

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:47



The audit.go file in the server/services/audit package provides an auditing service. It includes a Audit struct with methods to configure, shutdown, and log audit records.


NewAudit(options ...mlog.Option) (*Audit, error)

Creates a new Audit instance which can be configured via (*Audit).Configure.

Configure(cfgFile string, cfgEscaped string) error

Provides a new configuration for this audit service. Zero or more sources of config can be provided.

Shutdown() error

Shuts down the audit service after making best efforts to flush any remaining records.

LogRecord(level mlog.Level, rec *Record)

Emits an audit record with complete info.


package audit

import (

const (
	DefMaxQueueSize = 1000

	KeyAPIPath   = "api_path"
	KeyEvent     = "event"
	KeyStatus    = "status"
	KeyUserID    = "user_id"
	KeySessionID = "session_id"
	KeyClient    = "client"
	KeyIPAddress = "ip_address"
	KeyClusterID = "cluster_id"
	KeyTeamID    = "team_id"

	Success = "success"
	Attempt = "attempt"
	Fail    = "fail"

var (
	LevelAuth   = mlog.Level{ID: 1000, Name: "auth"}
	LevelModify = mlog.Level{ID: 1001, Name: "mod"}
	LevelRead   = mlog.Level{ID: 1002, Name: "read"}

// Audit provides auditing service.
type Audit struct {
	auditLogger *mlog.Logger

// NewAudit creates a new Audit instance which can be configured via `(*Audit).Configure`.
func NewAudit(options ...mlog.Option) (*Audit, error) {
	logger, err := mlog.NewLogger(options...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &Audit{
		auditLogger: logger,
	}, nil

// Configure provides a new configuration for this audit service.
// Zero or more sources of config can be provided:
//	cfgFile    - path to file containing JSON
//	cfgEscaped - JSON string probably from ENV var
// For each case JSON containing log targets is provided. Target name collisions are resolved
// using the following precedence:
//	cfgFile > cfgEscaped
func (a *Audit) Configure(cfgFile string, cfgEscaped string) error {
	return a.auditLogger.Configure(cfgFile, cfgEscaped, nil)

// Shutdown shuts down the audit service after making best efforts to flush any
// remaining records.
func (a *Audit) Shutdown() error {
	return a.auditLogger.Shutdown()

// LogRecord emits an audit record with complete info.
func (a *Audit) LogRecord(level mlog.Level, rec *Record) {
	fields := make([]mlog.Field, 0, 7+len(rec.Meta))

	fields = append(fields, mlog.String(KeyAPIPath, rec.APIPath))
	fields = append(fields, mlog.String(KeyEvent, rec.Event))
	fields = append(fields, mlog.String(KeyStatus, rec.Status))
	fields = append(fields, mlog.String(KeyUserID, rec.UserID))
	fields = append(fields, mlog.String(KeySessionID, rec.SessionID))
	fields = append(fields, mlog.String(KeyClient, rec.Client))
	fields = append(fields, mlog.String(KeyIPAddress, rec.IPAddress))

	for _, meta := range rec.Meta {
		fields = append(fields, mlog.Any(meta.K, meta.V))

	a.auditLogger.Log(level, "audit "+rec.Event, fields...)