

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:40



This file provides functionality for handling SQL queries related to active cards in a cloud service.



This method applies necessary filters to the query for fetching an active cards window if the cardLimit is set, or all the active cards if it's 0.


This method returns the amount of active cards in the server.


This method returns the timestamp value from the system_settings table or zero if it doesn't exist.


This method updates the card limit value in the system_settings table with the timestamp of the nth last updated card, where nth is the value of the cardLimit parameter. If cardLimit is zero, the timestamp will be set to zero.

// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.

package sqlstore

import (

	sq ""

var ErrInvalidCardLimitValue = errors.New("card limit value is invalid")

// activeCardsQuery applies the necessary filters to the query for it
// to fetch an active cards window if the cardLimit is set, or all the
// active cards if it's 0.
func (s *SQLStore) activeCardsQuery(builder sq.StatementBuilderType, selectStr string, cardLimit int) sq.SelectBuilder {
	query := builder.
		From(s.tablePrefix + "blocks b").
		Join(s.tablePrefix + "boards bd on").
			"b.delete_at":    0,
			"b.type":         model.TypeCard,
			"bd.is_template": false,

	if cardLimit != 0 {
		query = query.
			Offset(uint64(cardLimit - 1))

	return query

// getUsedCardsCount returns the amount of active cards in the server.
func (s *SQLStore) getUsedCardsCount(db sq.BaseRunner) (int, error) {
	row := s.activeCardsQuery(s.getQueryBuilder(db), "count(", 0).

	var usedCards int
	err := row.Scan(&usedCards)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	return usedCards, nil

// getCardLimitTimestamp returns the timestamp value from the
// system_settings table or zero if it doesn't exist.
func (s *SQLStore) getCardLimitTimestamp(db sq.BaseRunner) (int64, error) {
	scanner := s.getQueryBuilder(db).
		From(s.tablePrefix + "system_settings").
		Where(sq.Eq{"id": store.CardLimitTimestampSystemKey}).

	var result string
	err := scanner.Scan(&result)
	if errors.Is(sql.ErrNoRows, err) {
		return 0, nil
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	cardLimitTimestamp, err := strconv.Atoi(result)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, ErrInvalidCardLimitValue

	return int64(cardLimitTimestamp), nil

// updateCardLimitTimestamp updates the card limit value in the
// system_settings table with the timestamp of the nth last updated
// card, being nth the value of the cardLimit parameter. If cardLimit
// is zero, the timestamp will be set to zero.
func (s *SQLStore) updateCardLimitTimestamp(db sq.BaseRunner, cardLimit int) (int64, error) {
	query := s.getQueryBuilder(db).
		Columns("id", "value")

	var value interface{} = 0
	if cardLimit != 0 {
		value = s.activeCardsQuery(sq.StatementBuilder, "b.update_at", cardLimit).
			OrderBy("b.update_at DESC").
			Prefix("COALESCE((").Suffix("), 0)")
	query = query.Values(store.CardLimitTimestampSystemKey, value)

	if s.dbType == model.MysqlDBType {
		query = query.Suffix("ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value = ?", value)
	} else {
		query = query.Suffix(
			`ON CONFLICT (id)
			 DO UPDATE SET value = EXCLUDED.value`,

	result, err := query.Exec()
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	if _, err := result.RowsAffected(); err != nil {
		return 0, err

	return s.getCardLimitTimestamp(db)