

Last updated at: 28/12/2023 01:37



The filterClause.ts file contains code related to filter clauses. It includes the types FilterCondition and FilterClause, as well as the functions createFilterClause and areEqual. These functions allow for the creation and comparison of filter clauses.



This method creates a filter clause object based on the given parameters. It takes an optional o parameter which is an object containing the properties propertyId, condition, and values. If o is not provided, default values are used. The method returns the created filter clause object.


This method compares two filter clause objects a and b to determine if they are equal. It checks if the propertyId, condition, and values properties of the two objects are the same. It returns true if the objects are equal and false otherwise.

// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.
import {Utils} from '../utils'

type FilterCondition =
    'includes' | 'notIncludes' |
    'isEmpty' | 'isNotEmpty' |
    'isSet' | 'isNotSet' |
    'is' |
    'contains' | 'notContains' |
    'startsWith' | 'notStartsWith' |
    'endsWith' | 'notEndsWith' |
    'isBefore' | 'isAfter'

type FilterClause = {
    propertyId: string
    condition: FilterCondition
    values: string[]

function createFilterClause(o?: FilterClause): FilterClause {
    return {
        propertyId: o?.propertyId || '',
        condition: o?.condition || 'includes',
        values: o?.values?.slice() || [],

function areEqual(a: FilterClause, b: FilterClause): boolean {
    return (
        a.propertyId === b.propertyId &&
        a.condition === b.condition &&
        Utils.arraysEqual(a.values, b.values)

export {FilterClause, FilterCondition, createFilterClause, areEqual}