattern.toString()
        libraryLeaksMap.getOrPut(signature) { firstLibraryLeakMatcher to mutableListOf() }
          .second += leakTrace
      } else {
        applicationLeaksMap.getOrPut(leakTrace.signature) { mutableListOf() } += leakTrace
    val applicationLeaks = { (_, leakTraces) ->
    val libraryLeaks = { (_, pair) ->
      val (matcher, leakTraces) = pair
      LibraryLeak(leakTraces, matcher.pattern, matcher.description)
    return applicationLeaks to libraryLeaks

  private fun FindLeakInput.inspectObjects(shortestPaths: List<ShortestPath>): List<List<InspectedObject>> {

    val leakReportersByPath = { path ->
      val pathList = path.asNodesWithMatchers()
        .mapIndexed { index, (node, _) ->
          val reporter = ObjectReporter(heapObject = graph.findObjectById(node.objectId))
          if (index + 1 < pathList.size) {
            val (_, nextMatcher) = pathList[index + 1]
            if (nextMatcher != null) {
              reporter.labels += "Library leak match: ${nextMatcher.pattern}"

    objectInspectors.forEach { inspector ->
      leakReportersByPath.forEach { leakReporters ->
        leakReporters.forEach { reporter ->

    return { leakReporters ->

  private fun FindLeakInput.computeRetainedSizes(
    inspectedObjectsByPath: List<List<InspectedObject>>,
    dominatorTree: DominatorTree
  ): Map<Long, Pair<Int, Int>> {
    val nodeObjectIds = inspectedObjectsByPath.flatMap { inspectedObjects ->
      // TODO Stop at the first leaking object
      inspectedObjects.filter { it.leakingStatus == UNKNOWN || it.leakingStatus == LEAKING }
        .map { it.heapObject.objectId }
    val nativeSizeMapper = AndroidNativeSizeMapper(graph)
    val nativeSizes = nativeSizeMapper.mapNativeSizes()
    val shallowSizeCalculator = ShallowSizeCalculator(graph)
    return dominatorTree.computeRetainedSizes(nodeObjectIds) { objectId ->
      val nativeSize = nativeSizes[objectId] ?: 0
      val shallowSize = shallowSizeCalculator.computeShallowSize(objectId)
      nativeSize + shallowSize

  private fun buildLeakTraceObjects(
    inspectedObjects: List<InspectedObject>,
    retainedSizes: Map<Long, Pair<Int, Int>>?
  ): List<LeakTraceObject> {
    return { inspectedObject ->
      val heapObject = inspectedObject.heapObject
      val className = recordClassName(heapObject)

      val objectType = when (heapObject) {
        is HeapClass -> CLASS
        is HeapObjectArray, is HeapPrimitiveArray -> ARRAY
        else -> INSTANCE

      val retainedSizeAndObjectCount = retainedSizes?.get(inspectedObject.heapObject.objectId)

        type = objectType,
        className = className,
        labels = inspectedObject.labels,
        leakingStatus = inspectedObject.leakingStatus,
        leakingStatusReason = inspectedObject.leakingStatusReason,
        retainedHeapByteSize = retainedSizeAndObjectCount?.first,
        retainedObjectCount = retainedSizeAndObjectCount?.second

  private fun FindLeakInput.buildReferencePath(
    shortestPath: ShortestPath,
    leakTraceObjects: List<LeakTraceObject>
  ): List<LeakTraceReference> {
    return shortestPath.childPathWithDetails.mapIndexed { index, (_, details) ->
        originObject = leakTraceObjects[index],
        referenceType = when (details.locationType) {
          ReferenceLocationType.INSTANCE_FIELD -> LeakTraceReference.ReferenceType.INSTANCE_FIELD
          ReferenceLocationType.STATIC_FIELD -> LeakTraceReference.ReferenceType.STATIC_FIELD
          ReferenceLocationType.LOCAL -> LeakTraceReference.ReferenceType.LOCAL
          ReferenceLocationType.ARRAY_ENTRY -> LeakTraceReference.ReferenceType.ARRAY_ENTRY
        owningClassName = graph.findObjectById(details.locationClassObjectId).asClass!!.name,
        referenceName =

  internal class InspectedObject(
    val heapObject: HeapObject,
    val leakingStatus: LeakingStatus,
    val leakingStatusReason: String,
    val labels: MutableSet<String>

  private fun computeLeakStatuses(leakReporters: List<ObjectReporter>): List<InspectedObject> {
    val lastElementIndex = leakReporters.size - 1

    var lastNotLeakingElementIndex = -1
    var firstLeakingElementIndex = lastElementIndex

    val leakStatuses = ArrayList<Pair<LeakingStatus, String>>()

    for ((index, reporter) in leakReporters.withIndex()) {
      val resolvedStatusPair =
        resolveStatus(reporter, leakingWins = index == lastElementIndex).let { statusPair ->
          if (index == lastElementIndex) {
            // The last element should always be leaking.
            when (statusPair.first) {
              LEAKING -> statusPair
              UNKNOWN -> LEAKING to "This is the leaking object"
              NOT_LEAKING -> LEAKING to "This is the leaking object. Conflicts with ${statusPair.second}"
          } else statusPair

      val (leakStatus, _) = resolvedStatusPair
      if (leakStatus == NOT_LEAKING) {
        lastNotLeakingElementIndex = index
        // Reset firstLeakingElementIndex so that we never have
        // firstLeakingElementIndex < lastNotLeakingElementIndex
        firstLeakingElementIndex = lastElementIndex
      } else if (leakStatus == LEAKING && firstLeakingElementIndex == lastElementIndex) {
        firstLeakingElementIndex = index

    val simpleClassNames = { reporter ->

    for (i in 0 until lastNotLeakingElementIndex) {
      val (leakStatus, leakStatusReason) = leakStatuses[i]
      val nextNotLeakingIndex = generateSequence(i + 1) { index ->
        if (index < lastNotLeakingElementIndex) index + 1 else null
      }.first { index ->
        leakStatuses[index].first == NOT_LEAKING

      // Element is forced to NOT_LEAKING
      val nextNotLeakingName = simpleClassNames[nextNotLeakingIndex]
      leakStatuses[i] = when (leakStatus) {
        UNKNOWN -> NOT_LEAKING to "$nextNotLeakingName↓ is not leaking"
        NOT_LEAKING -> NOT_LEAKING to "$nextNotLeakingName↓ is not leaking and $leakStatusReason"
        LEAKING -> NOT_LEAKING to "$nextNotLeakingName↓ is not leaking. Conflicts with $leakStatusReason"

    if (firstLeakingElementIndex < lastElementIndex - 1) {
      // We already know the status of firstLeakingElementIndex and lastElementIndex
      for (i in lastElementIndex - 1 downTo firstLeakingElementIndex + 1) {
        val (leakStatus, leakStatusReason) = leakStatuses[i]
        val previousLeakingIndex = generateSequence(i - 1) { index ->
          if (index > firstLeakingElementIndex) index - 1 else null
        }.first { index ->
          leakStatuses[index].first == LEAKING

        // Element is forced to LEAKING
        val previousLeakingName = simpleClassNames[previousLeakingIndex]
        leakStatuses[i] = when (leakStatus) {
          UNKNOWN -> LEAKING to "$previousLeakingName↑ is leaking"
          LEAKING -> LEAKING to "$previousLeakingName↑ is leaking and $leakStatusReason"
          NOT_LEAKING -> throw IllegalStateException("Should never happen")

    return leakReporters.mapIndexed { index, objectReporter ->
      val (leakingStatus, leakingStatusReason) = leakStatuses[index]
        objectReporter.heapObject, leakingStatus, leakingStatusReason, objectReporter.labels

  private fun resolveStatus(
    reporter: ObjectReporter,
    leakingWins: Boolean
  ): Pair<LeakingStatus, String> {
    var status = UNKNOWN
    var reason = ""
    if (reporter.notLeakingReasons.isNotEmpty()) {
      status = NOT_LEAKING
      reason = reporter.notLeakingReasons.joinToString(" and ")
    val leakingReasons = reporter.leakingReasons
    if (leakingReasons.isNotEmpty()) {
      val winReasons = leakingReasons.joinToString(" and ")
      // Conflict
      if (status == NOT_LEAKING) {
        if (leakingWins) {
          status = LEAKING
          reason = "$winReasons. Conflicts with $reason"
        } else {
          reason += ". Conflicts with $winReasons"
      } else {
        status = LEAKING
        reason = winReasons
    return status to reason

  private fun recordClassName(
    heap: HeapObject
  ): String {
    return when (heap) {
      is HeapClass ->
      is HeapInstance -> heap.instanceClassName
      is HeapObjectArray -> heap.arrayClassName
      is HeapPrimitiveArray -> heap.arrayClassName