

Last updated at: 28/12/2023 01:38



This file, located at webapp/src/components/content/imageElement.tsx, contains the ImageElement component. This component is responsible for rendering an image block in the content area of the application. The component fetches image data from the server and displays it on the page. It also handles the creation of a new image block and uploads the selected image file to the server.



This method is the main component that renders the image block. It takes a block prop which contains the content block data and displays the image associated with it. If the image is archived, it renders an ArchivedFile component. If the image data is not available yet, it returns null.


This method is an asynchronous function that loads the image data from the server. It is called inside the useEffect hook of the ImageElement component. It uses the octoClient to fetch the image data as a data URL and sets it using the setImageDataUrl and setFileInfo hooks.


This method registers the image content type with the contentRegistry. It provides the display text, icon, and the necessary functions to create a new image block and render the ImageElement component.


// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.
import React, {useEffect, useState} from 'react'
import {IntlShape} from 'react-intl'

import {ContentBlock} from '../../blocks/contentBlock'
import {ImageBlock, createImageBlock} from '../../blocks/imageBlock'
import octoClient from '../../octoClient'
import {Utils} from '../../utils'
import ImageIcon from '../../widgets/icons/image'
import {sendFlashMessage} from '../../components/flashMessages'

import {FileInfo} from '../../blocks/block'

import {contentRegistry} from './contentRegistry'
import ArchivedFile from './archivedFile/archivedFile'

type Props = {
    block: ContentBlock

const ImageElement = (props: Props): JSX.Element|null => {
    const [imageDataUrl, setImageDataUrl] = useState<string|null>(null)
    const [fileInfo, setFileInfo] = useState<FileInfo>({})

    const {block} = props

    useEffect(() => {
        if (!imageDataUrl) {
            const loadImage = async () => {
                const fileURL = await octoClient.getFileAsDataUrl(block.boardId, props.block.fields.fileId)
                setImageDataUrl(fileURL.url || '')
    }, [])

    if (fileInfo.archived) {
        return (
            <ArchivedFile fileInfo={fileInfo}/>

    if (!imageDataUrl) {
        return null

    return (

    type: 'image',
    getDisplayText: (intl: IntlShape) => intl.formatMessage({id: 'ContentBlock.image', defaultMessage: 'image'}),
    getIcon: () => <ImageIcon/>,
    createBlock: async (boardId: string, intl: IntlShape) => {
        return new Promise<ImageBlock>(
            (resolve) => {
                Utils.selectLocalFile(async (file) => {
                    const fileId = await octoClient.uploadFile(boardId, file)

                    if (fileId) {
                        const block = createImageBlock()
                        block.fields.fileId = fileId || ''
                    } else {
                        sendFlashMessage({content: intl.formatMessage({id: 'createImageBlock.failed', defaultMessage: 'Unable to upload the file. File size limit reached.'}), severity: 'normal'})

        // return new ImageBlock()
    createComponent: (block) => <ImageElement block={block}/>,

export default React.memo(ImageElement)