

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:47



This file defines the ProductStats class, which extends the StatsOverviewWidget class. It also uses the InteractsWithPageTable trait. The ProductStats class provides a method to specify the table page and another method to define the statistics to be displayed. The statistics include the total number of products, the product inventory, and the average price.



The ProductStats class extends the StatsOverviewWidget class and uses the InteractsWithPageTable trait. It provides the following methods:

  • getTablePage(): string - Returns the class name of the table page to be used.
  • getStats(): array - Returns an array of Stat instances. The statistics include the total number of products, the product inventory, and the average price.

namespace App\Filament\Resources\Shop\ProductResource\Widgets;

use App\Filament\Resources\Shop\ProductResource\Pages\ListProducts;
use Filament\Widgets\Concerns\InteractsWithPageTable;
use Filament\Widgets\StatsOverviewWidget as BaseWidget;
use Filament\Widgets\StatsOverviewWidget\Stat;

class ProductStats extends BaseWidget
    use InteractsWithPageTable;

    protected static ?string $pollingInterval = null;

    protected function getTablePage(): string
        return ListProducts::class;

    protected function getStats(): array
        return [
            Stat::make('Total Products', $this->getPageTableQuery()->count()),
            Stat::make('Product Inventory', $this->getPageTableQuery()->sum('qty')),
            Stat::make('Average price', number_format($this->getPageTableQuery()->avg('price'), 2)),