The HprofWriterHelper.kt
file is a Kotlin file that defines a class called HprofWriterHelper
which is used for writing Hprof files. It provides methods for creating class definitions, instances, and various types of arrays in the Hprof file. The file also includes utility methods for dumping the generated Hprof data to a file or to bytes.
The HprofWriterHelper
class is used for writing Hprof files. It provides methods for creating class definitions, instances, arrays, and references in the Hprof file. It also implements the Closeable
interface to allow closing the writer.
Inner classes
: Represents a class definition and instance definition. It provides methods for defining fields and static fields for class definitions, and instance fields for instance definitions. -
: Represents a class definition. It provides a method for defining static fields.
This method is used for creating a class definition in the Hprof file. It takes parameters like className
, superclassId
, staticFields
, and fields
to define the class. It returns the ID of the created class.
This method is used for creating a string record in the Hprof file. It takes a name
parameter and returns the created string record.
This method is used for creating a garbage root reference in the Hprof file. It takes a gcRoot
parameter and writes the corresponding record to the file.
This method is used for creating an array class definition in the Hprof file. It takes a className
parameter and returns the ID of the created array class.
This method is used for creating a string instance in the Hprof file. It takes a string
parameter and returns the corresponding reference.
This method is used for creating a keyed weak reference instance in the Hprof file. It takes a referentInstanceId
parameter and returns the corresponding reference.
This method is used for creating a general instance in the Hprof file. It takes a classId
parameter and fields
parameter and returns the corresponding reference.
This inner class represents a combined instance and class definition. It provides methods for defining fields for both class and instance definitions.
The dump
function is used for dumping the generated Hprof data to a file. It takes an optional hprofHeader
parameter and a block
parameter of the type HprofWriterHelper.() -> Unit
that defines the operations to perform on the Hprof file.
The dumpToBytes
function is used for dumping the generated Hprof data to bytes. It takes an optional hprofHeader
parameter and a block
parameter of the type HprofWriterHelper.() -> Unit
that defines the operations to perform on the Hprof file.
This extension function is used for converting a list of Hprof records to bytes. It returns a DualSourceProvider
object that encapsulates the byte array.
package shark
import okio.Buffer
import shark.GcRoot.StickyClass
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.GcRootRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.ClassDumpRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.ClassDumpRecord.FieldRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.ClassDumpRecord.StaticFieldRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.InstanceDumpRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.ObjectArrayDumpRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.CharArrayDump
import shark.HprofRecord.LoadClassRecord
import shark.HprofRecord.StringRecord
import shark.PrimitiveType.BOOLEAN
import shark.PrimitiveType.BYTE
import shark.PrimitiveType.CHAR
import shark.PrimitiveType.DOUBLE
import shark.PrimitiveType.FLOAT
import shark.PrimitiveType.INT
import shark.PrimitiveType.LONG
import shark.PrimitiveType.SHORT
import shark.ValueHolder.BooleanHolder
import shark.ValueHolder.ByteHolder
import shark.ValueHolder.CharHolder
import shark.ValueHolder.DoubleHolder
import shark.ValueHolder.FloatHolder
import shark.ValueHolder.IntHolder
import shark.ValueHolder.LongHolder
import shark.ValueHolder.ReferenceHolder
import shark.ValueHolder.ShortHolder
import java.io.Closeable
import java.io.File
import java.util.UUID
import kotlin.random.Random
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord.LongArrayDump
class HprofWriterHelper constructor(
private val writer: HprofWriter
) : Closeable {
private var lastId = 0L
private val id: Long
get() = ++lastId
private val weakRefKeyRandom = Random(42)
// Sequence identical for every test run
private val weakRefKey: String
get() =
UUID(weakRefKeyRandom.nextLong(), weakRefKeyRandom.nextLong()).toString()
private val typeSizes =
PrimitiveType.byteSizeByHprofType + (PrimitiveType.REFERENCE_HPROF_TYPE to writer.hprofHeader.identifierByteSize)
private val classDumps = mutableMapOf<Long, ClassDumpRecord>()
private val objectClassId = clazz(superclassId = 0, className = "java.lang.Object")
private val objectArrayClassId = arrayClass("java.lang.Object")
private val stringClassId = clazz(
className = "java.lang.String", fields = listOf(
"value" to ReferenceHolder::class,
"count" to IntHolder::class
private val referenceClassId = clazz(
className = "java.lang.ref.Reference",
fields = listOf(
"referent" to ReferenceHolder::class
private val weakReferenceClassId = clazz(
className = "java.lang.ref.WeakReference",
superclassId = referenceClassId
private val keyedWeakReferenceClassId = clazz(
superclassId = weakReferenceClassId,
className = "leakcanary.KeyedWeakReference",
staticFields = listOf("heapDumpUptimeMillis" to LongHolder(30000)),
fields = listOf(
"key" to ReferenceHolder::class,
"name" to ReferenceHolder::class,
"watchUptimeMillis" to LongHolder::class,
"retainedUptimeMillis" to LongHolder::class
fun clazz(
className: String,
superclassId: Long = -1L, // -1 defaults to java.lang.Object
staticFields: List<Pair<String, ValueHolder>> = emptyList(),
fields: List<Pair<String, KClass<out ValueHolder>>> = emptyList()
): Long {
val classNameRecord = StringRecord(id, className)
val loadClass = LoadClassRecord(1, id, 1, classNameRecord.id)
val staticFieldRecords = staticFields.map {
val fieldName = StringRecord(id, it.first)
StaticFieldRecord(fieldName.id, typeOf(it.second), it.second)
val fieldRecords = fields.map {
val fieldName = StringRecord(id, it.first)
FieldRecord(fieldName.id, typeOf(it.second))
var instanceSize = fieldRecords.sumBy {
var nextUpId = if (superclassId == -1L) objectClassId else superclassId
while (nextUpId != 0L) {
val nextUp = classDumps[nextUpId]!!
instanceSize += nextUp.fields.sumBy {
nextUpId = nextUp.superclassId
val classDump = ClassDumpRecord(
id = loadClass.id,
stackTraceSerialNumber = 1,
superclassId = if (superclassId == -1L) objectClassId else superclassId,
classLoaderId = 0,
signersId = 0,
protectionDomainId = 0,
instanceSize = instanceSize,
staticFields = staticFieldRecords,
fields = fieldRecords
classDumps[loadClass.id] = classDump
val gcRoot = StickyClass(classDump.id)
return classDump.id
fun stringRecord(
name: String
): StringRecord {
val stringRecord = StringRecord(id, name)
return stringRecord
fun clazz(
classNameRecord: StringRecord,
superclassId: Long = -1L, // -1 defaults to java.lang.Object
staticFields: List<Pair<Long, ValueHolder>> = emptyList(),
fields: List<Pair<Long, KClass<out ValueHolder>>> = emptyList()
): Long {
val loadClass = LoadClassRecord(1, id, 1, classNameRecord.id)
val staticFieldRecords = staticFields.map {
StaticFieldRecord(it.first, typeOf(it.second), it.second)
val fieldRecords = fields.map {
FieldRecord(it.first, typeOf(it.second))
var instanceSize = fieldRecords.sumBy {
var nextUpId = if (superclassId == -1L) objectClassId else superclassId
while (nextUpId != 0L) {
val nextUp = classDumps[nextUpId]!!
instanceSize += nextUp.fields.sumBy {
nextUpId = nextUp.superclassId
val classDump = ClassDumpRecord(
id = loadClass.id,
stackTraceSerialNumber = 1,
superclassId = if (superclassId == -1L) objectClassId else superclassId,
classLoaderId = 0,
signersId = 0,
protectionDomainId = 0,
instanceSize = instanceSize,
staticFields = staticFieldRecords,
fields = fieldRecords
classDumps[loadClass.id] = classDump
val gcRoot = StickyClass(classDump.id)
return classDump.id
fun gcRoot(gcRoot: GcRoot) {
val gcRootRecord = GcRootRecord(gcRoot = gcRoot)
fun arrayClass(className: String): Long {
return clazz(className = "$className[]")
fun string(
string: String
): ReferenceHolder {
return instance(
fields = listOf(string.charArrayDump, IntHolder(string.length))
fun keyedWeakReference(
referentInstanceId: ReferenceHolder
): ReferenceHolder {
val referenceKey = string(weakRefKey)
return instance(
classId = keyedWeakReferenceClassId,
fields = listOf(
string("its lifecycle has ended"),
fun instance(
classId: Long,
fields: List<ValueHolder> = emptyList()
): ReferenceHolder {
val instanceDump = InstanceDumpRecord(
id = id,
stackTraceSerialNumber = 1,
classId = classId,
fieldValues = writer.valuesToBytes(fields)
return ReferenceHolder(instanceDump.id)
inner class InstanceAndClassDefinition {
val field = LinkedHashMap<String, ValueHolder>()
val staticField = LinkedHashMap<String, ValueHolder>()
inner class ClassDefinition {
val staticField = LinkedHashMap<String, ValueHolder>()
infix fun String.watchedInstance(block: InstanceAndClassDefinition.() -> Unit): ReferenceHolder {
val instance = this.instance(block)
return instance
infix fun String.instance(block: InstanceAndClassDefinition.() -> Unit): ReferenceHolder {
val definition = InstanceAndClassDefinition()
val classFields = definition.field.map {
it.key to it.value::class
val staticFields = definition.staticField.map { it.key to it.value }
val instanceFields = definition.field.map { it.value }
return instance(clazz(this, fields = classFields, staticFields = staticFields), instanceFields)
infix fun String.clazz(block: ClassDefinition.() -> Unit): Long {
val definition = ClassDefinition()
val staticFields = definition.staticField.map { it.key to it.value }
return clazz(this, staticFields = staticFields)
val String.charArrayDump: ReferenceHolder
get() {
val arrayDump = CharArrayDump(id, 1, toCharArray())
return ReferenceHolder(arrayDump.id)
fun objectArray(
vararg elements: ReferenceHolder
): ReferenceHolder {
return objectArrayOf(objectArrayClassId, *elements)
fun objectArrayOf(
classId: Long,
vararg elements: ReferenceHolder
): ReferenceHolder {
return ReferenceHolder(objectArray(classId, elements.map { it.value }.toLongArray()))
fun objectArray(
classId: Long,
array: LongArray
): Long {
val arrayDump = ObjectArrayDumpRecord(id, 1, classId, array)
return arrayDump.id
fun primitiveLongArray(array: LongArray): Long {
val arrayDump = LongArrayDump(id, 1, array)
return arrayDump.id
private fun typeOf(wrapper: ValueHolder): Int {
return when (wrapper) {
is ReferenceHolder -> PrimitiveType.REFERENCE_HPROF_TYPE
is BooleanHolder -> BOOLEAN.hprofType
is CharHolder -> CHAR.hprofType
is FloatHolder -> FLOAT.hprofType
is DoubleHolder -> DOUBLE.hprofType
is ByteHolder -> BYTE.hprofType
is ShortHolder -> SHORT.hprofType
is IntHolder -> INT.hprofType
is LongHolder -> LONG.hprofType
private fun typeOf(wrapperClass: KClass<out ValueHolder>): Int {
return when (wrapperClass) {
ReferenceHolder::class -> PrimitiveType.REFERENCE_HPROF_TYPE
BooleanHolder::class -> BOOLEAN.hprofType
CharHolder::class -> CHAR.hprofType
FloatHolder::class -> FLOAT.hprofType
DoubleHolder::class -> DOUBLE.hprofType
ByteHolder::class -> BYTE.hprofType
ShortHolder::class -> SHORT.hprofType
IntHolder::class -> INT.hprofType
LongHolder::class -> LONG.hprofType
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected class $wrapperClass")
override fun close() {
fun File.dump(block: HprofWriterHelper.() -> Unit) {
fun dump(
hprofHeader: HprofHeader = HprofHeader(),
block: HprofWriterHelper.() -> Unit
): DualSourceProvider {
val buffer = Buffer()
HprofWriterHelper(HprofWriter.openWriterFor(buffer, hprofHeader))
return ByteArraySourceProvider(buffer.readByteArray())
fun dumpToBytes(
hprofHeader: HprofHeader = HprofHeader(),
block: HprofWriterHelper.() -> Unit
): ByteArray {
val buffer = Buffer()
HprofWriterHelper(HprofWriter.openWriterFor(buffer, hprofHeader))
return buffer.readByteArray()
fun List<HprofRecord>.asHprofBytes(): DualSourceProvider {
val buffer = Buffer()
.use { writer ->
forEach { record ->
return ByteArraySourceProvider(buffer.readByteArray())