

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:50



The hero.html file contains an HTML snippet for the hero section of a website homepage. It includes a title, description, a "Get started" button, and a GitHub stars counter.

<div class="homepage__intro homepage__section">
	<div class="container-fluid">
		<div class="homepage-intro__text" data-aos="fade-left">
				Open source <br> project management for <span style='color: #ffbc1f'>technical teams</span>
                Keep everything and everyone on track.

            <a href="" target='_blank'><button class='btn btn-primary btn-xl'>Get started</button></a>

            <div class='homepage-intro__github'><i class="fa fa-star"></i> Over 13k stars on <a target='_blank' href="" class='mx-1 text-white'>GitHub</a> and counting!</div>

        <div class='homepage-intro__video' data-aos="fade-right">
            <lottie-player src="lottie/intro-section.json" background="transparent" speed="1"  style="width: 957.5px" loop autoplay></lottie-player>