

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:46



This file, auth.go, contains the implementation for authentication-related models and functions in the model package. It defines various request and response structures, as well as validation methods for user authentication and password change.



Creates a new ErrAuthParam error instance with a custom error message.


A method of ErrAuthParam that returns the error message.


Converts the JSON data from the specified io.Reader into a LoginResponse struct.


Validates the fields of a RegisterRequest struct, such as ensuring that the username, email, and password are not empty and that the email format is valid.


Validates the fields of a ChangePasswordRequest struct, such as ensuring that the old password and new password are not empty.



package model

import (


const (
	MinimumPasswordLength = 8

func NewErrAuthParam(msg string) *ErrAuthParam {
	return &ErrAuthParam{
		msg: msg,

type ErrAuthParam struct {
	msg string

func (pe *ErrAuthParam) Error() string {
	return pe.msg

// LoginRequest is a login request
// swagger:model
type LoginRequest struct {
	// Type of login, currently must be set to "normal"
	// required: true
	Type string `json:"type"`

	// If specified, login using username
	// required: false
	Username string `json:"username"`

	// If specified, login using email
	// required: false
	Email string `json:"email"`

	// Password
	// required: true
	Password string `json:"password"`

	// MFA token
	// required: false
	// swagger:ignore
	MfaToken string `json:"mfa_token"`

// LoginResponse is a login response
// swagger:model
type LoginResponse struct {
	// Session token
	// required: true
	Token string `json:"token"`

func LoginResponseFromJSON(data io.Reader) (*LoginResponse, error) {
	var resp LoginResponse
	if err := json.NewDecoder(data).Decode(&resp); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &resp, nil

// RegisterRequest is a user registration request
// swagger:model
type RegisterRequest struct {
	// User name
	// required: true
	Username string `json:"username"`

	// User's email
	// required: true
	Email string `json:"email"`

	// Password
	// required: true
	Password string `json:"password"`

	// Registration authorization token
	// required: true
	Token string `json:"token"`

func (rd *RegisterRequest) IsValid() error {
	if strings.TrimSpace(rd.Username) == "" {
		return NewErrAuthParam("username is required")
	if strings.TrimSpace(rd.Email) == "" {
		return NewErrAuthParam("email is required")
	if !auth.IsEmailValid(rd.Email) {
		return NewErrAuthParam("invalid email format")
	if rd.Password == "" {
		return NewErrAuthParam("password is required")
	return isValidPassword(rd.Password)

// ChangePasswordRequest is a user password change request
// swagger:model
type ChangePasswordRequest struct {
	// Old password
	// required: true
	OldPassword string `json:"oldPassword"`

	// New password
	// required: true
	NewPassword string `json:"newPassword"`

// IsValid validates a password change request.
func (rd *ChangePasswordRequest) IsValid() error {
	if rd.OldPassword == "" {
		return NewErrAuthParam("old password is required")
	if rd.NewPassword == "" {
		return NewErrAuthParam("new password is required")
	return isValidPassword(rd.NewPassword)

func isValidPassword(password string) error {
	if len(password) < MinimumPasswordLength {
		return NewErrAuthParam(fmt.Sprintf("password must be at least %d characters", MinimumPasswordLength))
	return nil