

Last updated at: 28/12/2023 01:37



This file contains a class called CustomWKWebView that extends the WKWebView class. It overrides the performKeyEquivalent method to modify the key event behavior.



This class extends the WKWebView class. It overrides the performKeyEquivalent method to modify the key event behavior. Specifically, it checks if the key event is a certain combination of modifiers (command, control, option) and character ('z'). If it's not, it calls the superclass implementation of performKeyEquivalent. It then returns true to prevent an error sound.

// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.

import Foundation
import WebKit

class CustomWKWebView : WKWebView {
	override func performKeyEquivalent(with event: NSEvent) -> Bool {
		if (event.modifierFlags.contains(.command) && event.characters?.lowercased() != "z") ||
			event.modifierFlags.contains(.control) ||
			event.modifierFlags.contains(.option) {
			return super.performKeyEquivalent(with: event)

		super.performKeyEquivalent(with: event)
		// Return true to prevent a "funk" error sound
		return true