

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:39



This file contains the implementation of the AppSingletonInspector class, which is an inspector that automatically marks instances of the provided class names as not leaking because they are app-wide singletons.



The AppSingletonInspector class is an implementation of the ObjectInspector interface. It has a constructor that takes a variable number of class names for app singletons. The class provides an inspect method that takes an ObjectReporter parameter. If the heapObject in the ObjectReporter is an instance of HeapInstance, the class hierarchy of the instance class is iterated over. If any of the class names provided in the constructor match the name of a class in the hierarchy, a not leaking reason is added to the ObjectReporter indicating that the class is an app singleton.

package shark

import shark.HeapObject.HeapInstance

 * Inspector that automatically marks instances of the provided class names as not leaking
 * because they're app wide singletons.
class AppSingletonInspector(private vararg val singletonClasses: String) : ObjectInspector {
  override fun inspect(
    reporter: ObjectReporter
  ) {
    if (reporter.heapObject is HeapInstance) {
        .forEach { heapClass ->
          if ( in singletonClasses) {
            reporter.notLeakingReasons += "${} is an app singleton"