The HeapRepository
class in the provided file is responsible for interacting with the database to perform operations related to heap analysis. It provides methods for inserting heap analysis data, marking heap analysis as read, listing app analyses, listing client apps, retrieving heap analysis by ID, retrieving leak read statuses, and retrieving specific leaks by their signature.
This method inserts heap analysis data into the database. It takes a package name and a HeapAnalysis
object as parameters. The HeapAnalysis
object can be either a HeapAnalysisFailure
or a HeapAnalysisSuccess
. If it's a HeapAnalysisFailure
, the method inserts the failure details into the database. If it's a HeapAnalysisSuccess
, the method inserts the success details into the database and also inserts the individual leaks and their corresponding leak traces.
This method marks a heap analysis as read in the database. It takes a signature as a parameter and updates the is_read
field of the corresponding entry in the leak
This method retrieves a list of heap analysis data for a specific app from the database. It takes a package name as a parameter and returns a Flow
of SelectAllByApp
This method retrieves a list of all client apps from the database. It returns a Flow
of App
This method retrieves a specific heap analysis by its ID from the database. It takes a heapAnalysisId
as a parameter and returns a Flow
of HeapAnalysis
This method retrieves the read statuses of all leaks for a specific heap analysis from the database. It takes a heapAnalysisId
as a parameter and returns a Flow
of Map<String, Boolean>
objects, where the keys are the leak signatures and the values indicate if the leak is read or not.
This method retrieves all leak traces for a specific leak signature from the database. It takes a leakSignature
as a parameter and returns a Flow
of RetrieveLeakBySignature
package org.leakcanary.data
import app.cash.sqldelight.db.SqlDriver
import app.cash.sqldelight.coroutines.asFlow
import app.cash.sqldelight.coroutines.mapToList
import app.cash.sqldelight.coroutines.mapToOne
import dev.leakcanary.sqldelight.App
import dev.leakcanary.sqldelight.RetrieveLeakBySignature
import dev.leakcanary.sqldelight.SelectAllByApp
import javax.inject.Inject
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.map
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import org.leakcanary.Database
import org.leakcanary.util.Serializables
import org.leakcanary.util.toByteArray
import shark.HeapAnalysis
import shark.HeapAnalysisFailure
import shark.HeapAnalysisSuccess
import shark.LibraryLeak
class HeapRepository @Inject constructor(
private val db: Database,
private val sqlDriver: SqlDriver,
private val databaseDispatchers: DatabaseDispatchers
) {
fun insertHeapAnalysis(packageName: String, heapAnalysis: HeapAnalysis): Long {
return runBlocking(databaseDispatchers.forWrites) {
db.transactionWithResult {
when (heapAnalysis) {
is HeapAnalysisFailure -> {
val cause = heapAnalysis.exception.cause!!
app_package_name = packageName,
created_at_time_millis = heapAnalysis.createdAtTimeMillis,
dump_duration_millis = heapAnalysis.dumpDurationMillis,
exception_summary = "${cause.javaClass.simpleName} ${cause.message}",
raw_object = heapAnalysis.toByteArray()
is HeapAnalysisSuccess -> {
val leakCount = heapAnalysis.applicationLeaks.size + heapAnalysis.libraryLeaks.size
app_package_name = packageName,
created_at_time_millis = heapAnalysis.createdAtTimeMillis,
dump_duration_millis = heapAnalysis.dumpDurationMillis,
leak_count = leakCount.toLong(),
raw_object = heapAnalysis.toByteArray(),
val heapAnalysisId = db.heapAnalysisQueries.lastInsertRowId().executeAsOne()
heapAnalysis.allLeaks.forEach { leak ->
signature = leak.signature,
short_description = leak.shortDescription,
is_library_leak = if(leak is LibraryLeak) 1 else 0
leak.leakTraces.forEachIndexed { index, leakTrace ->
class_simple_name = leakTrace.leakingObject.classSimpleName,
leak_trace_index = index.toLong(),
heap_analysis_id = heapAnalysisId,
leak_signature = leak.signature
}.also {
suspend fun markAsRead(signature: String) {
withContext(databaseDispatchers.forWrites) {
// Custom impl to avoid triggering listeners.
identifier = null,
sql = """
|UPDATE leak
|SET is_read = 1
|WHERE signature = ?
parameters = 1,
binders = {
bindString(0, signature)
fun listAppAnalyses(packageName: String): Flow<List<SelectAllByApp>> {
return db.heapAnalysisQueries.selectAllByApp(packageName).asFlow().mapToList(databaseDispatchers.forReads)
fun listClientApps(): Flow<List<App>> {
return db.appQueries.selectAll().asFlow().mapToList(databaseDispatchers.forReads)
// TODO Handle error, this will throw NPE if the analysis doesn't exist
fun getHeapAnalysis(heapAnalysisId: Long): Flow<HeapAnalysis> {
return db.heapAnalysisQueries.selectById(heapAnalysisId).asFlow()
.mapToOne(databaseDispatchers.forReads).map { Serializables.fromByteArray<HeapAnalysis>(it)!! }
fun getLeakReadStatuses(heapAnalysisId: Long): Flow<Map<String, Boolean>> {
return db.leakQueries.retrieveLeakReadStatuses(heapAnalysisId).asFlow()
.map { it.associate { (signature, isRead) -> signature to (isRead == 1L) } }
fun getLeak(leakSignature: String): Flow<List<RetrieveLeakBySignature>> {
return db.leakTraceQueries.retrieveLeakBySignature(leakSignature)