This file contains the StripHprofCommand
class, which is a command-line interface command that replaces all primitive arrays from a provided heap dump file with arrays of zeroes. It then generates a new "-stripped.hprof" file.
The StripHprofCommand
class is a command-line interface command that extends the CliktCommand
class. It replaces all primitive arrays from a provided heap dump file with arrays of zeroes and generates a new "-stripped.hprof" file.
This file does not contain any additional methods.
package shark
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand
import shark.SharkCliCommand.Companion.retrieveHeapDumpFile
import shark.SharkCliCommand.Companion.sharkCliParams
class StripHprofCommand : CliktCommand(
name = "strip-hprof",
help = "Replace all primitive arrays from the provided heap dump with arrays of zeroes and generate a new \"-stripped.hprof\" file."
) {
override fun run() {
val heapDumpFile = retrieveHeapDumpFile(context.sharkCliParams)
SharkLog.d { "Stripping primitive arrays in heap dump $heapDumpFile" }
val stripper = HprofPrimitiveArrayStripper()
val outputFile = stripper.stripPrimitiveArrays(heapDumpFile)
echo("Created hprof with stripped primitive arrays to $outputFile")