The DominatorTree.kt
file contains the implementation of a dominator tree data structure. The DominatorTree
class has methods to update and build the dominator tree, as well as compute retained sizes.
Records that an object is a root in the dominator tree.
Records that an object can be reached through a parent object, updating the dominator for the object.
Builds the full dominator tree with computed sizes.
Computes the size retained by a set of objects using the dominator tree.
There are no classes in the file.
package shark
import shark.ObjectDominators.DominatorNode
import shark.internal.hppc.LongLongScatterMap
import shark.internal.hppc.LongLongScatterMap.ForEachCallback
import shark.internal.hppc.LongScatterSet
class DominatorTree(expectedElements: Int = 4) {
* Map of objects to their dominator.
* If an object is dominated by more than one GC root then its dominator is set to
* [ValueHolder.NULL_REFERENCE].
private val dominated = LongLongScatterMap(expectedElements)
* Records that [objectId] is a root.
fun updateDominatedAsRoot(objectId: Long): Boolean {
return updateDominated(objectId, ValueHolder.NULL_REFERENCE)
* Records that [objectId] can be reached through [parentObjectId], updating the dominator for
* [objectId] to be either [parentObjectId] if [objectId] has no known dominator and otherwise to
* the Lowest Common Dominator between [parentObjectId] and the previously determined dominator
* for [objectId].
* [parentObjectId] should already have been added via [updateDominatedAsRoot]. Failing to do
* that will throw [IllegalStateException] on future calls.
* This implementation is optimized with the assumption that the graph is visited as a breadth
* first search, so when objectId already has a known dominator then its dominator path is
* shorter than the dominator path of [parentObjectId].
* @return true if [objectId] already had a known dominator, false otherwise.
fun updateDominated(
objectId: Long,
parentObjectId: Long
): Boolean {
val dominatedSlot = dominated.getSlot(objectId)
val hasDominator = dominatedSlot != -1
if (!hasDominator || parentObjectId == ValueHolder.NULL_REFERENCE) {
dominated[objectId] = parentObjectId
} else {
val currentDominator = dominated.getSlotValue(dominatedSlot)
if (currentDominator != ValueHolder.NULL_REFERENCE) {
// We're looking for the Lowest Common Dominator between currentDominator and
// parentObjectId. We know that currentDominator likely has a shorter dominator path than
// parentObjectId since we're exploring the graph with a breadth first search. So we build
// a temporary hash set for the dominator path of currentDominator (since it's smaller)
// and then go through the dominator path of parentObjectId checking if any id exists
// in that hash set.
// Once we find either a common dominator or none, we update the map accordingly
val currentDominators = LongScatterSet()
var dominator = currentDominator
while (dominator != ValueHolder.NULL_REFERENCE) {
val nextDominatorSlot = dominated.getSlot(dominator)
if (nextDominatorSlot == -1) {
throw IllegalStateException(
"Did not find dominator for $dominator when going through the dominator chain for $currentDominator: $currentDominators"
} else {
dominator = dominated.getSlotValue(nextDominatorSlot)
dominator = parentObjectId
while (dominator != ValueHolder.NULL_REFERENCE) {
if (dominator in currentDominators) {
val nextDominatorSlot = dominated.getSlot(dominator)
if (nextDominatorSlot == -1) {
throw IllegalStateException(
"Did not find dominator for $dominator when going through the dominator chain for $parentObjectId"
} else {
dominator = dominated.getSlotValue(nextDominatorSlot)
dominated[objectId] = dominator
return hasDominator
private class MutableDominatorNode {
var shallowSize = 0
var retainedSize = 0
var retainedCount = 0
val dominated = mutableListOf<Long>()
fun buildFullDominatorTree(computeSize: (Long) -> Int): Map<Long, DominatorNode> {
val dominators = mutableMapOf<Long, MutableDominatorNode>()
dominated.forEach(ForEachCallback {key, value ->
// create entry for dominated
dominators.getOrPut(key) {
// If dominator is null ref then we still have an entry for that, to collect all dominator
// roots.
dominators.getOrPut(value) {
}.dominated += key
val allReachableObjectIds = dominators.keys.toSet() - ValueHolder.NULL_REFERENCE
val retainedSizes = computeRetainedSizes(allReachableObjectIds) { objectId ->
val shallowSize = computeSize(objectId)
dominators.getValue(objectId).shallowSize = shallowSize
dominators.forEach { (objectId, node) ->
if (objectId != ValueHolder.NULL_REFERENCE) {
val (retainedSize, retainedCount) = retainedSizes.getValue(objectId)
node.retainedSize = retainedSize
node.retainedCount = retainedCount
val rootDominator = dominators.getValue(ValueHolder.NULL_REFERENCE)
rootDominator.retainedSize = { dominators[it]!!.retainedSize }.sum()
rootDominator.retainedCount = { dominators[it]!!.retainedCount }.sum()
// Sort children with largest retained first
dominators.values.forEach { node ->
node.dominated.sortBy { -dominators.getValue(it).retainedSize }
return dominators.mapValues { (_, node) ->
node.shallowSize, node.retainedSize, node.retainedCount, node.dominated
* Computes the size retained by [retainedObjectIds] using the dominator tree built using
* [updateDominatedAsRoot]. The shallow size of each object is provided by [computeSize].
* @return a map of object id to retained size.
fun computeRetainedSizes(
retainedObjectIds: Set<Long>,
computeSize: (Long) -> Int
): Map<Long, Pair<Int, Int>> {
val nodeRetainedSizes = mutableMapOf<Long, Pair<Int, Int>>()
retainedObjectIds.forEach { objectId ->
nodeRetainedSizes[objectId] = 0 to 0
dominated.forEach(object : ForEachCallback {
override fun onEntry(
key: Long,
value: Long
) {
// lazy computing of instance size
var instanceSize = -1
// If the entry is a node, add its size to nodeRetainedSizes
nodeRetainedSizes[key]?.let { (currentRetainedSize, currentRetainedCount) ->
instanceSize = computeSize(key)
nodeRetainedSizes[key] = currentRetainedSize + instanceSize to currentRetainedCount + 1
if (value != ValueHolder.NULL_REFERENCE) {
var dominator = value
val dominatedByNextNode = mutableListOf(key)
while (dominator != ValueHolder.NULL_REFERENCE) {
// If dominator is a node
if (nodeRetainedSizes.containsKey(dominator)) {
// Update dominator for all objects in the dominator path so far to directly point
// to it. We're compressing the dominator path to make this iteration faster and
// faster as we go through each entry.
dominatedByNextNode.forEach { objectId ->
dominated[objectId] = dominator
if (instanceSize == -1) {
instanceSize = computeSize(key)
// Update retained size for that node
val (currentRetainedSize, currentRetainedCount) = nodeRetainedSizes.getValue(
nodeRetainedSizes[dominator] =
(currentRetainedSize + instanceSize) to currentRetainedCount + 1
} else {
dominatedByNextNode += dominator
dominator = dominated[dominator]
// Update all dominator for all objects found in the dominator path after the last node
dominatedByNextNode.forEach { objectId ->
dominated[objectId] = ValueHolder.NULL_REFERENCE
return nodeRetainedSizes